
Voice of Another Chance [BL]

~This is a 'Whispers of a Heart' spin-off.~ If you could have another chance at love, what would you do? After harboring an unrequited love for fifteen years, Asakura Ryuu finally decided to confess his feelings. However, his love interest, novelist Masato Keita, turned him down. Meanwhile, Imamura Sato is a young actor who has gone through a difficult time. His dream is hanging on a thin thread, while he struggles with his past. Will he receive a chance to heal, or forever remain trapped in his nightmares? This new work follows the story of Asakura Ryuu while he tries to make peace with the past and get his heart to beat again. Will he get another chance at love, or remain forever brokenhearted? EXTERP: ~~~ As if he was spellbound, Asakura stared unblinkingly, forgetting to move or even breathe. When he finally woke up from this stupor and spoke, his voice sounded gruff and thick with emotion. "If I continue, I’m afraid I might not be able to stop halfway. Are you ok with that, Sato-kun?" "I don't want you to stop." After giving this unexpected reply, Sato pushed himself up and wrapped both arms around Asakura's neck, pulling the man closer. Their noses touched and both of them felt a jolt of excitement run through their bodies. "Are you sure you want this?" Asakura asked again, his magnetic voice coming out in a low whisper. His warm breath tickled Sato's face, making the skin feel hot and tingly. "Yes." ~~~ Receiving the approval he needed, Asakura didn’t waste another second. He swiftly closed the remaining distance between them, capturing Sato's warm lips with his own. The ensuing kiss was tender and passionate at the same time, causing both men to become muddle-headed very quickly. Low, seductive pants escaped through their lips, coming in between shallow breaths. ~~~ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance with real life people, names, actual events or organizations is purely coincidental. * The artwork for the cover belongs to its respective creator. Discord server: https://discord.gg/R3AybhzGxT

Raksha1 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

The power of rivalry

Asakura had just entered the hot water, when a strange, bloodcurdling yowl came from behind him. It gave him a start, causing the hairs at the back of his neck to rise on end.

He turned his head around expecting to see some kind of monstrous creature. But even after checking the entire area with his eyes, he could only see the thick wooden screen. His eyebrows twitched in apprehension, however, no other loud sounds came from any direction. All was quiet once again.

Setting aside his vision about wild beasts roaming the mountain, Asakura dipped his body into the pool.

As soon as the hot water enveloped him, he felt all his muscles gradually relax. All the tiredness and stress accumulated in the last few months were almost instantly sucked away by the healing powers of the onsen.

Asakura leaned back, propping his shoulders against the side of the pool and slowly closed his eyes. He managed to take a few deep breaths, before the peaceful surroundings were once again disturbed by someone.

Another person entered the water and was getting closer to the place where Asakura was sitting. Even with his eyes still closed Asakura could hear that person's breaths and movements as he advanced through the hot water.

As if he had a bad premonition regarding the identity of the newcomer, Asakura squeezed his eyes shut tightly. He also remained perfectly still, refusing to move from his spot.

Just then, a very familiar voice suddenly spoke, breaking the silence surrounding the pool.

"Asakura-san, I see you're here as well."

The direct call of his name made it difficult for Asakura to continue pretending not to have heard. Thus, he could only open his eyes and face Rintarou's wide smile.

"Kurosawa-kun." He breathed out wearily.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Rintarou said that but, before Asakura could open his mouth to reply, he already took a seat next to the other man. Nevertheless, so as to not make it too uncomfortable for either one of them, he was careful to leave at least a meter between them.

After they were both soaking in the hot water, silence descended once more. The sounds from the other side of the wooden screen had also stopped in the meantime.

The two remained like this for some time, each with his own thoughts. While Asakura was trying hard not to imagine what Keita and Rintarou had been doing inside their room until now, the simple-minded Rintarou only thought of how nice and relaxing the water felt. Truly, a huge difference between two men's reflective ability.

It was a long while before the quietness was broken again. This time, it was Asakura who spoke first.

"How come Keita is not with you?" he asked as casually as he could. After all, there was nothing wrong with him asking about that person, right?

"Oh, Keita is still feeling tired, so I left him back in the room to rest. He'll be taking a bath later."

Silence again.

Asakura cursed the heavens for making Rintarou come there. That man was the last person he wanted to see at this moment. Having to witness Rintarou being lovey-dovey with Keita for the duration of their trip was uncomfortable enough. Now, having to take a bath with either one of them, especially with his former rival, was beyond unbearable.

However, Asakura still considered himself to be an adult, a rational creature. Therefore, he had to act like one, appearing composed and unaffected. If anything were to happen, he was sure Keita would feel uncomfortable. Especially if he found out that Asakura quarreled with his lover.

While Asakura was mentally stressed out about the present situation, Rintarou seemed to be quite calm. His clear and bright eyes settled on the other man's face with natural ease. It gave one the impression of being stared at by a curious dog.

That image pissed off Asakura even further.

'What the hell did Keita see in this stupid looking person?!'

Realizing that he might not be able to contain his calm demeanor for much longer, Asakura finally decided to leave. He had been soaking for long enough anyway, and he could always come back later for another bath.

But, right before he could make his escape, Rintarou unexpectedly opened his mouth to speak.

"I know you don't want to see me."

Those words made Asakura stop his movements.

'Ah, this guy is sharp after all. Then, if you know that, why the hell are you here, flaunting your harmonious relationship to the rest of us single dogs, huh?! Is it so much fun watching your old love rival suffer like this?'

Seeing Asakura remaining silent, Rintarou smiled and tilted his head to the side.

"But be that as it may, I don't plan on ever leaving Keita's side. Even if one day I stop being his Editor, I'll still be by his side, as a life partner."

"Kurosawa-kun, are you perhaps looking for a fight?" Asakura asked, only half-jokingly.

He already felt his temples throbbing in vexation, so any more of this might cause him to finally snap.

"Oh, what are you saying, Asakura-san? I wouldn't dare! You're too powerful for me to take on." Rintarou grinned teasingly.

Despite his modest words, a prideful glint flashed in his eyes. But that challenging gaze was soon gone and a more serious expression appeared on Rintarou's face.

"You have loved the same person for so many years. Even though you've never properly met or talked even once, your feelings never faltered. And after you made your feelings known, you had to bear with a rejection from that person."

At these words, Asakura could feel his veins popping. He took a few deep breaths, trying to contain his rising temper. It wouldn't be an elegant act to punch a man inside a hot bath and leave him there to drown, would it?

No, of course not!

Therefore, he had to repress the urge to sink his fists into that brat's face.

Now, now, before anyone wants to scold Asakura just remember that he refrained from anything mean or violent. It's just that his temper is bad most of the time XD

Thank you all darlings for reading this spin-off story! <333

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