
Vlad's Beginning hiatus(for now)

This novel follows the adventures of Dracula Tepish a fallen king. Follow his rise back to greatness as he stalks the night, none shall stand in his way for if they do a bitter end is all that awaits them. ------------------------------------------------------------------- this will follow his turning to his ending. As others skip his rise to true power. to the point that everything absolutely bores him, I will not. there may be a big titted police girl thrown into the mix later. and he will eventually discover a wonderful sense of humor. also, the cover is not mine, if the artist wants me to take it down I will.

Kyran_Ambrosius · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


(a/n) I'm putting this up here because you guys probably won't read it if it was below so it's up here now. I wanted to let you guys know a little bit about my thought process with this first chapter. So far what I've got is a direction I want to go and as I write it down the words just kinda come to me. Eventually, I want Dracula to be in a modern setting it might take a while and it might not.

So that's what I'm working towards. another thing, as a new writer, it's a bit hard to fill up this chapter so it's a little short..... but moving on it might stay like this for a while but I will get better and ill try to make these chapters longer. That's it for now please enjoy!!


As I lay here facing the setting sun, I can't help but think back on all I've done in this life. I've killed so many people in the name of God for my kingdom. It was for nothing, my family is dead, and I've been betrayed. By none other than the people I had become a monster to protect. They have abandoned me, and now I am alone. Tortured by the ones I thought my friends, handed to my enemies bound and bloodied ready to be killed. And now, here in the end what do I have? Nothing but wounds and blood.

"No! I won't accept this I won't just be thrown away! I won't be let this be my end!"

Vlad's executioners stood around him laughing at the insanity that this fallen king, at what would be his demise was showing. For what could he do his body is destroyed, so utterly ruined. From the shame that bastard king had forced upon him.

As I stare at the sunset, the most beautiful one I have ever seen in this life. The priest reads out my last rights and asks if I have any final words.

"I have no words for you papist."

'Vladimir, do you wish to live?'

'Who are you?!'

'that's not the question Vlad, do you wish to live?'

'i want to gain my revenge and destroy all those who have wronged me.'

"Then drink of the blood before you! Drink and never be the same again!'

As my head moved down and my mouth opened to lick up the blood on the floor. The ax started swinging down and just as I got the blood into my mouth and swallowed it cut off my head.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(POV third)

As Vladimir's head flew from his body a crimson red mist light up the air. It seemed as if the blood on the ground was slowly, ever so slowly crawling back to his corpse. His head turned into the crimson blood as it joined the rest and started moving back to his body.

Executioner" my God what is he! he's a monster, a beast, a devil!!!!"

Priest Jacob " Like unto the cup and the wine, and the holy supper,

which our dear Lord Jesus Christ gave unto his dear disciples

on each day, may the Lord Jesus guard me in the daytime,

and at night, that:

No dog may bite me,

No wild beast tear me to pieces,

No tree fall upon me,

No water rise against me,

No monster injure me,

No weapons, no steel, no iron cut me,

No fire burn me, No false sentence fall upon me,

No false tongue injure me,

No rogue enrage me, and that no fiends, no witchcraft

Or enchantment can harm me. Amen.

Protect my Day

Blessed be my protection when I go out during day or night,

That thou mayest is not let any of my enemies, or thieves, approach me.

If they do not intend to bring me what was intended from your Holy Altar.

Because God the Lord Jesus Christ has ascended into Heaven in his living body,

And so shall my body and wellbeing be protected on this journey.

O Lord, bless me and watch over me day and night.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protect my Journey

In the name of God, I go on this journey.

May God the Father be with me,

God the Son protect me, and

God the Holy Ghost be by my side.

Whoever is stronger than these three persons

May approach my body and my life; yet

Whoso is not stronger than these three

Would much better let me be! Amen"

As the priest kept praying for protection the others tried to run for their lives as if it could do them any good. As the monster stood it seemed feral as if he's lost all reasoning, he grabbed the hands of the executioner and pulled tearing him in half. As the blood coated him crimson he ran to the running guards like a blur almost as if he teleported. he grabbed him by the head and tore into his neck ripping his throat out, blood gushing like a fountain. Covering the other guard as he pissed himself in fear, then the monster pierced his chest ripping out his heart and swallowing it whole. As Tepish walked in front of the priest, the holy father kept praying for protection, and forgiveness for his sins. But the fallen king wasn't listening to his pleas to God, as he stood in front of the priest he said "goodnight papist." and swiped his hand forward slicing the priests head off.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(POV change 1st) ~ten minutes ago~

As the ax flew through my neck all I could feel was excruciating pain as if acid was running through my veins. I could feel myself changing inside to out, becoming something else, something stronger. And I heard the voice once again, " Your wish has been granted, now gain your revenge and show them there foolish ways!".

I could feel myself being remade once again, and as I stood all I could see was red. All I could feel was what seemed to be an endless thirst. All I could hear was the beating of their hearts and my hurried breathing. I needed to feast, then before I knew it I was on top of the executioner. Tearing him asunder covered by that delicious smelling blood. As my tongue crept out to taste, it was the most delicious thing I've ever had. I needed more I had no thought in my head other than fulfilling my thirst. I could see more prey trying to flee. 'Yes run faster, struggle more you'll only make it more fun for me in the end.'

My eyes narrowed, and without thinking I was already upon the first of them. As I grabbed the weak prey by its head I pulled it closer. I took a deep breath, I could smell the fear rolling off the prey in waves. I bit down and as my teeth sunk into its neck, it felt as if euphoria was running through my body. So with what could be described as reckless abandon, I tore out his throat coating the other guard in his friend's blood.

'Disgusting weakling even pissed himself I don't want to sink my teeth into him now. So instead let's try something else' and I plunged my hand into his cheat ripping out his heart. And as the light drained from his eyes, I swallowed it whole.

Slowly walking in front of the priest while kept uttering his useless prayers. I told said one thing before ending him "goodnight papist".

My vision started to go black and I remember nothing else of that time.