

"what can you risk for love?"

CaxivGaya · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 5 (The Trial)

When Killian and his comrades are done with their preparations they bid farewell to their master Firijushin and finally headed to the alliance.

When he was about to register his whole comrades he bumped into this lady with a strong aura and undeniable strong cultivation he asked for her name and she addresses herself as the top disciple of the assasin temple Caxiv.

At first sight he was stunned by her beauty and her strong aura. Many people saw her as a weapon for strong battles but he saw her as a gentle gemstone needed to be taken care of.

' why do I feel like I knew you from a year ago? (Killian )

'me too I feel some sense of familiarity to you . may I know your name ?( Caxiv )

'I'm Killian a disciple from the fortress temple .

'oh it's you, the one they have been talking about in the whole alliance ,the young genius .I'm looking forward into fighting with you .(Caxiv)

'serves me right wha..(Killian)

' hey brother I'm hungry come join us to lunch.(Xiya)

'seriously right now ? It's early in the morning and you want to eat lunch already ?(Killian)

' I'll be going then ,see you in the arena Killian.(Caxiv )

'Tskk , fight me if you dare (Xiya)

' shh calm down when someone engaged you into a fight be calm don't let them know we've been spoiling you in the temple.(Killian).

She then rolled her eyes to his martial brother Killian and rushed towards his brother Tobi to gossip about the other lady Killian was just talking to few minutes ago.

' are you jealous ?? Hahah (Tobi)

' what ??!!! No! Why would I ?(Xiya )

' what were you guys quarreling about ?let's just focus into practicing our skills so that we could win this trial we can't be coming here just to embarrass master Firijushin .( Killian)

ladies gossiping: wow look at that cute boy over there he's so tall and his eyes are so pretty who could be so lucky to be his wife ..

: I heard he's from the Fortress Temple and a he was a great cultivator at such a very young age , I'm so excited to see him fight .

'urghh! I'm leaving .(Xiya )

'where to? (Tobi)

'get some fresh air ! (Xiya )