
Vitality Rising

[WARNING] Mature content. [TRIGGER WARNING] Domestic Abuse, suicidal ideations, sexual assault. LGBT Friendly ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt: I heard him growl again, this time was even deeper. "Mika..." I heard him mumble as his voice became muffled. I froze.. oh no.. did they see me? I looked up and saw those two, still entangled, but the positions were flipped. He had her pressed against the house and had ripped her shirt open. His face was currently buried in her breasts, but I swear I heard him say... "Mika, you have no idea how frail my self control is right now..." As he shoved his hips up against hers. "You don't have to be gentle." Kara said back to him between gasps "Mika.... Mikaaa.." He murmured as he trailed kisses around her neck and breasts. I was completely confused.. why is saying my name? He's with Kara right now... I readjusted my posture to get a better look. He looked up at her as she grabbed his chin and raised his face to hers. His eyes.. I think they flashed red! I must be crazy.. But... I watched as they started making out and she reached for the buttons of his pants. There is no way... however something is definitely wrong here. I mustered up my courage and stood up. I called out "Hey!" And drew their attention, just as that massive thing sprung from his pants. Talk about timing... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A failed attempt by the gods at transmigrating a misplaced soul left our main character, Mika, paralyzed. Her life on earth was lonely and tragic. This is why, when summoned by the gods, she was willing to leave it all behind for the world she should have been born into. She transmigrates to Elysium, a world filled with Magic, Demi-humans, and monsters, among other things. Mika, with the help of her new friends, learns about this new world and their strange ways. Along her journey Mika meets both friends and lovers - as well as enemies. She realizes that this world isn’t all that peaceful and safe as she comes face to face with some harsh truths. With the help of her friends she attempts to solve the mystery behind her lineage and understand how to use her new powers.

Meekgeek93 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

63: Proprietor

A week and half. It felt like a month, but finally, I am almost done with my confinement!

There was nothing else to do, so I ended up sewing some clothes for myself. Thanks to me having nothing but time, they turned out very nice. I made a leather long sleeve top with buckles and a collar to accessorize. The front laced up like a corset . I ran out of materials by the time I got to the front so the bottom 1/4 doesn't lace up, but it actually looks cute that way. I accessorized the trim at the bottom of my top with small utility pockets, a sleeve for my dagger, and some fur. I made pants and belt to go with it with some of the other materials we had as well. The whole thing went together nicely with my boots.

I've been experimenting with the fire stones as well. They give off heat, but when I place them in my space they don't change the temperature of anything else in there. On top of that, I am able to hold them with my bare hands without getting burned. They feel pleasantly warm.

I tried placing one in a leather pouch to see if we could carry it with us when traveling to keep warm. It burned though the leather, unfortunately. I tried the snake skin from the chimera out of curiosity, and that actually worked. I was able to keep them in snake skin bags.

One day I crushed a fire stone to see if it kept its properties in powder form, and it still gave off heat. I used the crushed fire stone to line certain parts of my clothes to keep me warm. It was working really well.

I also made an outfit for Ishi too since she is also bothered by the cold. I got some nice fabric from an anonymous donor who left it in a basket by my door. It was beautiful fabric too! Light but warm. I made her a long sleeve dress, in her style. The collar covered half of her neck, there was a keyhole opening around her chest and another by her ribs. The skirt had two slits; one along the front of either thigh to allow for optimal movement. The fabric was black and I used some gold embellishments and leftover snakeskin to make the crushed firestone lining and accents. When I was done, it looked amazing. I even embroidered some details with gold thread since I was so bored.

Once ishi adds accessories to this it will be perfect. I neatly folded the clothes and placed them in the basket to deliver to Ishi when I can.

I heard someone coming towards my room. My ears pricked up at the unfamiliar footsteps. They were too heavy to belong to the girl who delivered food and medicine. I don't think it's Karlos or Marshall either.

The footsteps stopped outside my door. There was a heavy knock at the door.

I approached, calling out lightly, "Who is it?"

"My name is Don Suben. I'm here to help." A deep voice called from behind the door.

Something about this voice sent a chill down my spine. I was nervous as I stood behind the door. My pheromones should be under control by now, but I wouldn't want to risk it.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mika. I would open the door for you but I am in confinement right now." I called out.

"I am aware." He said from the other side of the door. "I am the master of this establishment. I would like to come inside to talk to you."

I felt uneasy at having a male come inside my room.

"I'm not sure thats a good idea…" I said hesitantly.

"Indeed, you may have a point. You have been cooped up in there for a while now, no? How about you accompany me for a walk? I'm sure you are going crazy in there." He offered.

The thought of getting out of this stuffy room was an offer I wasn't ready to refuse.

"What about my pheromones?" I asked.

"They are back to normal levels, I wouldn't offer if it wasn't safe." He assured me.

I ran to grab the basket for Ishi and flung the door open eagerly.


Outside the door stood a huge man. He had large, broad shoulders, stood at least a foot to a foot and a half taller than Marshall, he had long shaggy brown hair that reached his shoulders, and deep green eyes. He gave off the aura of someone in charge.

He seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"I'm ready!" I said eagerly.

He just nodded and led the way. I stopped at Ishi's door and dropped off the clothes I made her. He led me down the corridor and to the left. He weaved though the identical hallways as he talked to me.

"Like I said, My name is Don Suben; you can just call me Suben. I am a doctor and a Majin. I had a look at your files and I think I can help you." He said.

"Help me in what way? With the mana fever?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied.

He led me to a large intricate door that I vaguely remember seeing before. He opened it and I immediately recognized him and this room. I stumbled in here on my first day. I remember seeing him sleeping on the desk.

I entered the room and sat down in the sitting area. He sat across from me and continued.

"I believe that your mana fever might be linked to your vitality, Beatus Mika. I would like to perform a ritual with you to assess your vitality."

"The Ka'an Chiua?" I asked him.

He looked surprised, "You know of it?"

"Yes. It has been performed on me before." I answered.

"To prove you are a Beati?" He asked.

"I think so."

"Who did the ritual for you?" He asked.

I didn't fully trust this man yet, so I decided not to tell him.

"I don't remember. My memory is faulty, but I do remember part taking in the ritual." I feigned ignorance.

"Oh yes, I do remember reading about your memory loss." He said, emphasizing the term 'memory loss'

"Yes, it's been a problem for me." I answered, choosing to ignore his implication.

"I can imagine." He coughed and added, "Do you remember the outcome of the ritual?"

"I lost consciousness during it. My mate was there, though. You can ask him for the details."

"I would love to, but he has already left for the mountain peak. Did he perhaps tell you what was said?"

"Marshall left?!" I was shocked. I didn't think he would just leave like that. He didn't even say goodbye to me. I felt dejected.

"Yes, he did. He was unable to bid you goodbye due to your confinement." Suben told me.

"I guess thats true." I said, still feeling a little depressed and lonely.

"What came of the ritual? Do you remember?" He tried to get us back on track.

"Marshall remembered the phrase, "Bottomless well." I was not healthy at the time and it was before my beast attributes had appeared." I told him.

"Interesting…" He said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs. "I would like to perform the ritual again, properly this time."

"Will it hurt?" I asked him.

"It shouldn't." He said with amusement .

"I would like Ishi to be there." I said.

"If you wish to bring someone along, you may. The next full moon is in 2 days. You have 2 days to prepare. I will fetch you when it's time and we can perform the ritual. Do I have your consent?"

I thought about it first, and made my decision. "Yes. I would like to know for sure. If we can answer at least one of my questions then we can call it a win."

A deep chuckle rumbled from his large chest.

"I agree. You are a conundrum." He stood up and added, "You have free rein of the facility for the rest of this week. After that you are free to do as you wish."

"I don't have to stay in my room anymore?" I asked eagerly.

"You do not. But do not leave this facility. Your condition is not stable."

"Of course!" I said happily, leaping up from the chair.

I headed for the door and paid my respects before leaving the office. Suben gives me strange vibes, but if he is in charge of their medical center then he must be trustworthy. I wandered the halls, looking around for any familiar landmark. I couldn't be sure if I was headed in the right direction or not, but thankfully I ran into Karlos.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Karlos!" I said with a smile.

He looked confused and a little worried as he answered, "Good afternoon, Mika. Did something happen? Why are you out of your room?"

"Suben told me that I can come out and walk around the facility." I cocked my head to the side, he looked worried when I mentioned Suben's name.

"Oh. I - ahem - yes. That's all right." He was flustered.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He was definitely lying.

I channeled my best Ishi look, trying to intimidate him, "You are lying."

He actually looked afraid! He avoided my gaze, adjusting his glasses as he tried to excuse himself. I stepped in his way and placed a hand on the wall to block his escape.

"Aren't you going to tell me? Why do you look so nervous?" I asked him.

He just stood there, looking scared. He looked like he was debating whether or not he could slither away. I raised my eyebrows to show my impatience. This caused him to step back, and take a deep breath.

"Don Suben wasn't supposed to know about you." He admitted.

"Why not?" I was confused. Isn't he the proprietor of this establishment?

"Your friend made it VERY clear that if anyone were to find out about you…" He gulped and subconsciously covered his manhood.

I couldn't help it, I started laughing.

"It's not funny!" He yelled at me with a face red from embarrassment.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I tried to stop laughing. He just looked too funny.

"Ishi…" I wanted to assure him that Ishi wouldn't do that, but She actually might. "Hmmm.. We'll Ishi doesn't have to know." I winked at him.

He looked surprised. "Are you proposing that we lie to your… friend."

He always hesitates to call her my friend.

"Why do you always say it like that? Yes, she's my friend. And yes, if it saves you some trouble then she doesn't have to know." I patted his shoulder at the end for emphasis.

"I appreciate your understanding." He said as he adjusted his glasses and headed down the hall past me.

I went back to my room with a smirk still on my face.