
Vitality Rising

[WARNING] Mature content. [TRIGGER WARNING] Domestic Abuse, suicidal ideations, sexual assault. LGBT Friendly ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt: I heard him growl again, this time was even deeper. "Mika..." I heard him mumble as his voice became muffled. I froze.. oh no.. did they see me? I looked up and saw those two, still entangled, but the positions were flipped. He had her pressed against the house and had ripped her shirt open. His face was currently buried in her breasts, but I swear I heard him say... "Mika, you have no idea how frail my self control is right now..." As he shoved his hips up against hers. "You don't have to be gentle." Kara said back to him between gasps "Mika.... Mikaaa.." He murmured as he trailed kisses around her neck and breasts. I was completely confused.. why is saying my name? He's with Kara right now... I readjusted my posture to get a better look. He looked up at her as she grabbed his chin and raised his face to hers. His eyes.. I think they flashed red! I must be crazy.. But... I watched as they started making out and she reached for the buttons of his pants. There is no way... however something is definitely wrong here. I mustered up my courage and stood up. I called out "Hey!" And drew their attention, just as that massive thing sprung from his pants. Talk about timing... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A failed attempt by the gods at transmigrating a misplaced soul left our main character, Mika, paralyzed. Her life on earth was lonely and tragic. This is why, when summoned by the gods, she was willing to leave it all behind for the world she should have been born into. She transmigrates to Elysium, a world filled with Magic, Demi-humans, and monsters, among other things. Mika, with the help of her new friends, learns about this new world and their strange ways. Along her journey Mika meets both friends and lovers - as well as enemies. She realizes that this world isn’t all that peaceful and safe as she comes face to face with some harsh truths. With the help of her friends she attempts to solve the mystery behind her lineage and understand how to use her new powers.

Meekgeek93 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

38: Who is This Guy?

Ishi quickly looked back and gave me look that urged me to follow her lead. I grabbed Isola and pushed her down into kneeling. She ended up sitting on her knees and I was crouched on one knee like Ishi.

The people came closer and emerged from the shadows. Leading the group was an overly buff dude who stood even taller than Ishi. He had dirty blonde/brown hair that fell around his tanned face giving off a surfer dude vibe. He wore a well decorated skirt with a sash, probably so he could show off his ripped chest and arms. His legs were huge as well. Around his waist was a belt made of gold that had golden trinkets dangling from it. He appeared to be a lion male. He was walking confidently with his arm wrapped around the shoulder of a tall, slender woman.

The woman, who looked like she might be a jaguar, had dark brown hair and blue eyes that were so light in color they could almost be white. She had the left half of her hair braided tight against her scalp which met with the right half in an intricately styled pony tail. Resting on her head was a very thin golden tiara, made to look like branches and leaves. She was built very similar to Isola, with a smaller bust, slender hips and arms, and a long torso. She wore a long asymmetrical skirt that was cut up to mid thigh on her left side. She had on a tube top and a Forrest green sash. She had a kind face as she smiled and laughed at whatever the beefy dude just said.

He looked down at Ishi and said, "Ishi! There you are. When you disappeared, I thought we might find you here. Diligent as always." His voice was deep, making him sound older than he looked.

"Yes, sir. I came to scout ahead and make sure everything was in order."

He boomed with laughter, his face had a slight pink tint, probably from dinking. "See why she's the best?" He asked his arm candy.

"Indeed, my love." She purred back in a silky voice. "Not only is she vigilant and skilled, but she is quite attractive as well."

"You are too kind." Ishi said, her head still bowed.

I've never seen Ishi be so well behaved before. She had this natural haughtiness to her that made her command respect. Just who the hell is this guy?

"Now now, no one is as beautiful as you, Sudi." He said as he teased her. This guy seems like a total playboy.

I rolled my eyes and unfortunately he caught sight of it. He looked down at me curiously, as if eyeing a snack.

His girlfriend was still giggling and not paying attention to me and Isola.

"And who have you brought with you?" He asked, looking at Ishi again.

"No one of significance, sir. I just ran into them on the way." Ishi replied.

"Stand." He commanded us all.

Ishi stood instantly, with perfect posture. I slowly stood up, feeling a little nervous. I reached down and pulled Isola up, her movements were rigid and she kept her head down.

He looked us over, taking note of my fluffy tail. His gaze seemed to linger on Isola, but her cloak prevented him from identifying her. He turned to the group of female warriors behind him and commanded them to take Sudi on a tour around the colosseum.

Sudi smiled and thanked him as she walked away with the women. He stayed behind under the pretense of talking to Ishi. Once they disappeared beyond the trees, he turned towards me and Isola.

"Remove your hood." He said to her.

She stood frozen in place and I could see the panic on Ishi's face.

"Do I need to ask again?" He said when she made no move to comply.

I barely heard her take a deep, shaky breath before reaching up and lowering her hood with trembling hands.

As soon as her face was exposed he looked like he had seen a ghost. the noble aura he had just a moment ago, faded away. His expression changed, as he took a good look at her.

"Hello, Jerold." I heard her say. I glanced up, her expression betrayed no emotion, but her hands were trembling.

"You've gotten thinner…" He said, not taking his eyes off her.

Jerold? As in her ex? Everything was making sense now. Isola continued to stare at him without a hint of emotion. I know that feeling all too well, hiding how you feel so the other person can't have the satisfaction of knowing how much they hurt you.

I remember having to bottle up all my emotions and walk around like a lifeless doll. It was the only way to make the beatings end quicker. My heart ached, and I reached for her hand to show my support.

He took notice of this. Both him and Ishi had complicated expressions as they looked at us.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"Isola's patient." Ishi said.

"Do you hold hands with all your patients?" He asked Isola.

"I'm also a friend." I said with defiance. I wasn't going to let him intimidate her.

"Is that so?" He asked. Then he looked over at Isola, "Can we talk for a minute?" His tone completely changed when he talked to her. He went from an entitled playboy to a boy with a crush the moment he looked at her.

I looked up at Isola, worried. She looked down at me with a confident smile, gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and nodded at him.

They walked a few paces away. I wanted to eavesdrop but I didn't dare.. He was the prince after all. Ishi walked over and stood next to me. She looked down at me with a curious gaze. Then we went back to watching Isola from a distance.

"Is she going to be okay?" I whispered.

"Don't worry about her. This was a long time coming. She can't run from her problems forever." Ishi said sternly. I peeked at her expression and saw a hint of worry on her normally confident face.

The prince stepped closer to Isola and she looked a little uncomfortable. He took one of her hands and looked as if he was pleading with her. She seemed to be trying to keep her distance, however reluctantly. They were over there for a few minutes when the warriors and Sudi finished their lap around the arena and approached form behind us.

Ishi jumped into action, trying to redirect them before they could see what was happening ahead of us.

"You are back quickly! How would you like me to personally give you a tour of the training facilities?" Ishi bowed regally.

I stood beside her awkwardly.

Sudi looked flattered and had a light blush. I imagine that Ishi's charm could make anyone blush. Then, as if realizing she forgot something, Sudi looked around for the prince.

"Where did Jerold go?" She asked.

Ishi suavely answered her, "He asked me to give you the grand tour, personally." She purred the last part.

Damn! Even I got butterflies from that, and I'm not even the one she's charming. I felt a light blush on my face as well. I looked down at my feet, trying to hide it.

Sudi chuckled and answered her, as if unbothered by this display, "You sure know how to flatter a girl. However it is late, and I should get some sleep. Do tell him that I will call on him tomorrow."

Ishi nodded in confirmation. Sudi had to walk past us to To take the path back to the city center. Ishi and I were on edge hoping that she didn't notice, but unfortunately she did.

She stopped and asked, "Who is that he is talking to?"

"That would be our doctor, the alchemist, my lady." Ishi said, giving her a partial truth.

"Oh, my. He's not ill, is he?" She asked with concern.

"Not to my knowledge. However, that is a question you should ask him personally when you see him tomorrow." Ishi replied.

'Nice move, Ishi!' I thought to myself. She added that little bit about 'tomorrow' to indicate that she should not interrupt him. Sly as ever.

"Hmm. I will do that." She said as she headed across the bridge. The warriors went to follow and she dismissed them. She told them that the prince was more precious and needed protecting. They agreed and went off towards where he stood.

Sudi walked off into the night and I looked up at Ishi. Isola was just there with him, where did she go? Ishi seemed calm as she looked down at me and shrugged.

"What do we do now?" I whispered to her, leaning close so no one would hear.

"We won't be doing it tonight. Guess we will try again tomorrow." She said in a low voice, leaning towards me.

Perhaps it was because I was right there when she turned on the charm, but I suddenly felt an attraction to Ishi. We were leaning close to each other, so our faces weren't far apart. Her pink lips looked especially tempting.

As if I was entranced, I didn't answer or move.

"We should leave Isola be tonight. I think she needs some space." Ishi said.

"Mmmhh." I agreed. Trying to drive these thoughts from my mind.

"You can stay with me tonight." She said, leaning closer, as if for a kiss.

I stilled and my mind went blank. I could only stare at her.

Thankfully my trance was broken by a couple of warriors fooling around nearby. One seemed to be convincing the other to have s*x in the arena since there would be no one else around.

I quickly stepped back, looking at the ground to hide my blushing face. There is seriously something wrong with me. I am mates with Marshall. This is definitely wrong.

"I… Um, I'll stay in the hut with Dania and Marshall. I wouldn't want to impose." I said quickly.

Ishi didn't respond or move, so I said goodnight and darted off.