
Vitality Rising

[WARNING] Mature content. [TRIGGER WARNING] Domestic Abuse, suicidal ideations, sexual assault. LGBT Friendly ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt: I heard him growl again, this time was even deeper. "Mika..." I heard him mumble as his voice became muffled. I froze.. oh no.. did they see me? I looked up and saw those two, still entangled, but the positions were flipped. He had her pressed against the house and had ripped her shirt open. His face was currently buried in her breasts, but I swear I heard him say... "Mika, you have no idea how frail my self control is right now..." As he shoved his hips up against hers. "You don't have to be gentle." Kara said back to him between gasps "Mika.... Mikaaa.." He murmured as he trailed kisses around her neck and breasts. I was completely confused.. why is saying my name? He's with Kara right now... I readjusted my posture to get a better look. He looked up at her as she grabbed his chin and raised his face to hers. His eyes.. I think they flashed red! I must be crazy.. But... I watched as they started making out and she reached for the buttons of his pants. There is no way... however something is definitely wrong here. I mustered up my courage and stood up. I called out "Hey!" And drew their attention, just as that massive thing sprung from his pants. Talk about timing... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A failed attempt by the gods at transmigrating a misplaced soul left our main character, Mika, paralyzed. Her life on earth was lonely and tragic. This is why, when summoned by the gods, she was willing to leave it all behind for the world she should have been born into. She transmigrates to Elysium, a world filled with Magic, Demi-humans, and monsters, among other things. Mika, with the help of her new friends, learns about this new world and their strange ways. Along her journey Mika meets both friends and lovers - as well as enemies. She realizes that this world isn’t all that peaceful and safe as she comes face to face with some harsh truths. With the help of her friends she attempts to solve the mystery behind her lineage and understand how to use her new powers.

Meekgeek93 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

06: Show it to me

I listened closely to the two women who were talking as it sounded like they were walking away, towards the exit.

"She's completely useless. She has no wolf and she's just freeloading off him. She does nothing for him or the town." One woman said.

"Yeah, i completely agree. I don't see why he fawns over her like that. She has no physique and is completely helpless, like a pup." Another woman said.

"Did no one else find it suspicious that she just happened to appear in the woods - with no settlement around for miles- and snared Marshall? Convenient how she remembers nothing." The woman said sarcastically.

"Right! What is she is from one of the nomad tribes? Gross! She is probably riddled with fleas and diseases."

"Yeah that's probably why she spends so much time with the doctor!"

Their voices were getting farther away and out of curiosity I peeked my head out to take a quick look just as they were leaving the building. It was Kara and one of the other Huntresses.

I felt my chest tighten and my face heat up as I listened to their insults. Every word is true, I don't do anything for Marshall. I was planning on leaving him as soon as I get my strength back. He might be missing the opportunity to be with another female, who can stand as his equal, while he's waiting on me.

I felt hurt, even though I have no right to be, when I think of him with another. I have grown more attached to him than I care to admit.

I came out from my hiding spot and made my way back to Marshall's hut. There was still another hour before dinner, and I needed the exercise. I opened the door and was surprised to see Marshall inside, he usually doesn't get back this soon.

He was sitting cross legged on one of the floor cushions we made and… reading? I assume he knows how to read, since everyone learns, but to see this big doofus reading a book so intently. Quite a sight to see. Just seeing him lifted my mood and made me feel butterflies in my stomach. He looked up from his book, his tail started wagging the moment he saw me. "You're back!" He said, as if he had been waiting all day.

I rolled my eyes and came to sit down across from him. "I've never seen you read before." I said as I gestured to the book.

"I know how to read." He said is a point blank tone.

"I never doubted that you know how to read. I'm just surprised to see you reading, is all." I replied.

Now that I was a little closer, that looked like one of the books his uncle kept his notes in. What is he up to?

"Can I see?" I asked as I leaned over to take a peek

He immediately snatched the book back and hid it behind his back. "Um…" He looked like he was searching for an answer, then simply said, "no."

WHAT?! Now I HAD to know what was in the book. I leaned forward, completely peeved, and asked, "Why not?!"

He looked a little surprised by my advance as he had a tinge of a blush as he looked away. "Because…"

"Becaaaaaause…?" I prompted as I leaned closer, feeling devilish all of the sudden.

I saw him swallow his saliva and he looked a little nervous. This made me even more curious. What would his uncle be showing him that I couldn't see? I must know what is in the book.

"I'm not supposed to tell you." He said, as he refused to make eye contact with me.

"Hmmmm…" I said thoughtfully as I retreated and sat on my knees on the cushion. He looked a little relieved that i stopped my advances, but he was not prepared for what I did next.

Just when he was letting letting his guard down, I pounced at him! He is way more sturdy that I expected though since my upper body alone did not throw him off balance. We found ourselves in an awkward position with him sitting cross legged and me with my arms around his neck and knees on the ground in front of him. His eyes got huge as he looked at me in surprise. Oh this was definitely not what I had intended.

Before I could think too much into it, I saw the book behind him and reached for it. He blocked my advance with his huge chest. I grumbled to myself and decided to have no mercy. the more he kept it from me, the more I wanted to know what was in the book.

I threw all my body weight at him! I felt like a koala hugging a tree as I finally toppled mount Marshall. He fell backwards and had caught on to what I was doing. He took the book in his hand and raised his hand way above his head. As I tried reaching for it I heard his tail swishing against the floor and noticed my chest was right in his face. Perverted dog!!!

I jumped off him and prepared to dash for the book, before i could get there though, there was a flash of white and both Marshall and the book were gone. I did a double take and saw him standing a couple feet away. He used his speed to out-maneuver me! That won't stop me though. When I set my mind on something I can be very stubborn! I climbed up onto the bed and made a flying leap for the book. He seemed surprised that I would make such a risky move, however I saw a flash of concern on his face as he tossed the book and grabbed me midair.

Why did I feel like the cub from lion king? I tried wiggling out of his arms but he had too firm a hold on me. then I got desperate and tried climbing along his arms. That didn't work either. He looked completely amused with himself as I struggled.

Time for a different tactic. I was only exhausting my own strength at this point. I looked at him with the most serious look I could muster and said in my best authoratative tone, "Marshall! Put. Me. Down!" I even crossed my arms for effect.

He looked taken aback by my tone as his resolve faltered. Ah-Ha! It's working! A dog through and through.

"Marshall." I said in my firm tone, "Put me down." And I gave him 'the look.'

He cautiously put me back on the ground but did not take his hands off me. Probably afraid I was going to go for the book. Well, he wasn't wrong. But I had something else in store…

"Show it to me." I said.

He cocked his head to the side and I saw his tail start wagging again. Damn perverted dog! Not THAT!

"AHEM," I cleared my voice to hide my embarrassment, "The book, Marshall. Show me the book."

"I'm not supposed to…" He said, as his tail stopped and his ears drooped.

"Show it to me." I prodded, using a very stern voice.

"Uncle said that you would be mad.." he started to explain quietly

"show me…" I said while he was also murmuring

"if I showed it to you…" He finished his sentence

"The book!" I finally ran out of patience, this was my last move and if it didn't work I was going to have to give up.

He picked it up and held the book with both hands in front of him. He looked at my outstretched hand and then back at the book. He seemed to be contemplating his next move. Suddenly he stopped looking around. His tail started to swish and he had a sneaky smirk on his face.

"I will show you… under one condition." He said

This plan might have backfired. "What is the condition?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sleep with me." He said.

"What?!" I blurted out, eyes the size of gold balls. Did he really just ask for sex in exchange for the book?? No book was worth that!

"In bed. You and me. I want to sleep with you as a man, not wolf." He said back.

Oh… oh well that still sounds dirty, but he means like sleep. He has asked me before and I always say no. the image I saw on my first morning playing back in my head. My face heated up and I must have been bright red.

"Just sleep? Nothing else?" I asked, to clarify.

"My intention is only to sleep next to you." He said.

I really want to know what's in that book, especially if they don't want me to see it. I wonder if it's about my vitality. I wonder if they know I'm just a human. Either way, I not only want to know, I HAVE to know.

"Then you have a deal." I said as I walked forward to take the book. He had a big cheeky smirk on his face when I agreed. However as I took the book from his hands, his expression changed. He had a slight blush and looked like a dog who just peed in the house.

I opened the book to get a good look at these secrets these guys were hiding, and I couldn't believe my eyes.