
Visor of Blood

Stephen Weissman was a detective known for his dedication and skills in solving Belgranna's notorious cases. One day, due to overload of work he became exhausted. His best friend, Nate Clarkwell, advised him to take a vacation in the City of Vastile, where he could watch an artifact exhibit of the famous Stella Appleton. The exhibit was going smoothly and interesting, until an accident happened. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling came crashing down, crushing Stella Appleton to death. However, the police investigated and concluded it to be an accident, but to Weissman's clever mind - it was no accident but a massive case. Larger for even him to imagine...

Aurora_Raven · Action
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23 Chs

Our Way to Fhamelia

~ C H A P T E R E I G H T E E N ~

The moment they reached Fhamelia; the Presidential Palace, the guards prohibited their entrance as they were not expected or permitted by anyone of the higher officials. Stephen and Nate tried to explain and reason out that Cain Abrams, the secretary is about to kill the president. But they don't seem to believe them. Much to Felix and Stephen's desperation, they have no choice but to forcefully enter the presidential palace.

Felix and Stephen quickly knocked out the guards at the gate, this alerted the entire palace as the guards gunshots were heard loudly. The sound of a siren can be heard in the distance.

Felix and Stephen had done it now, but the president's life is at stake one way or another, and this was the only way to prevent that.

They quickly ran and decided to split ways, to quickly cover the entire area and find the president. Stephen took the 1st floor, while Felix went up on the 2nd.


Stephen expected to hear guards searching for them, but to his suspicion, everything was oddly quiet. No footsteps can be heard, nor guards can be seen. The entire place was quiet, the siren that covered the entire palace was now silent.

Everything is not what it should seem. With this, Stephen navigated through every room more cautiously. Until he heard a scream from a distance.
