
Visor of Blood

Stephen Weissman was a detective known for his dedication and skills in solving Belgranna's notorious cases. One day, due to overload of work he became exhausted. His best friend, Nate Clarkwell, advised him to take a vacation in the City of Vastile, where he could watch an artifact exhibit of the famous Stella Appleton. The exhibit was going smoothly and interesting, until an accident happened. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling came crashing down, crushing Stella Appleton to death. However, the police investigated and concluded it to be an accident, but to Weissman's clever mind - it was no accident but a massive case. Larger for even him to imagine...

Aurora_Raven · Action
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23 Chs

Here's Walter Müller.

~ C H A P T E R S I X T E E N ~

"Here's your big guy, Walter Müller." Stephen said as he aggressively hands over Walter's body; making it fall to the ground.

"Good jo-" Felix happily chuckled but cut abruptly when Stephen turned to the police and started talking in a distressed manner.

"There is a passageway underneath this building. Nate's body is there, he's wounded and loosing a lot of blood." Stephen was speaking very fast as he is worried about Nate's condition.

"MOVE!" He shouted as the guards startled by the sudden outburst, but hastily called the medical dispatch team and then proceeded to walk inside the hideout.

"Stephen, can you please explain what -" Felix was trying to ask what happened, but Stephen interrupted him once more.

"Look, Felix. There's no time to explain here." He said; sternly looking dead serious in Felix's eyes.

"The president is going to die; we need to go now!"

Felix understood the situation as he gestures Stephen to get into his police car while talking on his two-way radio, alerting the dispatch team to assemble and be ready as the president's life might be in danger.

"We're heading to Fhamelia, the Presidential Palace." Felix said over the radio while nodding at Stephen who was in the front seat.
