
Visor of Blood

Stephen Weissman was a detective known for his dedication and skills in solving Belgranna's notorious cases. One day, due to overload of work he became exhausted. His best friend, Nate Clarkwell, advised him to take a vacation in the City of Vastile, where he could watch an artifact exhibit of the famous Stella Appleton. The exhibit was going smoothly and interesting, until an accident happened. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling came crashing down, crushing Stella Appleton to death. However, the police investigated and concluded it to be an accident, but to Weissman's clever mind - it was no accident but a massive case. Larger for even him to imagine...

Aurora_Raven · Action
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23 Chs

Hang on, I'll be right back.

~ C H A P T E R F I F T E E N ~

"Hey... I heard everything..." Nate spoke in a very weak voice. "...I also heard you talking to yourself," He said as he slightly moves his body while lying sleeplessly on the ground with his shirt being tainted by his blood.

"Don't talk, just rest." Stephen walked to Nate's side to see how much blood he's losing.

"There," Nate said in a raspy manner while using his eyes to point out in one of the shelves that looked to have bandages in them.

Stephen quickly got up and grabbed the bandages and proceeded to render first aid to his friend.

"Don't try to move, I'll call for help, okay? Hang on buddy." Stephen said as he finishes up bandaging Nate's wound. Nate could only stare at him as an answer, he can no longer talk due to the weakness of his body as he feels his short breaths and losing his own blood. And so, he tries to communicate with Stephen through his eyes.

Nate's wound would only get worse the longer he stays, so Stephen stood up and carried Walter's body and proceeded to look for help.

"Thank you..." Nate whispered, it was low and sounded sleepy but it was enough for Stephen to think that even in the weakest situation, Nate still managed to thank him and that Nate is braver than he is credited to be.
