
Visions of You

Born and raised in Liyue, you have lived all your life there and even found love. But that love was with the wrong person and it failed you. After fighting with your lover, the most powerful man in all of Liyue, you decide to move to the Northern city of Mondstadt to start a new life. But this one decision will change your life forever...

StrawberriChai · Video Games
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5 Chs

Goodbye Liyue

"Please...please stay. Stay with me." Zhongli pleaded, something he never did. His golden eyes were liquid amber as he watched you pack your bag. You frantically tried to blink away the tears but they were flowing too fast.

"What's the point?" You whipped around, facing him in anger and agony. "I gave myself to you! I gave you everything and we told each other everything! I don't care if you're immortal...I-I just wanted to spend time with you. Be with you! Why can't you see that I love you Zhongli?" He stiffened at your words but you turned back around to put one last dress in your bag. It was silent beside your sniffles. You took a deep breath. How did everything end up like this?

You were born and raised in Liyue, a beautiful southern city by the bay. Your parents were famous members of the adventurers guild there and sometimes took you with them on their adventures. But they taught you how to take care of yourself when they were away. When you turned 20's, they bought you a studio apartment above the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor while they sold their house and traveled. Though they always sent you a letter every month. You decided to get a job at the funeral parlor and the couple that owned it hired you as the florist.

That's where you met Zhongli.

He was the one that interviewed you and showed you the ropes. Your job was to gather the desired flowers for customers, make the arrangements, and place them in parlor for the service. He was the official manager of the parlor, while the owners took care of the customers when they came in, he took care of everything else. At first you two were friendly but that quickly turned into something more passionate. The more you two worked together the more this invisible force brought you two closer. Something you would have never thought happened since your personalities were polar opposites. His demeanor was cool and calm but at the same time gave off a warmth you couldn't help fall for. You, on the other hand, were somewhat of an extrovert. You loved to explore, attend events, and was an all around friendly bubbly girl. No wonder they put you in the back by yourself to tend to flower arrangements while Zhongli was always in the front with customers. You were to cheerful for a funeral home and too emotional. You would probably end up crying with everyone who came in for their dearly departed and make things worse if you were in the front.

Just like you did now...

"Please." Zhongli said weakly, one last time. His usual cool composure shattered as you ignored his pleas. You turned around with your bag full of clothes slung over your shoulder. As the tears were still flowing freely down your face, you could barely see the blurry man standing in front of you. He was in his usual standing pose, arms crossed and a wide stance. But right now he had one of his hands on his temple, drawing small circles and his eyes were shut tight. You gathered up all your courage, or what little there was left, to go on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek for the last time. Before you could get past him, he grabbed your face in his hands and crushed his lips down onto yours with a force so hard, you remembered he was the former Geo Archon. A moan escaped your lips as you kissed him back. But it was over just as quickly as it began. You could feel your lips begin to swell from the impact, a feeling you knew and loved all too well. He kept his eyes closed but rested his forehead on yours.

"I have not been this happy in over six thousand years but you know why I can not be with you. You know. I…I can not bear to lose you to time. " He said the last part through gritted teeth. You let a few hot tears come down, some transferring onto his cheeks.

"Then I can't stay here and be a pet to you. I can't be yours but not be yours at the same time. Like you keep reminding me, I'm only human and my heart can't take this. You need to figure out what you want from me and for us. Then I'll give us another chance."

"Where are you going?" He blurted out, holding you a little tighter.

"Your immortal senses can detect me can't they?" You said half-sarcastically even though it was true but he just frowned. He could find you easily if he tuned into his senses.

"Only in Liyue, no where else. Please don't stray too far. I-" his face scrunched up in pain but he let you go.

"Good-" you went to say goodbye but he placed a finger on your lips.

"Don't. I'll see you soon. I promise." He whispered, pain in his voice. Then he slowly thumbed the bottom of your lip, trying to memorize it before you left. You looked up at him, desperately wishing he changed his mind last second. But of course, he didn't. Not saying anything else, broke away from his grasp and walked out of your apartment. You already arranged for him to stay there and he promised to take care of it. When you closed the door, your heart broke.