

What if you just woke up someday things began to change. The Dream that you're having started to become real like what you've read in the books and watch on the movie. Will you do everything to make them safe or you need to sacrifice something to make things better. Right now looking at the tall buildings in front of me start to fall down, while people start panicking and hearing the cries of everyone's, where there's a big impact of earthquake, a strong rain and hearing the strong sound of the thunderstorm because its already happening the Big One.

WhoKnowsWhatYouDid · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: New Day continuation

Erin's POV

Fuck it, my head still hurts from that dream. These past few days, I always wake up because of a dream that I can't remember every time I wake up.

I took the spoon and ate quickly because my friend was still waiting for me.

After eating, I immediately put what I ate in the sink and cleaned it immediately. Then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth before telling mom that I was leaving for school.

My friend just rolled her eyes at me when I left the house, so I just sneered at him before we got inside the tricycle to go to school.

In fact, our house is close to the school, but since I woke up late, there was nothing I could do but ride a tricycle.

About a few minutes before we stopped in front of the school, I paid for our fare myself and left in the tricycle because my friend Remi was already the first to walk into the school gate. I immediately looked at the gate of our school and nodded to the guard before entering. I just sighed as I walked towards our building.

By the way, I'm Erin Dashwood. My father died; I don't know because I have no memory of him, so I don't know anything about him, and my mother is Ruth Dashwood. I also have a brother, but he is in another country; he is a seaman. He only came home twice a year because of work, and we understood it.

When I entered our room, I immediately walked and sat in the empty seat near the window next to my friend. Just as I was sitting down, our teacher arrived, who was very rude. Not only that, he dismissed us late for recess, and not only that, he chatted a lot. If he were to teach, I wouldn't understand anything because his talk was always just his biography; if his story was not enough, he should have brought a letter for Ma'am Sharo.

After one hour and thirty minutes, it was time for our proper recess. For those who are wondering why the class time is like that, well, it's because that's the schedule given to us because we have subjects that are only for Monday and Wednesday. As for the other subjects that we don't take on Monday and Wednesday, we take them on Tuesday and Thursday. That's why we don't have school on Friday. But that's all. We are here until four in the afternoon, and at least we go home early on Monday at 2:30 pm, so that's ok as long as there is no school on Friday.

I'm a senior in high school; in fact, I'm a STEM student in grade 12, graduating this year. Even though I'm not very good at math, I can do my best because, when I go to college, I plan to study at a free university here with us. I don't want to rely on my mother and brother or my aunts, who are ready to help me with my finances when I go to college.

It's not easy to be a STEM student because you'll really get into it.

I immediately stood up, took my wallet from my bag, and went with my friend to the canteen. It's only a 10-minute break, guys, so I want to cry quickly because I didn't eat enough this morning. I'll wake up early tomorrow morning, I promise. When we went to the canteen, we immediately bought something for us to eat while walking to our room. I immediately ate my food until the goddess called me. You know what that means.

"Erin, are you okay?" Remi asked me. Who would be okay if I wanted to pee already? So I signalled for her to go to the room first; she just nodded to me, so I quickly ran to the bathroom and peed, then I washed my hands.

I immediately left the bathroom and walked as fast as I could until I saw the teacher in front of the class. I immediately excused myself before sitting in my seat and starting to listen to the discussion, even though nothing entered my mind.

"Shh, Remi, do you have water; I forgot my water." I whispered to Remi, to which she nodded and handed over her tumbler full of water and immediately drank it.

I immediately covered the tumbler and handed it back to her before turning to the window. There are people playing soccer on our field; after all, the school I attended is not public, but it is free, and you don't have to pay anything. The school sports festival is coming soon, so that's why they're already preparing.

"Miss Dashwood? "

"Miss Dashwood? "

"Hey Erin," Remi immediately elbowed me, so I looked at her before looking at our teacher.

I'm shocked because I'm not listening.

"Yes, sir." I'm totally nervous.

"Next time, listen when I'm discussing, not where you are looking. Why are you looking out the window, Hija? I'm right there in front, teaching," Sir Gariniego said. He is a math teacher, so I just winced and immediately apologised to him, so he continued the discussion.

Meanwhile, my friend smirked at me, so I glared at her and focused on the class even though I didn't understand anything. Aishhhh, life.
