

I'm holding two wooden swords in both my hands, they're wooden but they are as heavy as a normal sword. Currently standing in front of Arthur, circling each other in a stance. The sword in my right hand is on top of my right shoulder and the sword in my left is below my shoulder, sometimes I switch it on my left side. After a few seconds I started attacking.

I swung my down my right sword to Arthur's head and he blocks it with left. I followed up with my left swinging upwards and he blocks it with right. My right goes around my head and swung down and he blocks it with left. As he tries to hit me with his right sword but my left sword is already pointing at his neck.

"You win again Prince Vicerys." He said while panting.

"How many times is it now? Hahaha" I laughed.

"Too many to count." Willem said.

"Argh shut up Willem, It's just the same as you." Arthur said.

"I'm already old to use a sword Arthur, but you are still young." said Willem.

"Say your excuses all you want." Arthur said then looked back to me. "I don't have any more to teach you and your only seventeen! You're too strong and smart for age, your mother would have been proud of you. I remember Rhaegar don't have this strength when he was your age."

"What can I say, I have a talent for it." I boasted but it's mostly because of the system.

In this 9 years I became stronger but I'm still not OP. Here's my current Status.


Name: Viserys III Targaryen

Titles: The Reincarnated Otherworlder, Crown Prince

Age: 17

Level: 1

HP: 1700/1700

Exp: 50/100

Str: 17 (8)

Agi: 20 (9)

Int: 20 (16)

Dex: 18 (10)

End: 17 (9)

AP: 0


Passive skills

- Language Comprehension (passive)

- Masking (passive)

- Far-eyes (passive)

- Persuasion (passive) lvl 2/3

- Fire Immunity(passive) lvl 3/3

- Swordsmanship (passive) lvl 3/3

- Bowmanship (passive) lvl 3/3

- Dual-Swordsmanship (passive) lvl 3/3

Active skills

- Appraisal (active)

- Stealth (active) lvl 3/3

- Lock picking (active) lvl 2/3

The attributes are hard to raise maybe because I need to level up. I already killed someone but it was not enough giving only 50 exp. It was a servant in the house who tried to assassinate me when I was 10 years old but he didn't expect a dagger out of nowhere in his throat.

Almost all of my skills are maxed out. When I maxed out my stealth, I sneaked to the Faceless god's temple and learned how to make a mask from a man's face. They didn't notice me coming back and forth thanks to my stealth skill. After many months, I finally got the skill masking and lucky me it doesn't have any levels. I sometimes use the face of the servant that tried to assassinate me to roam around Braavos.

I also got Far-eyes when I was practicing with my bow. It allows me to see far targets clearly.

Another good news is that the eggs are only weeks before hatching. The mercenary company that we named Kostoba Vala Company meaning "strong man" in valyrian, is getting bigger every day and we already have many ships.

In the meeting room.

"Ser Arthur, how's the company?" I asked.

"We already have over ten thousand men scattered in the free cities of Braavos, Pentos, Myr, Tyrosh, and Lys." Arthur answered

"Good but it's still not enough. We will have to wait a few more years." I said. "Send letter to our people in Lys to look for Jorah Mormont from bear island and tell him that I'll give him and his wife golds and a huge mansion if he swear to pledge his allegiance to me. I know that he needs gold very much because of how much his wife spends."

"I'll see to it my prince." Arthur said.

"What about the ships Lucerys?"

I asked.

"We have already 150 ships that are being lent to merchants." Lucerys answered.

"Good. Stop buying ships, it's already enough but continue lending them to merchants so we will still have income. The buying and building ships quite left a dent to our pockets." I said. Then someone knocked.

"Come in." I said.

A servant opened the door.

"What is it Helen?" I asked.

"The princess said she doesn't want to study. She locked her room all morning." She said.

"Again? Fine I will drop by her room." I said. Then Helen left the room. "I'm sorry. Looks like we're ending this meeting early."

I then left the room and walked to Daenerys's room.

I knock.

"Go away." Daenerys said.

"Daenerys, it's me Viserys." I said.

After a few seconds, she opens the door and a small Daenerys appeared in front of me. Her height is like my height when I was 7 years old. The average height in westeros is 6' and I'm already 5'10" or 178 cm.

"How's your studies Daenerys?" I asked as I enter her room.

"It's going fine." she answered.

"Really? I heard that you didn't leave your room all morning." I said.

"Helen told you again didn't she?" she asked.

"Of course she'll tell me. I'm her employer after all." I said.

"I don't want to study. I want to learn how to use a sword not history, it's boring. I always watch you practice with Ser Arthur and you look so cool everytime you defeat him. I want to look cool like you." she said while pouting

"But you're a girl and sword fighting is dangerous for you, it's not just for looking cool." I said.

"Being a girl does not make a difference. I know a lot of women in our family who are warriors like the sisters of aegon the conqueror." she said. "If you let me learn how to use a sword, I will promise that I'll promise that I will follow everything you say."

"At least you know that part of history. But you promise everything?" I asked.

"Yes, everything." she answered.

"Fine, but promise me that you will still continue your studies." I said

"I promise." she said.

"Then we will start tomorrow every afternoon. I will be the one teaching you since everyone is busy with their work." I said.

She hugged me and said "Thank you brother. I promise that I will do my best tomorrow."

"I'll not bother you anymore longer. You will need to rest early from now on." I said while trying to get out from her embrace but she hugged more tightly.

"Brother are you going to die?" she asked.

"What are you saying Daenerys? I'm fine." I laughed.

"But I keep having dreams where you die. I'm afraid that you will leave alone." she said. Really? No spoiler warning sign? F*ck your dreams Daenerys.

"Can you tell me what happened in your dreams?" I asked.

"Well there's this guy who looks blue and you are fighting him surrounded by bodies of dead dragons. After a while your sword broke and he stabbed you in the heart. You died soon after." she said.

What the f*ck. I thought I can already handle the night king. Daenerys's dreams are no joke maybe she's like Daenys the dreamer. I will need to get a lot more stronger.

"That's just a dream. I'll beat that guy in real life if he ever tries to fight me. So don't worry about, I will not die. But don't tell anyone about your dreams okay?" I asked

"I promise." she said

I left the room and saw Willem.

"Prince, you spoil the princess too much. You'll even gift the entire Westeros if she asks you." He said.

"You're right, but I need to. She did not deserve to lose her mother. I'm only doing what I promised to my mother." I said and then left to my room

Since my dragons will hatch earlier than in the show, I plan to rule over Essos. I will be saying that removing slavery will be my goal and I'm sure Braavos will back me up and the people will worship me.

Hahahahaha(Imagine evil laugh from movie villains)

I wish started from the episode 1 of the show.

GudBrowncreators' thoughts