Average Teen Reincarnates as The Good King or will he become the Scab King and just create another civil war as his other two counter parts.
Viserys POV
*Abrupt Inhale* I quickly move up from my bed. I look around and see that everything looks older like I am in a medieval fantasy set. And then I heard something move on the bed I was lying on and saw a woman. She groggily moves around and turns to her side of the bed.
"It's the middle of the night Viserys please come back to bed." The woman with silver hair said.
I freeze up because that is neither my name nor the name I very much remember. So I quietly but quickly find a mirror to confirm two things. But my mind is like when you wake up from sleep and during your sleep you've had the most vivid dream but when you wake up and go through your day your memories of that dream begin to fade. That's how I feel right now but instead, it's like Deja vu I'm getting memories from two people. 'I need to find a mirror fast to confirm my identity' I said quietly.
After searching in the dark for a second the moonlight is the only source of light I have at the moment. I find a mirror dresser and I squint to confirm my face I'm very relieved to see Paddy Constantine's face instead of the actor from Game of Thrones who played Viserys the Third. And then I hear someone walk up to me and see the woman right behind me in the mirror.
"What's wrong Viserys, why are you looking at yourself in the mirror?" She said as she laid her head on my right shoulder and wrapped her left arm around my left shoulder. She's Aemma Targaryen the one who died in the first episode of HOTD, Rheanyra's mother.
I quickly think up an excuse for my freaking out for a second and then answer her. "Nothing dear just had a nightmare that concerned my face." I look at her with a smile and try to make it look genuine to her. I then walk towards the bed and lie down while she lies down on the other side.
She faces me and smiles and mouths out a goodnight and I do the same. I then face away from her as soon as she seems to be in a deep sleep and I just try and relax. I slowed my breathing and to try and sleep And eventually I did.
[Dream sequence]
I open my eyes to see everything is still the same but when I look to see if the woman is with me she's gone. I get worried as everything is quiet and the stench of kingslanding is gone. I then walk out of the room and walk the hallways of the red keep. I am confused as to where I am as everything seems the same.
I then find large doors that remind me of the doors to the throne room I've seen in House of The Dragons and Game of Thrones. But when I open them it's just another hallway with another set of doors I just open but when I open these one I see the hallway of open doors lengthen as it repeats over and over. I freak out a bit and look back and it's the same scene that's behind me now.
I decided to keep moving forward to the original door I was going through. But just as I moved through a few doors and hallways the doors at the end of my vision closed and the one I saw at the end closed as well and then this action repeated over and over slowly all the doors in front of me all closed.
I then open these doors and see that this leads to the gods' woods in the red keep. And I see Viserys he's older looking, closer to his older self during Leana's funeral.
*Weeping and Sobbing* I can hear sobbing coming from him. I walk closer to him and my heart starts hurting. I always thought Viserys was a tragic character, someone who tried his hardest to keep his family together but his wife and eldest couldn't stop and their children got involved in their grudge.
I kneel to Viserys side and hold his shoulder and he stops and looks at me and I can see the anguish on his face. He looks at me deeply in my eyes with sorrow.
"Is this our destiny? Does my family truly do this? In the books and the shows?" He tells me and I'm surprised he knows this.
"How did you find out about this?!" I tell him with concern.
"Our minds are connected so are our soul and body. it happened when we both slept." He tells me as I don't know how we both connected.
"What happened? How am I here so far away from my world?!" I almost start to panic and hyperventilate.
"But it seems that your personality is the most dominating," he says that was a wistful smile but his eyes tell me of disappointment. He then grabs hold of my shoulder.
"Is this all going to happen is my family doomed to end with just a man beyond the wall!? I've seen your memories I've read the books you've read I've seen the movies and TV shows you've seen. My family who has dragons and rules the seven kingdoms reduced to a conquering madwoman and an honorable fool sent off beyond the wall. My daughter turns mad and is called Maegor the cruel with tits, the dragons extinct, the next kings either religious or prophetic fools, and the last mad?" He told me with urgency.
"I have no conclusive idea the books and the shows are different. G.R.R. Martin didn't even finish a Game of Thrones book series so the book ending isn't known yet and House of the Dragons and Fire and Blood are also different." I tell him and he just sighs and starts to sob with laughs in between as he looks off to the side I see the same scene that was shown to Daemon when he was getting haunted in Harrenhall where Viserys was crying over Aemma's body.
"That is what I did. I didn't give Aemma a choice." He says with glistened eyes and looks back at me.
"Give her a choice please, don't kill her like I did." He says and gets up and walks off to a hallway and I walk after him to follow. We walk to an opening where the dragon pit is.
'This place is seriously freaking me out.' I mumble to myself and I hear a rumbling I can feel the ground moving like something big is coming and I look up to see red eyes up in the air.
"Holy SHIT! that's Balerion?!" I yell out to Viserys who takes the sight of Balerion with a smile.
"It will take you a while to get used to a dragon's presence but if you want an easier time ruling I suggest claiming a dragon." He said as he climbed up to the saddle on Balerion.
"What are you doing?! Are you seriously fucking off? What about Aemma?" He looks at me and looks away.
"Listen lad I don't want what I would've gotten, I want something different. You have memories of many different worlds and I wish to see them." And then he just fucks off as he and that massive dragon flies off in the horizon and I feel like I'm being pulled under my shoulders upward and I start to get a headache as the memories of Viserys enters my brain.
[Morning Viserys and Aemma's Chambers]
*Gasp* I wake up abruptly again as I take a moment to process the memories given to me. I then quickly move to the mirror and move my shirt to show my body.
I can see that I look healthier than in the show Viserys. I have a faint six-pack also I'm taller as like he said our bodies are now connected, merged into one. Though my abs are not as defined as my original body probably the cause of Viserys. My original height was 6"2 but now I think I'm shorter maybe 6"0 can't tell without exact measurements.
I then see Aemma looking at me through the mirror.
"Do I look different to you Aemma?" I say to her. And she smiles like I'm doing something childish.
"You look the same as you were yesterday the day before and years before." She says and then moves my face to meet hers.
"So now I'm gonna ask was your nightmare so bad that you forgot your face." She then kisses me and then pulls away and her face morphs into a look of concern.
"It's starting to worry me are your dreams bothering you? You can always confide in me, husband." She tells me and I look embarrassed from that kiss because in my past life, I always had a thing with keeping my body healthy so a few times I've been approached by the opposing gender but I've never tried to have a relationship with them.
"Of course I can but the dream I've had was embarrassing, to say the least," I tell her so I can ease her worries. But she looks at me to continue.
"I had dreamed of myself as older but my body was failing," I tell her and then I touch the left side of my face.
"This side of my face was rotted away and I had to use a cane to walk," I said and she smiled at my words with amusement.
"Then I hope you don't have that fate husband," she tells me and then we heard knocking.
"Lady Aemma, Prince Viserys, your lord father has requested you to join him to eat with him this morn." A servant maid had told both of us.
"Tell my father we will be with him shortly." The maid nodded at my words and walked off in the direction of the dining room.
"Well it is courteous to not keep him waiting, let's get dressed shall we?" She says and I'm a little nervous to be in the same room as her as I never thought I'd see someone in person who looks like the younger version of her actress.
"Yes," I tell her and I walk to where my clothes are usually kept and all I see are shirts that are either gold, red, black, or white. The same color palette but with darker tones for my pants underwear and socks. I chose a black and red coloring for my clothes.
[A few minutes later in the halls]
We make our way to the dining room. Aemma didn't need to wear a lot of makeup as she also didn't like to wear too much as she was raised in the vale and there mostly Minimalistic.
"Do you have any idea as to why Father would eat together? We would usually eat together alone in the gardens." I move my head side to side to signal that I don't know.
We walk into the dining room and see Father with a lot of food. We sit near him and start to eat and he looks at us and smiles fondly.
"Do any of you know where Daemon is?" He asked us and we both said no.
"I had sent for him to eat with us. But it seems he has something better to do." He said with disappointment in his voice for Daemon.
"If he isn't here then I have hope it's something important," I say to support him as Viserys fondness for Daemon bleeds into my personality.
"You always try to keep your brother out of trouble Viserys." He says to me with a dissatisfied face.
"One of these days either you won't help him or he's gonna do something you can't help him out of." He said to me and I tried to say something but he interrupted me
"You're gonna have to let him face the consequences of his actions at some point. Or else he'll never grow up." He lectured me about my softness to Daemon and I just nodded back at him. He then looks at Aemma.
"My dear good daughter it has been a year now hasn't it? Have you recovered from the birth?" He says inappropriately to Aemma and I can see Aemma get uncomfortable with this so I slam the cup I was drinking orange juice from.
"*Slam* Father!" I say as I look at him seriously. He looks at me for a second and we stare at each other for a second until I see guilt in his eyes, he looks at Aemma and apologizes to her.
"I'm Sorry Aemma but you have to understand my intentions." He said to us with remorse.
"What is there to understand? We had just lost one and it's been only a year since we've mourned him." I tell him with a hurt face but my tone is no less agitated.
And Aemma has been looking away from Baelon with sorrow.
"But you must understand Viserys that I'm going to be King and that you will be my Heir who will be a future king after me. And you have no heir but Daemon." I look at him and then look at Aemma. Then, the rest of the time, while eating, was spent in silence. Then Father finishes his plate and gets up to leave while wishing us a good day and me and Aemma just sit there looking at each other.
"What do you want to do Aemma?" I tell her slowly. She looks at me and thinks for a while so I reach to drink some more OJ and then she speaks.
"We can try again. But Viserys I don't think I can do this any longer, we've been married for 3 years but we've had two children that have not lived past 1 name day. I don't wish to see another baby I gave life to be cremated." She said to me with a hurt face at the end. I nodded at her and smiled.
"then this will be our last time," I tell her with certainty.
[A few hours later Day in the Training yard]
"Ser Ryam I'd like to recontinue my lesson again," I tell Ser Ryam Westerling who was following me as my protector today. Ryam looked at me with surprise and was caught off guard by this statement.
"What has pushed you to make this decision my prince as I've had the misconception that you discontinued your training when you came of age." Ser Ryam had told me while also getting to the sword rack where the blunt swords are. he tossed me a sword that is two-handed and the length is that of a longsword. after I catch it I start to feel my muscle memory kick in and I try some of the stances that Viserys' memories provided. though some of them feel uncomfortable as they are meant for a shorter man with a more sluggish build.
"I guess from your stance that you're trying to remember our lessons?" he tells me as he gets into a stance with one hand on the hilt and the other open-palmed for any need to add extra power. I start to swing my sword around and my moves are mostly telegraphed not something that moves with a natural feel to it.
"Well to be fair I didn't take my lessons too seriously back then Ser Ryam," I say as I point my sword at him and he smiles and gets ready for a spar as do I.
"Well my prince we best get to it so you do remember in trying times," he says as we both move slowly towards each other.
I take the first swing with a diagonal overhead swing from the right, but he parries the blow and proceeds to swing from a downward diagonal slash from the left. Though I moved back to dodge this, I still got nicked by the pointed end of the blunt blade which gave me a scratch on my neck. I then moved to get in close to stab at him but he dodged to the left and pushed me away.
I fell to the floor but rolled to keep the momentum to get my footing, stood upright and I got into a defensive stance as he had rushed at me with the intent to make me yield on the floor. But I was upright and on the defensive so he had made to make an overhead heavy strike. but I blocked this blow with my sword.
as we moved away from each other we both made to attack again until I heard a shout.
"You're finally training again brother!" I hear Daemon say as he strides toward me. I focus on him and I can see that he will still grow as me and him are the same height right now. He is of age 16 and me who is 20. I smile at him and then give Ryam my sword to gesture that are spar is finished.
"yes, I am, how did I do Ser Ryam? I was mostly on the defensive there," I ask and tell Ryam, and Daemon looks at Ryam as well for an answer.
"my prince did quite well for someone who hasn't picked up a sword for real in 2 years but you have kept most of your instincts and wit when in a fight," he says to me with a look of approval. and then Daemon looks at me proceeds to grab hold of me and moves me from side to side in a brotherly way.
" Aye you hear that seems that you haven't fallen from the graces of the warrior," he tells me and his tone turns into a mocking one when he mentions one of the seven gods' faces.
"Maybe it hasn't but I feel that Ser Ryam was still taking it easy," I tell him but with a little downcast tone. and I look at the sun and see that the sky is getting dark. And then Daemon quickly gets in front of me and he holds out a pamphlet.
"Look I know it's been a while since we've hung out together but do you wish to go with me tonight undercover in Kings Landing?" he tells me and I can see in his eyes that he wants me to go with him. I guess he's been missing me as the original viserys were mostly focused on Aemma.
"But I have a duty to my wife, she may miss me if I'm gone too long." I try to give him an excuse as my memories of going with him down into the pits of kinglanding always ended with both of us black-out drunk in the brothels when we were younger. so my face shows a worried expression with a little bit of red tint to my cheeks.
"oh please brother we don't have to go there we could just see the attraction and chaos of kingslanding." he tries to amend my worries. and while I like to walk the hall of the Red Keep it tends to be a bore and the wine here isn't as strong as the alcohol on Earth. Truly I miss drinking a twisted tea, some souju, or even beer. The wine here is either too sweet or tastes like grape or straight-up alcohol. I then just decided to give in to his request.
"Fine let's go but not a word to anyone," I tell him seriously and he nods at me and gestures to the pamphlet.
"This is a map to where a hidden door is near your quarters and where you need to go through I meet you there near sundown," he said to me and walked off to god knows where.
[a few hours later in Maegor's tunnels]
I walk through these dark tunnels for a few minutes watching out and following the markers to get where I'll meet Daemon. I then see him wearing a dark cloak I remember seeing him wear when he had taken Rheanyra to see Kings Landing. I also wear a cloak but lighter in color than his.
"let's get going then as I believe my lady wife will rest in a few short hours," I tell him and we both make our way into Kings Landing. As we are walking around many things are happening, a mugging, a naked dance on a pedestal, a showman who wields fire, and a stage showcasing a recent event in history. Daemon and I enjoy these events and eventually, an hour passes by and I've been deep in my cups. and while blindly following Daemon as I've been enjoying the things he's been showing me we eventually come to a brothel.
"Brother I'm going to be in here now it is your choice if you wish to follow me or go back behind. if you do go with me I'll take this secret outing to the grave, but if you wish to go back then I wish you goodnight," he tells me while leaving me here just a hallway from going inside. I look at the cup I've been drinking from and I see my face.
unlike Viserys who knows lovemaking, I don't have it. Of course, I can use the memories I have of Viserys and Aemma coupling, my experience is zilch.
'if I am to perform as Viserys for Aemma I might as well get some experience.' I say to myself quietly. I then proceed to walk in and the head of this establishment sees and recognizes me.
"well if I had to have guessed I wouldn't have thought you be back here after you've married," she said to me and I looked embarrassed to see her as Viserys' memories have many of his experiences been with this one.
"I thought as well but my lady wife has some concerns and I need some relief," I say to her but it is not entirely true because it is me who has concerns. she then grabs hold of my hand and pulls me towards a private chamber. I have seen many of the women here naked before and one I've recognized from the show Mysaria. Then the woman who has led me to this place opens her palm for payment. I give her two gold dragons as I'm being generous today.
"Now it has been some time since you've been and some of the old girls stopped with this life course not all only some. Who out there do you wish to lay with tonight?" she then watches me and I eye a few of them but truly my only intrigue is the one I've seen in the show. I then point at her while she is serving cups to different people. she then gets one of the girls who passes by her to tell her to come over here.
"Now you've picked a rather newer one. her name is Lady Mysaria." she came to us and her boss gestured for her to introduce herself.
"My name is Mysaria, my Lord I am 20 and 2 name-days old and come from Lys I was a slave dancer there," she tells me while I can see some defiance that was in her from the show she doesn't seem to have what her older self has. She is more timid than she was when we first saw her in the first episode.
"I hope I don't make you uncomfortable Lady Misery. but I wish for you warmth for tonight," I tell her with a smile and she seems to loosen up a bit she straddles my lap and kisses me on the lips passionately and I return the gesture in kind.
[2-3 hours later nearing the hour of the wolf]
A lot of things happened and Mysaria has made me see and feel many things that I would have thought unreal. but I make my way into my chamber and Aemma is asleep. I lay down as quietly as I can and I try to sleep but it seems she knows I'm here with her.
"where have you been Viserys?" she says to me with suspicion written on her face. she then sits up as do I to face her.
"I was with Daemon, Aemma merely having some bonding time with him," I say to her knowing she can smell the alcohol on my breath. she has a look like she doesn't believe me.
"Then why were you out so late, plus I'm more suspicious because you were with Daemon." her voice got more louder and aggressive. and in the hope what I do quells her anger I kiss her deeply. She then starts to enjoy it, but like she remembers what made her angry she pushes my face away.
"You have nothing to worry about Aemma, we were just at a tavern and on the streets of Kinglanding nowhere else." I then continue to kiss her and we both get into it again but then she gently pulls me away from her again. and looks at me so I do the same but in her eyes.
"I came back late because I was passed out and Daemon didn't have the courtesy to wake me or help me back to the red keep." it seems that she finally accepts this as truth and then we continue and go further and further. until the night has been filled with passion and debauchery for me again.
Four Thousand, Three Hundred & Three Words Boys and Girls.
I honestly lied about working on this in the morning yesterday but I actually did it all night since 12 am to 7:07 am