
Vis, Mon Amour

An ordinary worker falls asleep during the height of the book she's reading, and finds herself awake surrounded by panicking people. Unfazed, her demeanor got cut short when a wrinkly hand reached out to hers. She turned to the owner and saw an old man, looking at her lovingly as he kissed her dainty hand.  "My Astrea," Turns out, she's their supposed princess, and she just awoke from death. What a convincing plot, right? Surely it was all just a dream; not that she was complaining. If it was a dream, it's just about time 'til her alarm goes off and wakes her. News flash! It's not a dream. Finding out that she really has been transported into the body of the villainess of her favorite book, the protagonist tries to find a way to go back, to no avail. Until her father- her body's father, tells her she's betrothed to the fearsome war veteran Duke. Finding it useless to stop it, she accepted and began to live her life as the villainess and wife of the infamous, ugly, disfigured and evil duke.  Until she finds out one day that her groom was not only not evil, she wasn't a husband, either.

counterfeitmum · Fantasy
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3 Chs

1: Wake Up

Once upon a time,

Wouldn't it be funny if it started with that?

Instead, it started with yellow and a scream— far from the "there was a princess in a faraway land."

It would probably check out if the story was horror. I can definitely hear in my head the horrible '90s movie scream that they loved using so much; it makes me irate just thinking about it.

Strangely enough, the thought brought me a sense of bittersweet nostalgia.

Blinding rays of light entered my vision as I opened my eyes for the first time. They hurt, but doesn't everything do when you first wake from unconsciousness?

I sat up, now awake from my slumber, and yawned- covering my mouth as I did. I then reached up to my eyes and scrubbed them meticulously to rid of any dirt on them.

Once finished, I looked around and noticed a strange number of people around me.

Weirdly enough.

I competed lazily in a staring contest with eyes: dark and blue as the ocean, once my eyes landed on them. Though hardly, as I doll-blinked the competition away.

The person would've probably won— in hindsight, they already did— had they not averted their eyes and turned away from me.

Lacking a subject, my eyes wandered around again— noticing the frilly dresses of the crowd around me. Strange and stranger, one by one I named them all in my head as soon as they entered my line of sight.

They wore fancy clothing, one you would only see in a museum— or in a YouTube video of someone pretending to be in the Victorian era, if you're feeling frisky. Nonetheless, they looked out of place— but considering the majority, if not all of them, wore the same silly clothing, wouldn't it be the norm?

'Maybe a costume party?'

The fact that we were outside didn't get past me, either. Tall walls of green leaves surrounded the parameter, and from the looks of it, we stood inside a garden— if the various bright-colored flowers littered around the area weren't enough evidence to go by. Apart from that: marble benches.

Over the top and fancy to a T, I like it.

My line of thought was then interrupted when the noise outside my mind got loud enough that it actually forced me to acknowledge it.

"A-a witch! The princess is a witch!"

"The princess came back from the dead!"

"Lord save us all!"

It only just registered in my head the chaos that was occurring in my surroundings. Screeching left, right, center— I wonder if their rent is due to the amount of energy they exerted into it.

Faces mixed with panic, amusement, shock, and intrigue were strewn around the area as a few people ran around screaming their heads off.

Dramatic, I thought, so I opted to just zone out and look above. Better decision than watching everyone run around panicking about something none of my business.

I gazed upon the vines and flowers that hugged the ceiling of the white gazebo I assumed I was under, giving the structure color.

I spread my fingers on the soft fabric beneath but dared not to look down. Would it have benefitted me to? Probably. But the benefit doesn't temp me more than the micro rays of light seeping through the little holes that adorned the ceiling above.

If I were to give an estimate, depending on the heat and how bright the vast blue sky was, I'd say it was probably about 1 pm.

Despite the heat and the noise, I leisurely laid down on whatever structure it was beneath me. Confident, as I remember waking up in the same bed. If it were to break under me, it would have already.

I raised my hands, presenting in front of me my ring-adorned fingers— dainty, fair, and lacking callousness.

Just the feeling would have never convinced me even in my half-unconsciousness. It has lost its spark, lost the hint of 28 years of work, lost the little mole on the inside of my pinky finger, and the little bump on my index from years of writing.

This is not my body.

And where the fuck is my bracelet?

My lips parted and I closed my eyes, letting a string of sighs leave my mouth as the chaos continued to happen around me.

I have no idea what's happening, but at least, I can rest. Working a 9-5 wasn't as much of a dream as people thought it would be.

"My King!"

Yeah, sure, King. Of course, this place would have that. Fitting.

My relaxation was cut short when a larger, wrinkly hand held mine. Along that, silence.

I immediately opened my eyes and was met with glee-filled red ones, glistening with the tears it shed as it gazed upon me softly.


The man that stood in front of me didn't say much, just held my hand in his and looked at me with so much hope, so much love. Like he held the world in his hands, staring at heaven and daring not to look away in fear it will disappear.

Or something, I wouldn't know. I wonder what his deal was.

The man was a sight to see. Age did him wonderfully, despite his wrinkled face and white hair. A crown rested atop his head, bejeweled with more rubies than I have ever seen in person in my whole 28 years of living.

Who is this guy? Why's he holding my hand? Can you not, please?

A minute passed with me assessing his features, and him not saying anything— but who's counting, right?

Until finally, carefully, he opened his lips and whispered, as if just for me to hear.

"My Astrea."

He smiled, raising my hand to his lips and placing a soft, prolonged kiss on the back of it. It felt weird seeing a white, dainty hand in contrast to his dark, wrinkly ones, both adorned with jewels and various rings. But again, who's complaining?

I watched him caress my hand and place my palm on his cheek, as he continued chanting "My Astrea" under his breath. Smooth and fast droplets of tears continued to slide down his face.

I watched him.

Not an ounce of feeling. Not disgust, not creepiness, nothing.

But I was curious. What is he doing?

Then, after what seemed to be a long time— but in reality, it was probably just a few minutes, he stopped. As if realizing there were other people there besides us.

He straightened up, still not letting go of my hand, and whipped his head elsewhere from me.

"Benjamin! Take the Princess back to her quarters and have her cared for. I want to see her clean, ready, and unscathed by dawn or I'll have your head." He ordered seriously, his once soft eyes now sharp, staring daggers at whomever he was talking to.

The statement sent chills down my spine, but it didn't seem to phase the man that appeared suddenly beside him-- as if he's heard the threat multiple times before, and is just a normal phrase for him at this point.

"Right away, your majesty."

And just like that, a few more men in silly blue uniforms appeared around me, surrounding my form. There were probably 4–6 that aligned themselves robotically in front of me, ready to take orders from this Benjamin guy.

All 6 of them positioned themselves around the structure I laid on; two on my right, two on my left, and the other two by my head and feet respectively. They all didn't say anything, didn't even look my way, opting to look at the sides they were assigned to.

At that, I realized the thing I was laying on. I was surrounded by comfortable, white sheets and soft pillows; various flowers and petals were sprinkled around me, contrasting my bed and my long gown. The only other thing that added color to the mix is the gold on my dress and the rubies that consisted of red, blue, and violet on my fingers.

My "bed" was set up with more than a foot of wooden wall on each of my four sides. I used "wall" loosely because it can barely be called a wall, actually. But it towered over my width, so I concluded that it is. Additionally, this was a neat hiding place if one so wants to sleep.

That is until I noticed the big, wooden cover that matched the walls of my bed in width and height at the side.

I wonder how heavy that is?

"Let us go," as if after forever, Benjamin finally gave the guys a go. In sync, the guys in front of me in uniform all dug their hands below my bed and raised it.

I sat up immediately as I felt myself get elevated, with the ground below my ass wobbling as the guys started to move. I peeked over behind the guys as we started heading out and watched as the "King" stood in the middle of the gazebo, facing the people who looked at him intently and with fear.

"Citizens! I am pleased to tell all of you that the princess is awake! I apologize terribly for the inconvenience."

"But your highness! The princess— she's—"

"Now awake and well. I offer no further answers and expect no further questions." He concluded harshly and promptly turned around.

As if on cue, I was engulfed in the shade as a pair of large, gold, and white doors followed suit, closing in the further the men took me in.

I just let them take me wherever, settling in my comfortable ride as I do so.

Man, this is one hell of a dream. I wish I never wake up.

To be continued.

Here's to me remembering I rely too much on italics and this app is testing me fr

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