
Virtuoso System

Rajesh Kumar, a student who died with regrets, awakens in his familiar classroom 100 days before the college entrance exam. Determined to change his fate, he embraces the opportunity and resolves to study hard. However, he realizes his English skills are lacking. As he contemplates this setback, he discovers that he has been granted a game cheat from the Virtuoso game. With renewed motivation, Rajesh dives into his studies and vows to excel in the exam and master various skills. This is his chance to rewrite his destiny and create a brighter future.

Sashank_Krovvidi · Fantasy
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13 Chs


[Your Student Class level has increased to Level 4 (191/50)]

[Your Intelligence Stats +1. Current Intelligence: 14 points.]

[Access to the Experience Pool activated. Experience will automatically be stored in the Experience Pool.]

[Current Experience Pool: 191 points.]

"Open the personal interface!" Rajesh Kumar silently chanted in his heart. The operation was the same as in his previous life. It was just that in his previous life, he used the mouse to operate. Now, he used his mind to operate.

Immediately, a translucent panel appeared.

Name: Rajesh Kumar

Intelligence: 14 (Average adult is 10 points)

Strength: 10 (Average adult is 10 points)

Agility: 10 (Average adult is 10 points)

Class: Student Level 4 (0/50)


Focus (Novice 0/1)?

Elementary School Knowledge (Master 53/60)?

Experience Bar: 1

Seeing the plus sign behind the skill, Rajesh Kumar did not hesitate and directly began to add points.

[7 Experience Bars consumed, Elementary Knowledge Skill (Master 0/150), 184 Experience Bars remaining.]

[150 Experience Bars consumed, Elementary Knowledge Skill (Perfection), 34 Experience Bars remaining.]

Suddenly, all the knowledge in the elementary school textbooks was completely grasped by Rajesh Kumar and integrated.

3,500 commonly used Hindi characters, 13,528 words, and 1,260 idioms...

Elementary School English vocabulary: 800 words, 198 grammar points, basic phonetic transcription, basic spelling, basic sentence structure...

Basic General Knowledge, Basic Painting, Basic Music, Basic Calligraphy, Basic Mathematics, Basic Arithmetic, Basic Computing, Basic Health, Basic Logic...

In an instant, a large amount of knowledge suddenly fused into Rajesh Kumar's memories, making him feel super fulfilled.

"I didn't think that elementary school textbooks would have so many knowledge points!" Rajesh Kumar felt that it was inconceivable.

After absorbing the Perfect Level of elementary school knowledge, he felt that his knowledge had improved greatly. He had accumulated at least ten times more knowledge than in his previous life.

He felt that if he took the college entrance examination now, his results would be higher than in his previous life.

In his previous life, he had scored 280 marks in the college entrance examination, just like the mock exam just now.

English 55, Hindi 77, Mathematics 40, Science 108.

If he took the test again now, he would be able to score more than 90 marks in the Hindi language. Rajesh Kumar had accumulated about 1,600 English vocabulary, he could also get more than 70 marks for the English language.

"If I take the college entrance examination now, I can score at least 300 points!"

"My fate has already begun to change!" Rajesh Kumar finally had a smile on his nervous face.

Then, he picked up his Year Two English, flipped to the vocabulary list, and silently recited it.

Vocabulary is the basic building block of English. As long as one memorized all the words and the grammar, English wouldn't be difficult.

After starting to recite it, Rajesh Kumar realized that Year Two vocabulary was too simple!

The Year Three textbooks he memorized contained most of the Year Two words.

In other words, he had already memorized the spelling of the words.

He only needed to memorize the meaning and pronunciation of the words to completely memorize the words.

14 points of intelligence allowed him to quickly recite the Year Two words at a speed of three words per minute.

"Dad, Mom, I won't disappoint you guys again this time! I won't let the tragedy of my previous life happen again." Rajesh Kumar silently said in his heart and began to focus on reading.

Reading books could give him Experience Bars and knowledge. It was killing two birds with one stone!

There were only 100 days left until the college entrance examination. He didn't want to waste time. This time, he wanted to stun everyone and give them a surprise.

At this time, Arjun Gupta, who heard Rajesh Kumar say that he was determined to make it into university, walked over to Rajesh Kumar's desk and looked at him with an astonished expression.

"Rajesh Kumar, are you serious? You said you want to get into university. I remember that you only scored 280 marks in the mock exam..." Arjun Gupta's face carried an exaggerated smile.

"280 marks, what university can you go to? Can you study at university from home?" Arjun Gupta was brazenly speaking loudly. After he finished speaking, he laughed mockingly.

"Haha!" The other students also laughed.

Arjun Gupta's words were mean, but based on Rajesh Kumar's results, what Arjun Gupta said was the truth. It was just that his words were a bit hurtful.

"Arjun Gupta, please don't affect my studies! My current score is indeed 280 marks, but when the college entrance examination comes, my results will improve. I will be able to go to university." Rajesh Kumar said with extreme confidence.

After he verified that the skills in the Virtuoso game were real and effective, Rajesh Kumar shifted his goal from an ordinary university to the best university in the country.

Rajesh Kumar was not surprised by Arjun Gupta's ridicule. Every time the exam ended, he would come and mock Rajesh Kumar.


He had a conflict with Arjun Gupta.

The source of the conflict was his deskmate and neighbour, Shweta Devi!


Shweta Devi was tall and well-endowed. She was young and pretty and was the most attractive girl in class. Even in Shanti High School, she was also highly ranked.

Everyone liked beautiful girls.

Arjun Gupta's family was wealthy and he did well in his studies. He had always wanted to woo Shweta Devi.

In Year Two of high school, Arjun Gupta approached Rajesh Kumar and asked to swap seats with him.

Rajesh Kumar refused.

Because Shweta Devi's parents had specially gone to Rajesh Kumar's house to ask him to help take care of Shweta Devi.

Therefore, Rajesh Kumar wouldn't let Arjun Gupta, who had ulterior motives, get close to Shweta Devi.

Just like that, the two of them became enemies!

From that day onward, whenever Arjun Gupta had the opportunity, he would deliberately mock Rajesh Kumar. Sarcasm and ridicule were commonplace.

Hearing Rajesh Kumar's words, Arjun Gupta laughed hysterically as if he had heard a joke.

"Rajesh Kumar, are you joking? You're a good-for-nothing who only scored 28 marks in English. Do you want to study? What are you learning? What university are you going to get into!"


Then, Arjun Gupta snatched the Year Two English textbook from Rajesh Kumar and started to mock him, "Rajesh Kumar, tell me, other than the Hindi characters on the cover, how many words inside do you know?"

Rajesh Kumar had only picked up the Year Two English book for a minute. He knew how to spell the words, but there were only three words in total that he could spell and knew the meaning of.

"Rajesh Kumar, there are only 100 days left until the college entrance examination. It's too late to start working hard now!" Seeing that Rajesh Kumar didn't say anything, Arjun Gupta became even more arrogant.

"This year, you definitely won't be able to get into university!" Arjun Gupta said resolutely with contempt.

Although the other students didn't say anything, most of them shared the same thoughts as Arjun Gupta. They all felt that with Rajesh Kumar's foundation, no matter how hard he worked this year, he couldn't get in.

"Arjun Gupta, it's not up to you whether I can pass or not!"

"When the college entrance examination results are out, you'll know whether I can make it."

"Now, please stay away from me. Don't affect my studies." Rajesh Kumar's voice was very cold. He took back the English book that Arjun Gupta had snatched from him and looked at him icily.

Arjun Gupta was going to flare up, but when he saw Rajesh Kumar's icy gaze, he felt a bit scared in his heart, and he swallowed the swear words that were about to come out of his mouth.

"Rajesh Kumar, everything is possible in your dreams. I wish you a happy daydream."

"There's no need to wait for the college entrance examination. You'll understand what kind of person you are by the next monthly examination. You can't even get 200 marks. Getting into university is simply a dream." Arjun Gupta took two steps back. He felt especially embarrassed and couldn't help mocking him.