
A new old Strat

The next day had arrived and that meant it was the start of the week. As usual, the team had a full week to practise and train before their big match.

That day while Novis was busy walking to school, he was too focused thinking about what Arthur and George had told him. Novis knew to get to the next step and to be a match against Lucas, he needed to learn sword energy.

Using Berserker mode wasn't going to be good enough. Novis was no longer lacking in skill but now instead he needed something to activate in his body. Unfortunately for him, George and Arthur both said this was something they couldn't teach Novis.

When Novis asked them how they had come across sword energy for the first time, they both had given different but similar answers. In their world, they were given several quests and they were also several dangerous beasts that roamed the land. Dragons were just one of them.