
Life is a Game

Can you imagine a world of playing games on Daily bases? Well my life is just games, games, and more games. Hi! My name is Amelia and my world is different then others. My life is a game.

Today is my 17th birthday! When you turn different ages you unlock different games. So I unlocked 2 games today. For my birthday my family, my friends and I are going to town to go shopping and get lunch. My parents let Emma, Olivia, Sophia and me to go shopping while they went home. We shopped for a couple hours before it was time to go home. My parents were making my favorite dinner STEAK. My parents, my brother and I sat at the table and eat.

After dinner, I went to my room to talk to Sophia on the phone. Her family is divorced so it has been really hard on her. I try to help her feel better as much as I can. After that I decided to go to bed because I have school in the morning.

The next morning I woke up, showered, and got ready for school. I made my family breakfast so they did not have to before work. I got my transportation tablet to teleport me to my school. When I got to school, I got a weird feeling but I did not think about it. When I got to class I noticed that my friends were gone like they maybe have banished in fin air.

When I got home something was off.... the front door was opened and your garage was opened too. The weird thing was my family's cat was sitting in front of the door like she is looking for something. When I went in the house, it looks like a bomb went off. Tons of your stuff was on the floor. Then I found a note that says: "Amelia I have your friends and family with us. If you want to see them again do what I tell you and you can have them back." I was stunned like who could do this? Should I do it? Should I risk my life for my friends and family? Then I thought and thought and then the Adventure begins.