
Virtual Haven

To escape a horrifying reality, six teens make their way through a war zone to find a safe haven. The portal, a highly technological gaming system that ascending virtual reality, letting you live and adventure within a fantasy world. However, the system malfunctioned and now all their lives will be on the line as they are dragged into the story line of the game. They must become heroes and try to stop the revival of King Bahamut by obtaining the pieces of the relic he was sealed in.

DanielEdgington · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


The next day they decided to relax and have some fun, for the first time in their life they all got dressed in beach cloths and had a picnic out on the beach. They played in the water and splashed around, even Tophuu's pet friends joined them and they all had an amazing time goofing off. Later in the day they tried to find Ana to see if she knew of any side quests for them, but they couldn't find her anywhere. This didn't shock them after all this time, she may of been set to guide them there for the story and so she was now gone, they were just going to have to find another way to get side quests for the time if they wanted them. After splurging on themselves and getting a great meal they headed back to the Inn.

When they got there they found that King Rom himself was waiting for them, along with two of his knights. He greeted them in a hurry and they all gathered in their room, it was silent for a moment before one of the knights set down a box that shot out lights and encased the room in a glow.

"There, now we do not have to worry about being spied on or over heard." The kings voice was stern but there was a hint of a shaking in his voice.

"Why all the secrecy?" Vixen the first to ask but they all had the same thought, the same wonder of what was going on.

"I need you to under take a mission, one that you wont want to turn down. I need you to raid the Legion." All of them wide eyed and looking at each other, wondering why they would need to confront them.

"Do they have one of the relic pieces? If they have the seal that would make perfect sense." Fenix came up with the most logical answer he could but King Rom shook his head.

"They do not, what they do have is Ana." All of their faces went grin, tension filled the air.

"Why would they take Ana?" Art begged for answers.

"Ana was tasked with finding the last four locations of the dungeons for you. She works fast and hard and found them. But information had to have been leaked from someone, we are not sure who. The Legion showed up in waves and over took us, to save the City and you all she gave herself up as payment if they would leave." His face fell and his brows raised, as though he was trying to keep himself from looking sad, it was obvious he was a caring soul. Art's head turned, he wanted to except but it wasn't just up to him, it was up to all of them, he couldn't risk all their lives. Still he was thinking of the craziest things, going alone, sneaking away, before his thoughts could go further.

"We have to go and save her. Right guys." Meekle looked around before giving Art a few taps to the arm, everyone was smiling in agreement, they weren't going to leave her like that.

"Alright, I guess we have a new quest, just like we wanted." Vixen seeming like she was just itching to get moving.

"She helped us so much, story plot or not, we owe her." Razah putting her hand out, the others gathering around and putting their hand in as well.

"Right then, lets show the Legion what we are made of." A flame burning in the eye of Art, not just for Ana but to finally give the Legion some pay back. The king looked relieved that they were willing to do this. He gave them all the information he had, what direction they left it and the area believed to be their base, he had a few knights follow after them and they had sent word back that they had found it.

"Good, then you know where you are going, when you get their my knights will be waiting for you and assist you with anything you need." King Rom gave them the cities formal blessing that each knight got. It was more of a prayer but it was so show his belief in them and how much faith he had.

The king urged them to rest for the night and leave in the morning, that he would have a ship ready to go for them by then, but as the night crept in they all felt restless, tossing and turning in their beds.

"Screw it, lets just go." Vixen got up and started gathering her things.

"Finally." Art shot up as though he was just waiting for someone to say those exact words. They laughed and teased him a bit but in truth they all wanted to go, they all wanted to help her and this would be their second encounter with the Legion, it was time for them to see if they could stand up to them.

They all wondered how they would get a ship at this time, the pirate Vincent seemed to be gone but Art assured them he had a plan, something the rest had seemed to forget about as they got out to the beach, all their gear with them and the location of the next area. Art pulled out the horn that the Whale Dragon had left them with and blew it as hard as he could, it didn't seem to make any sound but the water rippled as he blew at it. With in moments of that the Whale Dragon appeared, Art walked towards it and pet it against its head, next to its horns and the beast leaned into his hand.

"Hey, I have a favor." Art whispered to it and asked if it would help them, explaining how their friend was taken and that they needed a fast ride to the north-east, taking them past Crystalia kingdom to the continent of Faesteria. They quickly climbed onto its back, the moon still high in the sky as they shot off into the ocean, they hadn't realized just how fast the Whale Dragon moved until they were sitting a top him and trying to find something to hold onto. Huddling around its horn, they all held on tight as they cut through the water and rushed straight for the new area that soon came into view in the distance. They landed on a beach side and gave a fair well to the best, thanking him so much for everything, they had really started to bond with it after everything.

They pulled out the instructions that the king had gave them and trying to figure out just where they landed, they were on the far end of the area and had a ways to go to reach the Legion base. They headed to the city closest to them, it was known as the free city, Faefrihed, where there was no king, the guilds ruled over this area as a group, many different people lived here, one of the largest cities in this world, it was not like the others, that looked so much like the medieval times, this area took from ancient Rome and the Renaissance era to make one beautiful town, large pillars topped with fire around the city and the buildings like art, standing tall, the streets wide and paved over. They had a trade house and an auction house going, large restaurants and beautiful bath houses. A large fountain in the center of town depicting another one of the great heroes of the past and at each end was a guild hall, these were the five major guilds of the world, giving out quests and the leaders of each were the ones who helped run this town, giving way to voting and the peoples voice.

Within the walls was races of people they never imagined, beast men, much like Fenix but they could not transform back, these beasts had ranges of wolf, lion and went all the way to lizard men. There were elves and dwarves, sylphs and goblins and a great many more, as this place welcomed all who could be civil. There were laws that forbid fighting within the walls of this city, the guild backed this up and kept the peace, as no one wanted to face the wrath of all five of the guilds.

The trip there and then the walk through the forest to get to the city was long and the day had already come and gone, they were unable to find the knights of the king that were said to be awaiting them and so they searched out the town, many of them wanting to see the blacksmith in town, he was said to make amazing weapons and they heard this from many of the people in town, it was unclear if they were just helping the blacksmith and giving out his name to unfamiliar faces or if it was true but they all wanted to know. As they walked in they were expecting a dwarf, as that is usually what it was in many old games and they had heard in this world as well that they made great weapons and armor. But when they walked in they found that it was an elf who stood at a large open flame working his time away. He had spent his many hundreds of years honing his craft and was well known for his weapons, being an elf gave him the ability to enchant his weapons with magic.

The elf turned to them as they entered, looking each of them up and down and then immediately handed Meekle a stack of cards and smiled.

"These will help you, place your curse on one and it shall hold it till you want to use it." It was as if he knew what they needed or wanted, he read each of them, figuring out their glass in no time. He pulled out new jaws for Tophuu, these ones looking like large bears roaring as they were placed on his wrists and then he grabbed a piece of elven cloth armor, beautiful but tough and handed it to Razah, "This is something that will help you a great deal, it has the ability to drop attacks you take to zero damage." Though that was rare it was a great piece and could really come in handy when it did do that. He eyed Fenix for a moment before he came back with new knuckles and some cloths, "These will help the shifting process, cutting the time it takes to shift in half, as well as upping your speed." The knuckles didn't have any special properties but they were much stronger. "Now, what is it that you two want?" He asked Vixen and Art, as though they were a bit tougher to read or that he simply didn't have exactly what they wanted.

Vixen wanted a new bow that could help them all and help her be able to do more for the group, while Art wanted a stronger sword that could be added to his collection. He forged the new bow, carving it from wood in a matter of moments, with elven carvings all down it, he explained that when she shot an enemy she would be able to read what element it was weak to and thus help her and the group. For Art he told him to come back in the morning. When the sun rose Art went back, the rest of the group gathering all the things they thought they might need, this time buying tones of different items that may help with status effects later. The elf dropped ten swords on the table for Art, there was nothing special but they were good swords to add to his collection, then he handed him something special. A sword made of dragon scales, it was beautiful and in the sun shined with a tint of red to it from the scales. It had the power to cause burn status effects to his enemies and was something truly special, but with how special it was, Art's gold was pretty much gone for all of this. He hoped the others would help cover him on potions because he didn't have enough coin left for even one.

After they were all newly geared up and ready, they tried to find the knights once more but with no luck and decided that it was not worth waiting for them and set out. It was oddly quiet as they headed around the forest, seeing it the quickest way to the Legion fortress. On the way Tophuu caught anything new that could could, trying to add up his beast buddies to be ready for more and more. The others tried out their new weapons, seeing how they worked so they were ready to use them to the best of their abilities. With the easy walk around the large dangers they came to a large building, it looked somewhat like a castle but at the same time, seemed just like any other building, made of wood, rather than stone.

Outside there was a group of the Legion guarding the front entrance, they walked around looking for another way in but they could not find one, it seemed they were going to have to go through the front. They took a deep breath, hiding behind the large wall that surrounded the building before rushing the front gates, kicking them in, the Legion responded with such quickness it was unreal, as though they were waiting for this moment. The battle had started and though they didn't go down each, they didn't feel as unstoppable as they did the first time. They held their own, slashing, hitting, casting and fighting their way through the front guards that were there. They were thankful that there were only three of them to fight off this time, as they attacked, guarded and battled, the damage they took didn't seem as scary as it did back in the guild hall of Crystalis. Art swung, leaving a lashing of flames on one of them, damage popped from him over and over. His new sword seemed to be something truly great as he continued on. Vixen was able to find that they were weak to almost every element, which allowed them to be able to deal serious damage, but wondered why it was they were weak to so much. Still they fought on and soon won their first encounter with the Legion.

They slammed the doors open but the place seemed almost empty as they searched about, finding patrol guards here and there but it was not a massive army like they had expected. Still they kept their guard up as they searched through the place, finding many doors to check and each one seeming more empty than the last. In one of them they found a mimic chest, this one not feeling as hard as the last few but still taking them a bit of time to take down. Their fighting had got better and they started communicating in battle, shouting out things to one another to help protect and give openings to attack, their advantage to this was the time they spent in the real world, having slang terms for these types of things. The mimic had no chance this time as it fell, they split the gold which was not as much but came with more jewels that they had no idea what to do with and didn't want to spend the time with at the moment.

They went back out into the hall and could hear talking, as though someone was taunting and laughing at someone else. They rushed down the hall, following the voice till they found a wooden door that was locked, they all started bashing into it, trying to get through the door. Fenix doing a quick shift into his elephant form, this time having a trunk to go along with the tusks and his size being greater than before he smashed through the door with ease and they all bolted down the steps that were on the other side, going down into a lit up dungeon. The guards all turned, weapons drawn as the group got to the bottom of the steps, another man behind them all, he was much more slender, almost bone like as his skin wrinkled around the bone.

"I see our other guests have finally arrived." His arms opened wide, greeting them, his smile was sickening against his crooked, dirty teeth. His eyes had no life in them as he looked on at them. Behind the man there were the two guards, beaten down and their armor ripped apart and in the cell next to the man, the one he had been taunting was Ana. It was odd, this was the only person left here, along with a hand full of guards, it just seemed off to all of them.

It was no time to over think, they fought off the guards just like they did the rest and the man just stood their laughing the whole time, but as each one of them fell he started scratching at his bold head, "Well, I guess if you want something done, you have to do it yourself." A devilish giggling escaped him as he held his hands out in front of him, green smoke appearing and forming into a scythe that he quickly swung at them without warning. This fight was already much more intense than those of the Legion soldiers, he was so quick for looking so old. Each swing covered the room, cutting through the iron bars and everything around them. All but Razah was hit, being protected by her magic armor she was about to finish her spell she had started.

"Am-Heh, hear my call from the depths of the underworld and come forth, show my enemies fear that you bring to millions and devour them. For this I shall give an offering and you will be paid for hearing me." Razah's health started to drop till it got to the half way point and then the room started to shake as a rip within their reality came forth and a devilish force crawled out. A large, dead looking hand, wrapped up in bandages came out and grabbed hold of the creepy old Legion man and he let out a scream, followed by a laugh as he was dropped down, his life having been drained from him and cutting a chunk from his health bar. The hand went back and the rip was sealed back up, Razah seemed tired, her health was half down and her mana was even lower as she had used her strongest magical ability that she had on him.

"That was impressive, sadly it wont do." He went straight for Razah but was met with Meekles large claws that defended and then a slash from Art as he shot the man into the air and Fenix and Vixen used a combo attack, her shooting star and his drop kick landing, he was thrown back and again got up and laughed, his health didn't even drop half way, while they all seemed tired and already in need of healing. But he didn't give them the chance as he threw his scythe at them, cutting at them before flying back to him, he then held out a hand, reading himself for a spell. A lashing of a whip echoed and the small Sylph Goblins that Tophuu had got before the air temple flew in, biting at the mans hand, keeping him from doing the spell. They found this the best time to rush him, though Vixen had hit him with many arrows, she could not figure out his weakness.

Art, Fenix and Meekle got in close and unleashed attack after attack, the whole time the man laughed at them. It was as if this was all a game to him, as if he didn't take us as a threat at all. But they got him down to half health, they were well on their way to beating him. Then they were all pushed back.

"Well, that should be good enough." That sick grin coming over him once again as he taunted at them with a wave of his fingers, "Maybe we will get to play again some day, that is, if you don't die." And in a large puff of smoke he was gone. None of them standing tall after that one, they didn't seem to threaten him in the least, while they all sat there trying just to stay alive the whole time. Even when they had what seemed like an advantage, it was as if he was toying with them, throwing them a bone to make them keep trying. The whole building now silent as the group checked on the two knights and Art checked on Ana, getting her out of the cell.

"Art, you guys need to hurry. He was just the distraction."

"Wait, hold on, what do you mean distraction." Art helped her out of the room and they all turned to listen to her.

"Haven't you noticed how their is no one here, at one of their own bases? I had to give them the information." Her head fell, "I didn't think they would get it so easily but they got into my head and." She bit at her lip as she paused for a moment, "Look, you have to hurry to the next dungeon or they will get the seal before you." All of them feeling wrecked and like they had failed, even if they saved Ana, they underestimated the Legion after they were able to take down the soldiers so quickly, but it turns out that they had people like that man.

"How, we weren't even able to stand up against that guy, what if we get stuck in a match between him and the boss?" Razah questioned going after them now but at the same time, they all felt responsible for keeping the relic pieces safe from the Legion, what should they do.

"We will take you back to town first. We can't just leave, we need to be ready for it." Art tried to sound confident but even he was shaking after that battle. Ana tried to tell them to just leave her but they couldn't do that. They all got out and looked back at the large building wondering how everything went so sideways so quick and none of them looking forward to another battle with that man. As they got back to town they were all licking their wounds back at the Inn, while Ana and the two knights were taken to the medical building to get treated and checked.

"So what do we do? We can't give up half way through, right?" Art paced back and forth while nervously picking at the skin of his lip.

"It was best we came back here first, we had to regroup." Vixen tried to calm him.

"Well, we don't have enough time to train up again, we have to get in their and find the seal piece, but with Legion that might be tough. What if we just let them have one? And we moved on to the others, getting strong enough to face off against that guy and anyone else. Then we can just go take it from them later." Fenix tried to find a solution for them but it was still a tough position to be in, sense they could be at all the locations, they had no idea how large the Legion was. Every dungeon was now a bigger risk than it was before, they would have to play every step safe and really think about what they were doing. They all felt as though they just kept failing, having three pieces of the seal or not, they weren't coming out on top, they were just barely scraping by each time.