
Virtual Glitch: Two Devs Stuck In The World Of Their Own Game

The Two Developers Fpholtz Ozbine and Arlo Daneclad The Two Devs Who Made "Apocalypse Unleashed" The Most Popular VR Game Worldwide Were Murdered and Reincarnates in the past and get trapped in their own game when it was just starting to get known and was still not released (the story is fucking ass and has been dropped)

ShadowArc · Games
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Echoes of Redemption

Chapter 24: Echoes of Redemption

As the demonic invasion waned, echoes of redemption resounded throughout Elysium. Some of the demons who had been mere pawns in a grand scheme began to question their purpose. Struck by the compassion and unity they witnessed amongst the allied forces, these demons sought redemption and joined the ranks of those fighting for a new era of harmony.

Arlo and Fpholtz, ever champions of love and forgiveness, extended a hand of redemption to those demons who yearned to break free from their dark bonds. These redeemed beings embraced the teachings of light, transforming into steadfast allies and proving that even the deepest darkness could be illuminated by the flicker of hope.