
Virgo Waterpark & Its Seven Slides

P.S. This story contains lots and lots of 21+ scenes, but of course it's still got its plot twist which'll make readers curious to complete reading it until the end. Go ahead only if you're comfortable with it. Virgo Waterpark – a vast, always crowded, and always fun waterpark right in the middle of crowded, modern, sophisticated, and never sleeping Tokyo city. It was built by a quite well-known mixed Japanese Indonesian businessman, Toshiro Jeffry Nakamura. The name of the waterpark is given based on the name of the woman whom he loves and adores immensely truly and deeply. The woman is also a mixed between Chinese and Indonesian, whose name is Virgo Belle Huangwira. In Virgo Waterpark itself, there are lots and lots of slides as well as many other water games. There are seven largest, highest and most thrilling slides for the thrill-seekers as well as water-games lovers. Each slide has their own stories until there comes an ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ lain behind those seven slides. All of those sound queer, illogical, or perhaps absurd. All of them don’t even make sense at all. However… As long as you believe… As long as you take them for granted, the ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ will certainly… come true… Will you dare to prove it?

ATua · Urban
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61 Chs

You Must Be Mine (part 1)

It'd been more than one month that Judith King hadn't been talking with her beloved Brother Jun. Jun Kim hadn't been meeting up with his Jud Jud Darling for also more than one month. He kept on trying and trying to beg for an opportunity from his Jud Jud Darling to let him explain himself. His love, lust, desire and his longing towards his Jud Jud Darling had been immensely unbearable and uncontrollable.

Meanwhile, Aldo Saturn never appeared in front of Jun Kim or Judith King anymore. After being threatened by Tetsuo Yamaha, he surely knew with whom he'd be facing if he dared to search for some problems again. Mrs. Aquila King hadn't been turning up either. It seemed that the middle-aged lady was immensely sorrowful, sad and miserable since her last big quarrel with her daughter.

After lots and lots of his attempts as well as efforts, Jun Kim eventually managed to ask his beloved Jud Jud Darling to dine out in a quite luxurious and well-known restaurant. And, here she was… Judith was seen sitting right in front of her man, the man whom she really loved and missed for this recent month.

"What do you want to talk to me again? Haven't I told you that our relationship has ended since I saw your condition in that hotel room together with that sexy lady, Brother Jun? No more relationship… No more wedding or any other future plans…" mumbled Judith King with her somewhat upset and angry fashion.

"Listen to me first, Jud Jud Darling… You never give me an opportunity to explain myself. I know that you saw me in my naked condition in that hotel room, but at least all culprits have got their own opportunities to explain themselves, haven't they?" Jun Kim became more and more frustrated at this moment.

"It's been clear that you were naked together with a sexy – also naked – young lady in that hotel room. What should I listen again? What will you explain again?" Judith King fractionally raised up her voice tune.

"Please, Jud Jud Darling… Please… Please… Just listen to me this time… Please…"

"No, I don't think there should be any explanations again…"

"But, Jud Jud Darling… At least, give me an opportunity to explain myself first. After my explanation, it's up to you whether to believe me or not…" Jun Kim was immensely frustrated. He was seen pulling his own hair.

Actually, Judith took pity on her beloved Brother Jun. However, she'd agreed with Cecilia Belinda's suggestion to test her beloved Brother Jun's love and faithfulness. She'd stepped until the middle of her test. She solely needed some more steps before she ended her test and concluded that her beloved Brother Jun really loved as well as adored her, that her Dear Brother Jun was really faithful to her.

Judith King was seen quaffing her glass of strawberry juice right in front of her. Subsequently, she mumbled again,

"So, what will you do after you've explained to me? What do you expect from me, Brother Jun? Do you expect that I'll believe in all your words and then I'll accept our togetherness again? If all the culprits' explanations are believable, then I think we don't need any policemen or judges or juries in the courts anymore, do we?"

"Shit, Jud Jud Darling! Why are you being so stubborn! Why don't you want to listen to me even for a while? You really don't believe me anymore, do you? Do you really want to end up our relationship? Do you really want to leave me?" hissed Jun Kim with his immensely sharp eyesight towards the woman whom he loved and adored intensely truly and deeply.

Judith King was seen gasping for her breath for a little while. She started her monolog underneath the peninsula of her mind, thought as well as consideration.

Gosh… I didn't really mean to make you angry, Brother Jun… This is only… is only… is only a test suggested by my bestfriend in order to see how deep your love and faithfulness to me is, Brother Jun. Should I end this test now? Should I really put it to an end now?

"No! I'll never let you end up this relationship of ours! I'll never let you leave me!" uttered Jun Kim again with his substantial determination.

Judith King wanted to open her mouth again to reply to her Brother Jun's exclamations. However, at that exact time, she started to feel dizzy and queasy. Her background world began to spin and whizz here and there in its quickest speed.

"You're mine, Jud Jud Darling… You merely belong to me… Wherever you go, I can still find and get you… You can't run away from me…"

Judith's beloved Brother Jun's voice faded and faded as her consciousness seemed to drift higher and higher, separated from her body. As the dizziness and queasiness inside her head reached its peak, Judith really couldn't perceive the world around her anymore. She really got drowned beneath the dark black world of her unconsciousness.

Jun Kim was heard sighing in his long breath. He started to carry his Jud Jud Darling's languid and unconscious body.

"Sorry… Really and really sorry, Jud Jud Darling… You've been avoiding me for more than one month… You haven't been talking to me for quite a long time I think… I can't part from you… I really can't lose you, Jud Jud Darling… You must stay beside me, now until forever… To make it come true, to make you still stay with me, this is the only way which I can do…"

Jun Kim carried his beloved Jud Jud Darling to a presidential suite room which he'd reserved. He gently laid down his beloved Jud Jud Darling's still languid and unconscious body on the king-sized bed in that hotel room. Waiting for his beloved Jud Jud Darling to sober up, Jun Kim decided to take a bath and clean himself first. He hadn't been taking any bath since the morning time. After taking his bath, he was now wearing a bathrobe, and was now lying on the king-sized bed as well, beside his Jud Jud Darling.

Minutes and minutes went by. Judith's consciousness began to come back to her body. Blinking her eyes again and again, Judith started to be able to perceive that right now she'd been in a hotel room. She looked here and there throughout the luxurious presidential suite room to subsequently realize that she'd really been in a hotel room at this moment.

Judith turned to her right. She gasped for breath seeing her beloved Brother Jun merely wearing his bathrobe, lying beside her.

"Bro… Bro… Brother Jun… Were we in the hotel restaurant a moment before? Why… Why do you bring me here?" stuttered Judith King.

"Of course to make you listen to me, to make you realize my real love, sincerity and faithfulness to you…" Jun Kim was seen caressing his Jud Jud Darling's face, down to her chin, to her neck and finally to her twin mountainous hillsides.

"You've put a kind of sedative into my strawberry juice, Brother Jun… Didn't you?"

"Yeah… I did… If I can't make you listen to me well and properly, this is the only way which I can do to prevent you from leaving me…" Jun Kim quickly took off his Jud Jud Darling's blouse. He started to gently and lovingly squash those pinky adorable twin mountainous hillsides.

"Stop this, Brother Jun… I don't want you beside me anymore… You're not a faithful guy… I want to leave now…" Judith King tried to throw away her Brother Jun's hands from her body, from her mountainous hillsides. She tried to push away her Brother Jun's big, sturdy and muscular body. However, that was all in vain inasmuch as she was less powerful compared with her tall, strong and robust Brother Jun.

"Never dream to end this relationship as simply and easily as you like, Jud Jud Darling… You've flown me up to heaven all these times by our happiness, togetherness and love towards each other. Now, you want to end up this relationship of ours by simply saying you want to leave me. No, I'll never let that happen! You always belong to me, now until forever…"

"Please let go of your hand from my body, Brother Jun… What will you do to me, Brother Jun?"

Finally, Jun Kim's licking and squashing had reached his Jud Jud Darling's heavenly canyon down there which was still covered by her jeans. Swiftly and competently, Jun Kim took off his Jud Jud Darling's jeans and undies simply by pulling them down once.

"Now, I want to do the things I ought to do since several moments ago…"

Judith tried again and again to push away her beloved Brother Jun's body as well as head. Yet, again and again, her hands seemed to be powerless at all. Moreover, all her Brother Jun's touches, caresses, licking, kissing as well as squashing seemed to produce such unknown and indescribable enjoyment waves flinging her whole body to the heavenly horizon at the opposite nirvana beach.

"Please let go of your hand from my body, Brother Jun… You're squeezing me, Brother Jun… Aaarrhh…"

Jun Kim's explorative, adventurous, naughty hands were still playing and travelling on his Jud Jud Darling's pinky, adorable, challenging twin mountainous hillsides. Again and again, those hands really sent such mysterious, queer, unfamiliar pleasure signals which made Judith's whole body shivering violently.