
Identity Revealed.

Several days had passed since the incident that happened during the first mission of the new disciples, the magic emperor and the 7 generals gathered in the hall of the royal palace.

"Toru, is there something you want to say?" Emperor Anderson asked Toru in a deep voice, he is the magic emperor of the sun kingdom, his sharp gaze made the generals feel uncomfortable.

General Toru closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "It seems that there is no need to hide it, I apologize in advance for keeping this a secret from the Emperor and the other generals, the news that the Emperor has heard is true, Virgo has the power of the dark element," General Toru nodding reveals the truth about Virgo.

"So you're saying you already knew and deliberately hid it from the rest of us, you're so presumptuous!" Shouted general Barak, he was furious with Toru's decision to hide Virgo's identity.

According to him, with such power, it will certainly threaten the sun kingdom.