
Virgo Adventurer Wizard

Monsters suddenly appear and begin to wreak havoc on all the inhabitants of the earth, and they allegedly get the power of the god of darkness. To protect themselves from monsters, humans study the magic book given by the god of the sun and thunder, then those who study it will be known as a magician. In a small village, a boy named Virgo who has no magical talent is stranded on a mysterious island filled with deadly beasts, the island cannot even be detected by magicians. On the island, Virgo meets the power core of the god of darkness that has been sealed, Virgo who wants to return to where he came from must agree to become the heir to the power of the god of darkness and complete a mission to prevent the rise of demonic forces. Follow and continue to support Virgo's journey.

Umam_Young · Fantasy
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160 Chs

Ghost Curse.

"So don't you feel something with that dark element of yours?" Toru explained while trying to know more about Virgo.

He believes Virgo has something that only he himself knows.

Hearing that question, Virgo's heart jolted slightly, he stared at Toru intently thinking Toru might know more than he should.

"Why do you ask like that, could it be that you think I am a bad person for having the element of darkness?". Virgo fixed his gaze on Toru.

It made Toru gulp a little, he somehow got little goosebumps when Virgo looked at him like that.

"Okay, don't take it too seriously, I just wanted to know if maybe you have a little problem with your strength, otherwise it will be over, we don't need to discuss it any further," Toru said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Mmm, I think that's better, sorry if it offends you," Virgo said while looking down politely, he realized he was being a little presumptuous to Toru.