
Vipers and Beasts.

Merain · Fantasy
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He stepped into the bar behind two big brutes hoping not to be seen. The two brutes wasnt going straight to the bar However which caused more then a few problems for one who wanted to get to the counter undected. Nothing Roth couldnt handle though. He followed close after these two men before suddenly stepping out behind them ten feet from his goal. Why Rogue had given him such a wierd job This time around he didnt know but Roth was a perfectionist so he refused to fail, even tho failing here was near impossible. "One always has to have his guard up" was a saying around the Ravenguard and it was just as much advice as a rule after all the assassination attempts there had been over the last two years. ~Just because no one followed you doesn't mean that there's nobody already here watching you. He mumbled to himself. He took the last few steps to the bar and sat down. ~Give me an ale. Those idiots from Rama is questioning people about some illegal smuggling happening in their docks leading to Teldara. Let me tell you this, there's not a single soul in that village to the north from here that smuggles anything. They're too poor to afford the concecuences if anything happenes. The keyword was "idiots from Rama" and "too poor" he was almost certain he got it right. The bartender stared at him for a few trying to place if anyone else had Come in to say the same thing but he couldn't remember it so he gave a quick shrugg of his shoulders and took up a package and slid it over to him while pouring his ale. Roth studied the package with the intensity of someone holding an arrow strung but not yet finding the perfect shot.

~So i take it you're from Galie then?

Roth's eyes were transfix'd on the package before him.

~No not really i'm just passing through. Would'nt a the bartender know? Wasn't he aware of it since he held the package for safekeeping? Maybe he's just a innocent bystander who takes packages or maybe he know everything and simply acts ignorant. Eitherway better not give him anymore information then he already has. ~I see, Well then maybe i can interest you in a bite of our beloved stew. It'll be ready in ten minutes or so. Roth's eyes finally left the package infront of him and he smiled to the barkeep.

~That would be lovely and i'll take a room if you one.

He finished the stew with a loud burp and leaned back in his chair. He hadn't seen anyone suspicious enter or leave the inn for aslong as he had been there, no one had more than glanced at the package either. There was nothing pointing towards the fact that someone was following him or trying to tamper with the package. Yet he had this uneasy feeling that something was off, not in a purely bad way. Still it was like he had been tricked. It didn't seem like the package was opened and then put back together. He picked it up and turned it over one last time in his hands before getting up from his seat to find his room. The door squeaked loudly as he opened it. The inside showed a tiny room where there was a bed and a small table paired with a normal sized chair. There was only one window looking over the road outside leading towards the inn. The inn had started to quiet down and the last guests were leaving. He stared at the little package on the table. What could be in it? I havn't heard from my family in ages. He took the package in his hands and opened it with ease. Inside there were two letters next to some kind of wooden token depicting the godess of love. He picked up the first letter and started to read it in the dim candle light.

I wrote this snipped years ago. I’m not much for editing and fixing words. However This Will be just like My other one where i throw stuff out unedited and mostly with unnande characters as not to spoil the actual story i writing. Hope you enjoy these small things as much as i do.

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