
There's Star's, Moon's and Galaxies but, your the Sun.

That night we first met was different. You came into my room. I was attracted to you when I first saw you. You were a star that had fallen to Earth and it was my goal to get you back up into the sky. At least that's what it was.

It's been a year since you left. Do you still think about me?

When you came to my room you asked me one question I wont forget. " Are you the sun?". I didnt know how to reply. This was a surprise to hear since you had somehow gotten into my room and I didnt know who you were. I replied with "I'm just a girl know as Alicia, I'm no one".

Your response to what I had said was rather peculiar to me. " No one is just "no one", every one has a purpose. Anyone and everyone is everything". Why?

You made me believe what you said. Now your gone. This doesnt make sense because it's not from the begging. I apologize...

This is my notebook. A note book I use to collect memories and events that changed my life. usually it would be about my school years or friends I have.This time it was different. This time it was about one person. It's about Aaron. Its about how he changed my life. It's about how I helped him. Little did I know I would change my mind.

It happend my sophomore year of high school. One night after I had an argument with my parents he appeared at my window. A boy. He had white hair, hazel eyes, with soft pale white skin. He was beautiful. To me, he was beautiful. He saw himself as something less that beautiful, a monster. He went on to explain to me that he could be up in the sky. "I was a star that had fallen". An angle is how I saw him. I stepped up on to the window with him. We both looked up at the moon. It was beautiful. It made his eyes shine. We jumped off...