
Dont let me go..

I held on to him for dear life. I grabbed his sleeve.

" Is this what you need to believe me?!" His eyes full of anger. I couldn't move. I was scared. That moment he looked at me. He could see right through my lie.

" No... No you dont believe me" A tear drop fell down his pale cheek. I knew that it couldn't be real, or I wanted to believe that it couldn't be real.

"Let me go..." I said in a quiet voice. His eyes met mine.

"I'll let you go" He replied. His grip on my wrist slowly started to become weaker as he slowly pulled me back up.

"Sorry for what I'm about to do!" He said

In those very short moments he let me go...

"NO! Ahhhhhhh!" I remember falling and falling and falling, yet I never hit the ground. I felt something. No someone holding me. I could feel they're worth next to me. I slowly opened my eyes. It was him.

"Hey scary cat. Do you believe me now?." His face had a nice friendly smile on it. I felt scared, mad yet somehow safe. I was upset that he had put me through all this craziness but, I also felt happy he did let me fall to my death.

"Why... why would you do that?!" I told him. I didn't know what tone to say it in. I was between so many emotions I could decide how I was supposed to feel.

" You needed to see that I wasn't lying, I needed you to see that I wasn't lying." His voice was soft almost as if he were sorry for what he had done yet, felt accomplished for doing it. His eyes met mine. I didnt say a word. We didnt say anything. I wasnt sure how he was flying. That was until I looked behind him. He had beautiful angle like wings. It was an angel. He is an angel.

" Your beautiful.." I said in a soft voice. His eyes opened wide as he looked at me.

" Sometimes, things seem like you think..." He said

" Sometimes it's better to let people believe what they say is true. It can be better to let them believe their own lies." I replied. He opened his mouth like if he wanted to say something but he just gave me little smirk instead.

" Hey so when are we going to go back down?" I asked.

" Oh yeah I'm sorry." He said. He slowly started to go back down. I felt different when we got back down. It seemed like a dream. Even if I knew now that it was no longer a dream. It was reality. It was my reality. It was our reality...