
Violet the Last Fallen Demon

talk_ative · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Gentle cold breeze, leaves falling all around, warm soil beneath me, was one of the first thing I felt waking up after what feels like an eternity. Opening my eyes, I was immediately greeted by the harsh sun rays looking down on me. In response I tried to lift my arm to shield my face but was struck by crushing pain in my shoulders.

It felt like something heavy was weighing me down preventing me from getting up. As I try to get a feel of my surroundings, I caught what seems like a soft bunch of feathers. Trailing my hands upwards to find the source and gently tugging, immense pain was coming from my back.

As I try to move, so did the thing on my back responding to every muscle I constrict. I couldn't see it fully but all I know was that it was heavily attached to my back. Pieces of black feather was found on the ground where I laid, it had a strange highlight of magenta whenever the sun hits it which made it look like it was illuminating.

After a little while, of rest trying to regain my strength, I put more effort in my arms to lift my upper body as it was extremely difficult. Once I was no longer laying on the ground and my body was up against the wall, I carefully lifted my head to see that I have been buried underground.

Pieces of leaves, branches and other debris that seemed to have covered the hole - have now been dismantled, and fallen within the ditch I was found in. As I was looking up I caught a glimpse of blue skies and a leafless tree towering over next to the hole.

Suddenly unknown emotions came flooding into my head without any sign as to what could have triggered this feeling. Hot tears was welling up from both my eyes. I lifted my trembling hands to catch the endless stream of tears that was starting to pour down my face. I was confused, as I had no recollection of memories that could lead to this reaction but all I recognized was the emptiness I feel deep inside me.

Minutes go by and a stinging sensation of cold droplets was falling on my exposed body. I try to curl up to regulate the heat around me. But as the rain grew stronger so did the hole slowly filling up with water that reached up to my ankles in a matter of seconds. I was still too weak to get myself out, so I tried to look around my surrounding area to see if there was anything I could use to support my body.

A thick branch was collapsed on the other side of the hole. Extending my legs to grab a hold of it was the most I could do without falling over due to the weight on my back. Once I had a safe grip on it, using my feet I pulled it towards me by bending my knees with the branch within my hold.

Water mercilessly came flooding in at all sides down the wall. I had to move my body near the centre to avoid the falling impact. Fortunately, the hole was not too deep so after 3 minutes water has reached up to my stomach.

The pieces of debris is floating on the murky water.

It gave me an idea that I may be able to escape by following the same type of method. However, I was in a race against the harsh cold environment and water rapidly filling up the hole. It was getting more and more difficult to hold myself up using the stick, as my hands was growing numb from the cold.

I let more time pass by, which also meant that water has still been making its way in along with twigs that has given me small cuts. Due to the cold, I have been numb to the pain so it has made it bearable. Water was rising filling up more than half of the hole and I moved my body up along the stick which was settled diagonally against the wall for support. What seemed like wings on my back was greatly weighing me down preventing me from floating up the hole.

I gathered up enough strength to finally lift myself up and over all in one go. I was grunting through the pain coming from all over my body as it felt electrifying.