
Violet Shinigami (Bleach Self Insert)

The events of fate are deviated from their original path when a soul who doesn't belong is reborn in the society. Yea, that's all you gonna get synopsis-wise, I mean it's a SI-OC, what more could you want? Just read the damn thing. The mentioned names don't have anything to do with relationships and relevance btw

BoombaTheSaint · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Extra of the Gotei

He let out a tired, yet satisfied sigh as he stretched a bit, the feeling of the soothing sensation of Ikkaku's styptic ointment waning away the pain from the wounds he'd suffered.

They weren't severe though, and didn't hinder his movements much.

'So this is the strength of a 3rd seat?' He thought, glancing down on the unconscious form of his opponent. The fight wasn't that difficult, a bit tougher than his previous ones — his defeat at Rukia's elder brother couldn't be called a fight — stats-wise, but still one that showed him how far he had come under Kisuke's guidance.

He was stronger, faster, and more perceptive. Not to mention his increasing proficiency with his Reiryoku.

He clenched his hand into a fist, feeling the power that coursed through his vents. Yep, his control grew by the minute — faster when in the midst of combat — thanks to the abundance of Reishi in the Soul Society.

He once again looked at Ikkaku. While skill and experience-wise the 3rd seat dwarfed him, his higher power managed to secure him a win. Though he wondered if he would be stronger enough to match a ca—

"Ouch!" A voice exclaimed, disturbing so calmly and casually the silence permitted by the aftermath of his fight. "You really did a number on our cute little Ikkaku, didn't you?"

His instincts screamed carelessness at him…a violent shudder erupting from his body when he finally realised that the voice sounded just a few inches from his right ear.

He froze for a moment, eyes widening as his blood ran cold as the sensation of a hand on his shoulder became known, igniting the trauma that was still fresh in his mind…

"Too slow!"

But Ichigo was fast to recover.

He quickly made distance between him and the individual, his body moving with raw grace unbothered by his attained wounds that parted at his lack of care. His zanpakuto came in a defensive position, ready if the stranger chose to capitalise at his lapse in guard.

He didn't of course, the man just waved and smiled at him with a familiarity Ichigo didn't share.

"Who the heck are you?!"

He asked…more like shouted at the man as he heaved and huffed at the scare the stranger had invoked in him.

He was a blond haired man with fair features dressed in a white long haori reminiscent of the bastard who pushed them out the gate, except this man's had golden patterns upon its shoulders and sleeve ends instead of black markings with the common shinigami uniform beneath it.

His zanpakuto — an ordinary katana with a similar golden tsuka wrapped in a black hid — was sheathed on his right hip, suggesting that he favoured the use of his left hand rather than the common right, and he didn't seem to be reaching, nor did he seem intent on using it.

He just stood there, confused at his inquiry before realisation shone on his face…

"Oh! Ohhhh! I'm sorry, I honestly didn't mean to frighten you, I even suppressed my reiatsu to the point of nonexistent, see…I mean feel! Sense!"

He replied, a bit comically if he was being honest, with gestures and exaggerated motions helping his conveyance.

But Ichigo didn't let his guard down or let his posture relax. How could he, when the man's words actually rang true? There was indeed no Reiatsu emitted from the man, as if he was just a normal individual.

But he wasn't. The uniform that clung on him made that clear, and if that wasn't enough, he had the same demeanour of casual danger he had only felt from Kisuke…

A sheepish expression bloomed at the man's face when Ichigo remained quiet and wary. He scratched his head while murmuring something under his breath that failed to echo.

"I— I just saw you two fighting earlier and I wanted to ask a few questions, but didn't want to interfere in your battle, thus I waited until a victor was decided."

Unfaltering, Ichigo remained steady, the man's casualness failing to sway his intent. He brandished Zangetsu — the display done for dramatics — and pointed it at the man in universal threat.

"I'll ask again, who are you?"

The man's eyes widened, though Ichigo doubted it was from his threat.

"Oh my, I didn't think I would— know what, it's not important. My name is Uchino Hisayuki, but you can just call me Hisayuki." He offered a hand in greeting, of which Ichigo didn't take. Unbothered, the man continued his introduction, "I'm the Extra Seat of the Gotei 13, but between you and me I think the position is completely worthless. I mean I've been passed over for captain like 6 times, even that creep Ichimaru became captain before me, not to mention Kuchiki, granted the man's position was inherited from his grandfather, but still…"

He went on a ramble from there, sharing with Ichigo a lot of information and history that the teen could have done without. Like how the now named Hisayuki was a heart slayer back at Shin'ō. Or how he had been poisoned 108 times by a tsundere pet. Or how "Old Man Yama" was secretly jealous of his drip which was why he was still not a proper captain.

Ichigo wasn't so sure about the last one. Hisayuki honestly looked like a compensating pharaoh with all that gold, of course things might be a bit different in the Soul Society, though he doubted it.

"…anyway, the reason I sought you out was to ask if you could tell me in which direction the cat flew."

He finally said with a smile that spoke more than the words he had thrown at him.

Shock ran through Ichigo's body at the abrupt change in topic, the teen's suspicion and wariness coming back full force.

Even so, he feigned ignorance.

"What cat?"

No way he was selling Yoruichi-san's position to this guy, for all he knew the guy might be a complete psychopath who got his rocks off from killing little animals. To Hisayuki's credit, he looked at him with little suspicion, in fact he went on to describe it to him…

"Come on, you know this cat. It has black fur all over and eyes similar to mine, except you know, catlike." He paused before kneeling, "it's this height. No, this height. This? No, it's a bit smaller than this."

A minute went by as he was adjusting the height until reaching a satisfied and incorrect one…was he mistaking a cat with a cheetah?

"Oh! And it can talk."

Ichigo didn't say anything, merely looking at the man as he in turn looked at him expectantly. This went on for a time until a shadow of disappointment and resignation came over his face.

Ichigo tightened his grip on his zanpakuto, readying himself for a fight.

"You know, I'm really trying my best over here, Kurosaki-san. Or do you not want me reunited with my pet?"

He didn't answer…nor made any moves of faltering.

"Man! Why must you shonen types be this stubborn and optimistic, and here I thought you actually cared about the girl…" He shook his head with a faint smile, though it was gone before Ichigo could catch it a second time. "Fine, I guess I'll just have to beat the location out of you, Ichigo-kun."

The man said as he stood, his robes violently flattering from an unfelt storm!

Wait, what did he mean by—


Shunsui found his attention being drawn away from the sake he had been so wonderfully enjoying, towards the south east of the barracks of the 11th division…

"Is there something wrong, Captain?"

His beautiful Lisa asked, pausing mid-pour at his quick turn. Oh, he supposed she wouldn't be able to feel the pressure of the Extra Seat from this far.

He smiled assuringly.

"Nothing, my sweet Lisa." He said, "nothing at all."

He hoped Hisayuki didn't release his zanpakuto within the walls of Seireitei once more. There didn't need Kukyo no Torekka's madness bringing more trouble to this already crazy situation.

'I should probably call for Nanao-chan just in case.' He thought.

Still, just who were these Ryoka? And how strong were they for Hisayuki's Reiatsu to touch so notably upon the ambience?


It wasn't much a mountain but the weight of everything around and inside him increasing to an insane degree. As if gravity had doubled, tripled…the air felt thicker, and there was a prickling, painful sensation on his skin akin to the stab of thousands of needles.

So much Reiatsu… And the pressure, it was crashing.

Ichigo fell to one knee, Zangetsu digging into the ground in order to prevent him from falling. What was this man, how did he have so much reiatsu.

Looking up at Hisayuki, he found the man's cold and indifferent gaze looking down at him, a gloved palm pointing at him as a violent crackling blue lightning emitted and grew from it.

"Hadō Number 88: Hiryū Gekizok— Eh? Oof!"

And then there was nothing. No, not nothing, a dark blur seemed to have taken the man mid-cast…

Ichigo crumbled to the ground, his heart racing in his chest. That crazy bastard was going to kill him wasn't he, he was going to kill him because he didn't want to share Yoruichi-san's position. Worst of all…he didn't even deem him worthy of using his zanpakuto.

"Ugh— I guess I have my answer—"

A loud explosive combustion in the distance Ganju had headed interrupted his fright…and musings.

******** Author Notes*******

The Saint: I know, I shouldn't be taking on so many projects, but what's a man to do? I can't control my inspiration. Anyway, here's a Bleach Self Insert Fic.

Hope y'all enjoy it. And do leave some feedback and ideas for what you want to see. I'm open to suggestions on this one.

Also have a Pa-atreon under the same name in case y'all wanna show some love.

Bye bye