
Violent Delinquent World

Confusion washed over me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. The last thing I remembered was dying in the alley. Disclaimer: I don’t own Crow x Worst or any other delinquent mangas that may appear later down the road. I don’t own the image.

LowkeySpider44 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Fortuitous Encounter

Yoh's strides carried an air of casual confidence as he ambled through the winding lanes of Kurotaki Neighborhood.

He couldn't help but let his thoughts drift, always on the lookout for an angle, an opportunity.

The morning's successful mugging had given Yoh a thrill, but it was merely a first step.

If he wanted real power in this world, it would take much grander schemes and leverage.

His footsteps echoed lightly, drawing him to a quaint little establishment nestled between two brick buildings the "Kurotaki Net Cafe".

Its neon sign, a digitalized coffee mug, blinked invitingly. Yoh's curiosity led him inside.

A combination of cool air and the soft whirring of computer fans greeted him.

The dimly lit interior was occupied by several patrons, mostly young adults engrossed in their respective virtual worlds.

Yoh approached an empty station, depositing a few yen coins for an hour's worth of browsing.

With a few clicks, he dived into this world's music scene.

While he did find intriguing beats, diverse genres, and a few budding talents, there was a gaping absence of the iconic voices he remembered.

No sign of Kanye, Kendrick , Drake or other big artists from his old world.

Yoh leaned back, a slow grin spreading across his face. A wicked idea began to form.

With the Music Production Talent he had received from the system, coupled with his intimate knowledge of hit songs from his former world, he held in his mind a potential goldmine.

Yoh's research into this world's music scene grew more focused as his fingers dashed across the keyboard.

He jotted down notes about the genres and musicians topping the charts, analyzing the trends.

The mainstream sounds held some appeal, but lacked the iconic voices from his old world.

Yoh's mind raced with ideas on how to leverage his knowledge and talents to inject long lost hits into the mix.

As Yoh settled into the net cafe's comfortable chair, he pondered the best way to introduce "Yoh Edogawa" to this world.

Realizing the power and reach of social media, he started with the basics.

Yoh quickly created accounts on the top social media platforms using the handle @YohEdogawa.

Yoh stepped out of the internet cafe, lighting a cigarette as he continued through Kurotaki's tangled backstreets.

His mind churned with ideas, invigorated by the potential in replicating hit songs from his old world.

Suddenly, an alert flashed before his eyes: [Major Side Character Detected in Vicinity].

Rounding a corner, Yoh came upon a tense confrontation.

A lone blond boy around Yoh's age stood surrounded by a group of sneering middle schoolers.

The stench of trash hung thick in the cramped alleyway as Yoh observed the standoff.

"Hand over the cash!" one demanded, cracking his knuckles.

The boy stood defiantly in his weathered jeans and black hoodie, blond hair gleaming under the faint sun.

His piercing blue eyes shone with ruthless determination.

Yoh, intrigued, Silently activated his Observation ability, analyzing the dynamics.

He was slightly jolted upon discovering: [Jinnai Kouhei, age 11, affiliation: None].

"Intriguing," Yoh pondered internally, "How fate plays its cards, bringing us together at this juncture."

A slow grin spread across Yoh's face at this fortuitous encounter.

The boy before him would one day bring legends like Bouya to their knees.

Jinnai's raw talent was unrefined, but undeniable. With the right opportunities, he could become an invaluable asset.

Yoh made a mental note this exploding wolf cub needed careful cultivation.

The leader of the group of delinquents, towered over Jinnai menacingly.

But Jinnai shifted smoothly into a fighting stance, no trace of fear.

He focused his Observation skill on the scowling teen leader - [Daichi Hayashi, Age 14, Affiliation: Matsuda Middle School].

Daichi's hulking frame dwarfed Jinnai, rippling with dense muscle beneath his jacket.

His beady eyes glared out from under a mop of disheveled black hair. An ornate knife glinted menacingly in his grip.

Jinnai didn't hesitate, moving with lightning speed to land a jumping spinning hook kick on the first thug, who crumpled to the ground.

Yoh's eyes glinted with interest as the first blows were thrown.

Yoh nodded in approval this would be the start of something interesting.

He decided to intervene at just the right moment to forge a connection.

Patience was the key to aligning the chessboard just right, especially when a player like Jinnai was in play.

From his concealed position, Yoh watched intently, wanting to gauge the full breadth of the young combatant's prowess.

Jinnai flowed seamlessly into a low sweep that took out a second delinquent legs from under him.

The remaining three delinquents rushed Jinnai together. He nimbly sidestepped one boy's wild haymaker before responding with a brutal elbow strike to the jaw.

As another grabbed Jinnai from behind, the blond fighter used the momentum to flip the delinquent over his shoulder to crash harshly onto the pavement.

Jinnai was tiring though, and the last boy managed to tackle him with a yell.

They grappled fiercely as Jinnai tried to wrench free of the larger boy's grip.

With a surge of effort, Jinnai smashed his forehead into the his nose, breaking free as his opponent howled in pain.

Panting, Jinnai turned to see Daichi toughly gripping his ornate knife, His eyes blazed with fury and humiliation at Jinnai defeating his cronies.

"I'll cut you bad for this, punk," Daichi spat. He slashed at Jinnai, who tried to dodge the slashes but got sliced along one arm. Jinnai gritted his teeth at the stinging pain.

As Jinnai gritted his teeth against the pain of his sliced arm, Yoh decided it was time to intervene.

He emerged from the shadows and strode casually onto the scene. Daichi whirled around in surprise, knife glinting.

"Another dumb punk trying to play hero?" Daichi sneered.

Yoh's expression remained impassive, eyes cold and calculating.

In a blur of movement, his foot lashed out, knocking the knife from Daichi's grip.

Before Daichi could react, Yoh seized him by the hair and slammed his face viciously into the brick wall with a sickening crunch.

Blood poured from Daichi's shattered nose.

"W-Who the hell..." Daichi choked out before a brutal knee drove the air from his lungs.

Yoh shifted his grip to Daichi's throat, slowly crushing his windpipe as he struggled helplessly.

With a final squeeze, Yoh released his grip, letting Daichi collapse to the ground, gasping desperately.

Yoh smoothly turned his attention to the other fallen delinquents.

He rifled through their pockets and bags methodically, collecting wallets, phones, cash, watches - anything of value.

Jinnai watched warily as Yoh efficiently stripped every groaning body clean.

Pockets laden with loot, Yoh finally turned to Jinnai with a sly grin.

"Nice moves back there," Yoh remarked casually, lighting a cigarette. "We should talk business."

Jinnai's eyes narrowed, fingers clenching into fists.

Yoh maintained his relaxed demeanor. "I'm not your enemy. Just a kindred spirit."

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