

I'm here to learn how to write a novel so please help in anyway possible

viol27 · Urban
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10 Chs

not so generic

hi my name is cat no wait wait I mean it's cat no seriously though it's cat I'll stop maybe.

ok I'm serious this time my name is akira and Im just your typical highschool student.

anyone who believed that is stupid just stupid when has someone ever been normal after calling themselves normal.

what I actually am is a spy who's father was an assassin who reincarnated and has a harem and I'm also overpowered and I'm I'm also the overused go lucky gotta save everyone im gonna be the strongest or whatever type did I mention that I'm overpowered and solo your verse oh oh or I could just be a normal fucking student with an overactive imagination who's currently sitting in class bored who by the way also has the window seat in the back of the class inhale exhale just like that breath akira breath

"what are you doing"

oh what's up Hina

"answer the question"


"because the bell rang a like an hour ago and you've been sitting staring into space the duration of that hour"

shouldn't we go home then

"so you just gonna ignore my question huh"

I don't know what you are talking about mam

"let's just go Akira"

oh we already on a first name basis it hasn't even been a chapter yet

"did you not just call me Hina"

I mean it's different when I do it because I'm a god and your a mere mortal

"whatever helps beat your meat at night"

what do you mean by that

"I don't know what you're talking about"

you are a female right

"no of course not every man wears size a bra's"

they're that small I mean I knew you were you flat but damn

"let's just go home"

are you implying that we stay together woman

"no off course it's not like it's something our right decided"

ok let's go then miss I know everything


[and we walked home nothing eventful happened that evening nothing at all]

[and I'm back at school pain]

ok so today were learning about

[ugh this is boring maybe I should just skip class today]


*yes Akira*

I need to use the restroom may I pls leave

[he nodded does that mean I can leave or...]

*you may leave*

[ok I'm out so where to]

(I walked around for a bit before I decided to just play sick and go)

oh hey Hina you leaving to

"oh hey Akira"

that just call me aki

"oh wow we have quit the gentleman here don't we"

of course.

oh hey Hina wanna go to the new restaurant downtown

"I mean I have this and that to do and also"

it's my treat

"yeah why not I've been meaning to go there"
