

Episode 1. From fans to antis.

okay. The black knight was you. Haydn Reich, a demoted hero.

A sarcastic voice was heard through the blood-covered black armor.

He wiped his bright red sword with a handkerchief and smiled bitterly.

You, whom people praised as a hero, ended up like this. Well, aren't you good at being praised as a hero? If only he had thought about his own safety in that magnificent mansion, this tragedy would not have occurred.

Right next to the spot where the man in black armor fell.

A woman was lying in a pool of gooey blood.

Poor thing that doesn't even know my subject, it looks like it won't be long before it dies.

Yurian… … .


Please save Rinne... … Haven't you served the empire as a knight until now? so… … .


Even before the Black Knight, Haydn Reich, finished speaking, Yurian plunged his sword into the heart of the fallen woman.

The woman, who had been moving slightly, soon stopped moving. Her breathing stopped completely.

Make sure to suffocate the enemy. Didn't my teacher teach me?

then… … Even my breath that was your teacher... … Could it be so heartlessly cut off?

Yurian sighed and laughed at Haydn's words.

Although there was no light visible in his narrowed eyes, he looked like an evil spirit covered in evil spirits.

What a difficult thing that is.

He swung his sword.

Ruthlessly, as if doing something natural.

* * *

As I was looking at the video on the monitor, I unconsciously poured out my dissatisfaction at the absurd development.

No matter how much I thought about the video just now, I couldn't understand it.

Is this a provocation towards fans who have loved the game so far?

"Haydn dies in vain like this in the DLC trailer?"

Suddenly this thought occurred to me.

Do these kids even have any intention of making money?

The video I am watching is the DLC trailer for <Let's Kill the Demon King Now>, one of the works of a game company called 'Fromwell Soft'.

When I heard that DLC for the long-awaited work was coming out, I was looking forward to it with clenched fists.

When the trailer was released, my expectations were shattered and I was filled with disgust and disappointment.

That's right too.

"He's the main character, Haydn Reich!"

However, in the DLC trailer, he dies as a cold corpse.

<Let's Kill the Demon King From Now> is a famous game that attracted people's attention with its many attractive elements, such as colorful AI, various stories, and spectacular action.

They have numerous fans all over the world, including Korea, and I was one of them.

More than anything, the reason I became a fan of this game was because of the characters.

To be more precise, I felt a strong attraction to the main character, 'Haydn Reich.'

"Hero of the Northern Front, master of demon hunting."

In a desperate world where demons constantly appeared, he was the strongest.

Of course, it goes without saying that the main character is strong.

The reason I like him is because he leads not only himself but everyone else to a hopeful future by making noble and heroic moves even in hopeless situations.

"That too in Yurian's hand?"

A collateral blood relative of the Kreipart family, a prestigious noble family, and a knight raised by the main character, Haydn Reich.

At best, Haydn taught him how to survive on the northern front, but he was blinded by self-interest and turned the sword on his teacher.

The game's protagonist, Haydn Reich, died at the hands of such a degenerate.

It was too insincere to say that it was the end of the main character who had led a famous work so far.

I was shocked by the mistake made by the production company 'Fromwell Soft'.

"It's so absurd… … ."

Even though he was only a character in the game, I was influenced by the character 'Haydn Reich'.

A nobleman who lost his family to 'Demon', the enemy of humanity, and went to the northern front of the empire to prevent other victims like him.

A black knight who did not force his philosophy on others and stubbornly pursued his own justice.

Such a wonderful protagonist has a wonderful ending.

Many players who reviewed this game positively must have expected and wanted it.

If, like me, you became Haydn Reich and explored the world, protected the empire, fostered disciples, and felt passionate camaraderie with your colleagues, there would be no exception.

No, even if he dies tragically, such a ridiculous end is truly incomprehensible.

That such a great person would be killed by a renegade disciple whose only intention was to stab his teacher in the back?

Anyone who has played the game will know that this does not make sense based on common sense.

But I couldn't help but be angry when I saw the atrocity of the company that produced the game, calling it DLC and even uploading a trailer.

[It looks like the main character of this work is Yurian.]

[Why is that narrow-eyed villain the protagonist of this title?]

[Let's see if there are any circumstances. It seems like they are trying to show that in this work?]

[Fromwell Softni, which you can trust, unconditionally agrees]

The comments were also outrageous.

Everyone was not interested in the nonsense 'The Death of Haydn Reich' but only cared about the fact that there was a sequel.

Among them, there were also those who advocated 'Yurian Kraipart Prason'.

Yes, to be honest, I also heard about DLC coming out.

But the contents shouldn't be like this.

Isn't this something we as fans of the game should protest against? But why are you sitting with your shield up?

[Do you want to cancel your pre-order?]

"ha… … ."

When I pressed the cancel pre-purchase button, I sighed as I saw the message that popped up.

It was my little sanctuary that helped me forget a little about the hard work of a person just starting out in the workforce.

It was a game created to immerse yourself in the character of 'Haydnreich'. In any situation, in any episode.

But you ruined such a sanctuary like this.

[Your pre-order has been cancelled.]

Still, what can be done?

As long as the production company has made it this way, the only thing a gamer can do is boycott it.

As a fan of the game, this is the only complaint I can make.

"… … "Let's give him some water."

I got up from my seat and watered the orchids I had recently started growing as a hobby.

It's not for nothing that old people grow orchids.

Even if it is the same plant, the unique sense of stability felt from orchids puts the mind at ease.

Don't some people say that growing orchids is like growing your heart?

Don't be like that game, just grow up straight.


At that time, a notification sound came from the computer I had turned on.


When I stopped what I was doing and checked, I saw a note from a site that acts as a game distributor.

The sender... … .

"Fromwell Soft?"

I clicked my tongue and opened the note that arrived.

It was clear that this was a macro reply to someone who canceled their pre-order anyway.


However, contrary to expectations that it would contain a macro reply, the content of the message was actually plain. A simple greeting, that was all that was written.

[This is Fromwell Soft, the production company of <Let's Kill the Demon King From Now>.]

As I was reading it without thinking, another note arrived.

[Yes, I know.]

[Are you 'Lee Si-hoo' who has been playing our game for 5 years?]

[you're right.]

[In fact, I received a message that you have canceled your pre-order for the <Let's Kill the Demon King Now> DLC.]

The production company is sending you a personal message just for something like that?

Well, let's say that's the case.

The more I think about it, the angrier I become.

How could they kill the main character so senselessly?

no way… … .

Don't these guys really know what they did wrong?


But, I don't want to argue about it anymore.

If you say something to someone who doesn't know what they did wrong, you'll end up disrespecting them.

And when I canceled my pre-order after seeing the DLC trailer, my love for 'Fromwell Soft' had disappeared like snow.

Looking forward to the next work from a company that ruined my favorite game so ridiculously is nothing but a vain hope with no promise.

I was thinking about that and was about to get up from my seat.

The message arrived again. As I was reading the contents, I snorted.

Now it comes out like this?

Really, really, trying to show the bottom... … .

"uh… … uh?"


At that time, a huge amount of light came out from the monitor that was turned on, accompanied by a loud noise.

What, what's going on? What on earth is going on?

Didn't the computer suddenly go crazy because of the messages?!

"eww… … "Aaaah!"

While I was confused, the light emitted from the monitor covered the entire room.

I belatedly and urgently forcibly turned off the computer.

Suddenly, the once chaotic room became quiet again.

I turned my head and looked at the quiet monitor.

The phenomenon just now was unusual.

I felt as if the light was trying to drag me somewhere.

Maybe it was my mood, but I was filled with anxiety that if I had stayed quiet, an unimaginable situation might have occurred.

"At least, I'm glad you responded. If only I had stayed still... … ."


It was then.

With the sound of something breaking, my vision began to blur.

I desperately looked around.


What was broken was the orchid I had grown with great care.

I don't know if the orchid that was safely placed on the table fell to the floor, but the flower pot was shattered and dirt was scattered all over the floor.

Of course, the orchids, which I carefully cleaned one leaf at a time every day, were broken and torn here and there by the impact of falling on the floor, making them look unsightly.

I felt depressed for a moment, but I had no time to worry about it.

'uh? 'Why are you so close to the floor?'


Before I knew it, I too had fallen to the floor like a fallen egg.

I tried to get up again, but my body had no strength.

'What is this…? … hey… … .'

My eyes began to close as if I had been under anesthesia.

Episode 2. The guy I hate (1)

"Whoa… … ."

Heland Kreipart, a man who closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath, soon began walking down the long corridor again.

A mansion so dazzling that it makes you gasp.

If a stranger came to this place, which exudes a majestic atmosphere like a palace, they would have savored it as if appreciating a work of art, but Herand was not like that at all.

On the contrary, cold sweat broke out.

Anyone who imagines that there is a monster with its mouth open at the end of the hallway you are currently walking through.

'I don't want to go. 'I don't want to meet you.'

My head began to be filled with unclean thoughts.

When he arrived at the door where the monster was waiting, Herand wondered if it would be better to just leave it as is.

"Heland, the master is waiting inside."

He waved his hand to the employee standing next to the door, saying that he didn't need any guidance. Heland straightened his clothes and opened the door.

It was a drawing room decorated more luxuriously than the hallway.

There, a man was holding a watering can and watering a flower pot.

"… … Nan (蘭)?"

The plant the man was watering was an orchid.

For the owner of a magnificent mansion, it is a simple hobby.

The man must have heard him muttering to himself, and turned his head.

The first thing you see is narrow eyes with no visible pupils. And the corner of his mouth was filled with a faint smile.

"Are you here? Brother Heland."

"Yes, yes."

Heland swallowed his saliva when he heard the soft voice.

Yurian Kraipart Frasson.

Although he is a collateral relative of the Kraipart family, he possesses the best swordsmanship skills in the family, and at the same time, he is a monster born with cold-heartedness and cruelty.

How could his nickname be 'The Smiling Executioner'?

No one knew that the hand holding that watering can was covered in the blood of countless demons and humans.

Therefore, Herand was younger than himself and was afraid of Yurian, even though he was his younger brother.

Because he was a ghost who would kill demons, humans, and even kill his family without blinking an eye.

"Hmm, is your head okay?"

Herand opened his mouth, hiding his fear as best as he could. He pointed his finger at the head in the glass.

"I heard that you injured your head while hunting a demon that appeared on the outskirts of the island."

"There is a little bit. However, it's not enough to worry you, so don't worry."

Heland nodded at Yurian's words.

"Well, come to think of it, I recently heard that the survivors of the Hyranth family you purged have defected to the Holy Kingdom of Perenand."

"The Hyranth family… … ."

"Do you remember? I understand that the second son of that family particularly disliked you. Well, in the end, he died by your hands."

"I'm sorry, brother."

Yurian turned his head.

"I don't remember."

Herand was shocked by the simple words.

I don't remember.

Given Yurian's personality, he probably didn't say these words without thinking.

At the same time.

'Well, it means don't say unnecessary things and get to the point.'

In front of this narrow-eyed monster, lies seemed to have no effect, and there was no benefit in hiding his true intentions.

Herand swallowed his saliva.

As he said, there was another reason why he came here today.

"Yes, I know you are injured, but… … "The elders want you to participate as an instructor in today's 'Closed Eyes' entrance test."

"'Closed eyes'… … Hehehe."

Herand was scared again by the aloof laughter.

It seemed like a monster, not knowing what it might do, was laughing, imitating a human.

"All right."

"Yeah, yeah... … ."

Herand nodded.

"Yes, the elders of the Kraipart family ordered us to guide you there."

The Kraipart family, one of the four great noble families of the empire, has placed great importance on lineage since ancient times.

Everything was strictly focused on the immediate blood relatives, and if a collateral line wanted to go beyond this, it would not be left alone.

No matter how much merit he made, his collateral relatives did not recognize him as an official member of the family, and he hated having his name in the public eye.

Therefore, in order to distinguish between direct and collateral, the Kraipart family had collateral relatives use the middle name 'Prason'.

The Kraipart family, which controlled the Council of Elders, wanted this monster, 'Yurian Kraipart Frason' to fall.

Not only is it a dirty collateral blood relative, but it is also a monster that can kill a newborn at the command of the imperial family.

The reason Herand came here was one of the stepping stones to this end.

Rumor has it that he lost his memory due to a fight with a demon.

This is to confirm the authenticity and find out what his physical condition is.

"guide… … Guide… … Hehehe."

The smile continues again.

Through that smile, Herand was able to infer Yurian's thoughts to some extent.

Perhaps the meaning of that detached smile is... … I guess you know all of this.

Herald had cold sweat running down his back.

"All right. But do you think it will take some time? "I want to change my clothes and calm down because it's been a while since I've been working."

"… … Well, then let's do it like that. "There is still some time left until the test anyway."

"But brother."

Heland, who was about to take a step back, flinched and stopped when he heard his younger brother's voice.

What else is left?

I told you everything about why I came here.

"You don't look good."

At that moment, Herand could not overcome the pressure and wanted to shout, 'It's because of you!'

"uh… … Uh, does it look like that?"

"Yes, I think it's because of stress. How about growing this?"

Yurian suddenly held out a flower pot that he had been spraying water on.

An orchid was growing inside.

"I am… … "You mean?"

"It's an easy plant to grow. "If you keep it in the shade and only water it when it rains, it will grow well."

A wry smile appeared on Yurian's face as he said that.

'If I kill this orchid because I can't take care of it, will I lose my head? … ?'

It may be a guess, but Yurian is not a madman nicknamed 'The Smiling Executioner' for nothing.

Whether it is the Northern Front or the system, he is a crazy guy who treats the lives of his targets like toys.

It is clear that he will swing his sword as soon as he has a cause in some way.

"Thank you… … ."

"You're welcome."

Looking at Yuri's ominous smile, Herald accepted the unwanted flower pot with trembling hands.

* * *

I let out a helpless laugh as I looked at the orchids filling the corner of the living room.

Originally, I had planned to only grow one, or at most two.

So many orchids, where did you get them?

Still, I just finished one.

It must have been a good thing to give it as a gift to someone who seemed to need mental stability.

"… … Judging from Brother Herand's reaction, it seems like the acting worked."

Muttering to myself, I shifted my gaze to the mirror inside the living room.

What caught my eye was the bandage wrapped around his head and the faint smile that seemed to be wearing a mask through his gray hair.

"With eyes like this, I can't believe I can see so clearly in front of me."

It's squinting.

The eyes are so perfect that the light in the pupils is not revealed at all.

I mumbled to myself and looked at 'me' reflected in the mirror.

'Walking hypocrisy', 'hotbed of betrayal', and all the things commonly associated with 'squinted-eyed characters' come to mind, and the 'me' in the mirror looks sinister.

No, it may not be for other people, but at least it felt that way to me.

This man is not really me.

'Urian Kraipart Frason'.

A hateful villain who appears in the game <Let's Kill the Demon King From Now>, which I was passionate about and liked.


Now, I have become 'Yurian Kraipart Prason', a character from <Let's Kill the Demon King From Now>.

'Thanks to that, it was easy to act as Yuri An.'

Absolutely disgusting, I hate this character. No, I could even say I hated it.

He is the worst character in the world, repaying the favor of the main character, 'Haydn Reich', with vengeance, using polite language but being indifferent, and even ending his life at the last moment.

'The more you dislike someone, the more you look at them.'

However, this situation is not pleasant.

On the first day, I lay down in bed and couldn't get up because of the headache.

Users and strangers came to me and asked if I was okay.

I shouted at them because I had a headache. Get out of here immediately, that's the result.

"It seems there are rumors going around that you have amnesia."

But I don't think it's anything to worry about.

What's important now is that I have become a character in a game called <Let's kill the devil from now on>.

"Among them, it must be the fact that I was possessed inside glass."

Well, of course.

I made a bewildered expression and looked again at the narrow-eyed man reflected in the mirror.


Yurian Kraifat Frasson

√Character tendencies

⇒ Squinted eyes

⇒ Honorific language

⇒ Poker face

⇒ Show off your presence

⇒ Front and back

⇒ … …


⇒ Amazing intuition

⇒ Color of negativity

⇒ Natural swordsman

⇒ Demon King's Vessel


A familiar window appeared before my eyes.

This is the UI window used in <Let's Kill the Demon King From Now>.

How hard have you worked over the past five days to learn how to use this?

Among them, I focused my attention on the 'honorific language' written in the character's personality.

[Character Tendency " Honorific " ]


└ Respect is included in every language spoken. You treat everyone with respect, both children and adults.

Most sinister 'squinted-eyed characters' have a tendency to use polite language.

I knew that 'Yuri-an', the character I was currently possessing, was also one of the sinister 'squinted-eyed characters' and that he spoke respectfully to everyone in the story.

"Isn't it too much to say that it also applies to self-talk? … Isn't it? "It's done!"

I tried to force my words to be short, but somehow the polite words came out.

I already have a lot of things to worry about, and I don't want to waste my energy on this.

Out of fatigue, I threw myself on the sofa in the center of the living room.

"shit… … Something really fucking happened... … !"

After complaining bitterly, I sighed at the despair of having to live with 'glass eyes' from now on.

He is a genius who is recognized by everyone as having great swordsmanship skills and mastery of magic.

He was talented enough to become a member of 'Closed Eyes', an organization exclusive to the imperial family, at a young age.

The main character of <Let's Kill the Demon King Now>, the best disciple of Haydn Reich.

'at the same time… … .'

A monster wearing a scarf, a devil on the northern front, a smiling execution squad.

The fact that there are so many fierce nicknames means that 'Yurian Kraipart Frason' has many enemies.

Even the 'Kreipart family' to which he belonged hated Yurian so much because he was a collateral blood relative.

Heavenly solitude.

This guy is a guy who has no one to rely on, to the extent that those words come to mind.

The only thing you can rely on to survive in this harsh world is your own strength.

But that force is useless now.

Because I, 'Lee Si-hoo', who possessed the 'squinted-eyed villain', was an ordinary human being with no particular skill in swordsmanship.

"I'm at a loss… … ."

This is why the current situation is so difficult.

It was obvious that if it showed even the slightest sign of weakness, it would be bitten and torn to death without mercy.

So, I really hate it. I hate it so much!

I needed to play 'Yuri An' perfectly.

A sinister, crazy, narrow-eyed character that everyone in the empire fears.

'In that case, I guess the first thing to do now is to participate as an instructor in the closed eyes entrance test mentioned by the council of elders.'

With that thought in mind, I unwrapped the bandage wrapped around my head.

I don't know what's going on, and how can I go back to the way it was.

Let's figure it out little by little.

Currently, the priority is to survive in this absurd situation.

"It's a pain in the ass, but I guess I'll have to act as an instructor for a while… … That's right! That's right! "Can't we just skip talking to ourselves!?"

Episode 3. The guy I hate (2)

Yurian Kraipart Frasson.

This crazy, narrow-eyed character was never humble about subjects, always using polite language.

Rather, he has a strange ego that likes to show off.

Just looking inside the mansion, it was full of gorgeous artwork, picture frames, and jewelry.

Even the clothes he wore were quite flashy, as if to prove this.

When I opened the closet, it was full of clothes in colors that hurt my eyes.

"Are you crazy? you are… … ."

Regardless of my taste, it was difficult to find regular clothes.

"… … "At least this is less noticeable."

I took out the best clothes and started putting them on.

Cobalt blue coat and gray dress shirt. And black gloves.

'This is 8 heads tall… … Isn't it 9 heads tall?'

Honestly, I have to admit what I have to admit.

This guy is handsome.

That's a lot too.

Even though the 'squinted eyes' felt insidious.

No, maybe it's just me who feels this way.

Anyway, I hate to admit it, but I was 'a little' better than my original self.

"Then let's go out soon… … Knock, Knock! Holy shit… … ."

After swearing as much as I could, I was about to go outside.

The wall near the entrance.

The sword hanging there caught my eye.

Befitting the character of 'Yuri-an', the scabbard had colorful patterns here and there, but the handle was really simple.

From memory, 'Yurian' was a trash villain among trash, but he sincerely practiced his swordsmanship.

"If you were Yurian, you wouldn't do something stupid like leave your sword and go outside. … … Yes. … … "It's really shit."


After hitting the mouth that automatically exchanged polite words with my hand, I tied the sword that was hanging on the wall to my belt.

* * *

The face of Herand, the third son of the Kraipart family, who was riding in the carriage, was filled with worry and worry.

This is because the person who was riding in the carriage was 'Yurian'.

He belongs to 'Closed Eyes', an institution exclusive to the imperial family.

It is an institution that secretly handles missions given by the imperial family, but it also plays the role of the royal guard, the Geumwigun (禁衛軍).

Therefore, you can only join if you have armed forces.

Of course, that force is not common.

Of course, if that were all it was, I wouldn't have been so scared.

The Adratan Empire had many strong men with great military power.

Herand didn't just meet one or two of those people.

Nevertheless, there is one reason to be afraid of Yurian.

'… … That sword could be pointed at me too.'

Yurian swings his sword without hesitation at anyone's command from the imperial family.

There is no interest there.

There are no human emotions or individual thoughts.

I kill him just because he is Hwang Myeong.

As a result, more than one drop of blood formed on the tip of Yurian's sword.

There were many nobles who were considered to be the greatest of the empire.

'The imperial mad dog… … !'

Thanks to this, there were nobles who trembled at the mere mention of the three letters of the name 'Yurian'.

There were many people who wished for his death and cursed him.

It can't be anything other than truly scary.

"Brother Heland."

While the uncomfortable silence continued, Yurian suddenly spoke up.


"Where is your destination?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"This is where the 'Closed Eyes' entrance test is taking place."

"ah… … Ahhh!"

Herand, whose head was filled with thoughts of why he was talking, finally came to his senses.

He twitched his lips and answered.

"It will be held at the Bayer Academy parade ground."

"Bayer Academy… … ."

"So, aren't you from Bayer Academy?"

"well. It's a fairly old story, so it's not really... … ."

Squeak, heehee!

"… … "What's going on!"

"S-sorry! Well, that… … "Because the kids suddenly jumped out!"

The coachman responded to Herand's shouting with an aggrieved expression.

"Children jumped out? "The horse wasn't hurt?"

"Yes, yes... … ."

"Tsk… … "Are they so uneducated that they suddenly jump into the carriage?"

Herand clicked his tongue.

Like other nobles who were obsessed with the consciousness of being the chosen people, he did not like commoners very much.

"Uh, what should I do, master?"

"What should I do? Get out of the way right now... … ."

At that time, the carriage door opened.


In Herand's eyes, Yurian was getting off the carriage.

"Why, why are you like that, Yurian?"

Yurian just leaves the carriage in silence despite Heland's question.

As he watched this, a sword sheath hanging on his waist came into view.

A gorgeous scabbard that represents the personality of the owner.

Hundreds of thoughts passed through Herand's mind.

Yurian Kraipart Frasson.

It is not for nothing that the subjects of the empire call him 'The Smiling Executioner.'

He is an emotionless executioner.

He is a madman and murderer who can kill even his family at the command of the imperial family.

If you upset him over something trivial, you never know what might happen.

Maybe he would beat a commoner, even a child, for stopping the carriage.

A thought suddenly occurred to me, but soon Herand hurriedly got out of the carriage.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't think of any other reason for Yurian to get off the carriage in this situation.

No matter what happens, you have to stop it.

No matter how noble you are, if you carelessly kill a commoner, especially a child, it becomes a social problem.

Moreover, criticism will be poured not only on Yurian but also on the 'Kreipart family' to which he belongs.

Of course, Herand, who was at the scene, must also take responsibility.

In addition to watching over Yurian, he was dispatched to prepare for any possible accidents.

"glass… … !"

His mouth stiffened as he called for Yurian.

An unexpected situation unfolded before my eyes.

Yurian was looking down at this with a knowing smile.

So far, it's not a big problem.

The real problem is that Yurian's hand is on the sword at his waist.

If we leave it like this, a bloody wind will blow.

'ah… … !'

Herand suddenly had a good idea and shouted urgently.

"You damn bastards! "You are so fearless in blocking the nobleman's carriage!"

"S-sorry... … !"

"Do you think you can get away with just saying sorry! This is why commoners... … "You were so excited that you wanted to die!"

Sort it out first before the magician takes action.

Herand scolded the shaking children and pushed them hard.

If you cut off Bell's justification at the source, even Yuri An will not be able to swing the sword easily.

Herand looked at the glass out of the corner of his eye.

He still had a smile on his face.

I just watched in silence.

'… … Are you asking me to do more here?!'

Is this not enough... … .

Just as Heland was about to hesitate, Yurian moved.

One hand was still in the sheath of the sword at his waist, and a creepy smile was on his face.

In that case, we have no choice but to break this situation by force!

Of course, if he made a mistake, Yurian's anger could be directed at him, but protecting the family's honor came first.

"Get out of here! "You damn commoners!"

As he waved the stick in his hand and shouted, the children, who were scared, ran away.

However, as he thought that the demon beast's anger would then be directed at him, cold sweat broke out on his back.

At that time, Yurian opened his mouth.

"You wouldn't have had to kick me out so cruelly."

"… … I'm sorry. "It's because I don't like children that much."

"Do you have anything to be sorry about? Hehehe."

Creepy smile.

"It's a shame. If your brother didn't hate you so much, he would have treated you better."

Don't lie, you monster!

Herand clicked his tongue but was relieved at the same time.

Fortunately, I don't have to endure Yu-Ran's anger.

When the two people got back into the carriage, the driver started driving the carriage again.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the carriage, just like before.

'There were rumors that he lost his memory… … Looking at his behavior just a moment ago, it doesn't seem like that at all... … .'

Fortunately, it didn't actually happen.

Herand was convinced that if he had stayed quiet, the children would have died.

The hand that was on the sword looked as if it would be pulled out at any moment.

'Maybe, the rumor that he lost his memory… … 'Couldn't this guy have spread it intentionally?'

He may have done so with the intention of using this opportunity to eliminate his hidden political enemies.

Looking at Yurian's actions so far, anyone can be suspicious.

As the thought reached that point, Herand felt a chill go down his spine.

Maybe you are being used as bait without even knowing it.

'What a monster… … .'

* * *

It's cumbersome.

I put my hand to adjust the position of the sword sheath on my waist.

No matter how much I think about it, I can't get used to the feel of this hard metal.

And every time I changed the position of the sword, I felt Heland's uncomfortable gaze.

'You must be scared.'

In a way, it's natural.

You are riding in the same carriage as 'Yurian', a self-proclaimed crazy person in the game.

It's like walking with an unrestrained murderer, so you have no choice but to react sensitively to even the slightest movement.

'Anyway, you're being so cold to the kids. Even though they are very timid, does this mean that a noble is still a noble?'

I thought of the children who had almost been hit by the carriage a little while ago.

When I remembered the sight of her running away from Herand's threats, I felt sympathy for her.

I'm worried that you're hurt somewhere.

'… … huh?'

It was then.

I was lost in thought, looking at Herand blankly, when I saw a faint haze rising above his head.

"What is that?"

"Well, what do you mean… … ."

Heland asked my question back with a shocked expression.

Looking at his reaction, I guess he did something.

'Is it only my eyes that see it?'

As I thought about that, the haze began to take on color.

Dark purple.

It was a deep 'fear'.

▶ Characteristic, 「Color of negativity」

Grade: Special

▷ You are sensitive to negative emotions directed at you.

▷ When a bad emotion is directed, you can tell it by color.

I guess it's this guy.

When I think about it, 'Yuri An' in the story is very good at catching other people's emotions.

In particular, he was skilled at using other people's emotions to create an environment that was advantageous to him.

They used 'fear' to neutralize their enemies without fighting.

He also used 'anger' to devise a plan so that the opponent would attack him first.

It was probably possible because of this characteristic.

'It's okay.'

"Yurian, arrived at Bayer Academy."


I got off the carriage that had stopped before I knew it.

In front of me, I saw a huge lot and gorgeous buildings built on it.

This is Bayer Academy, an educational institution established in the empire to train talented people.

Even though the reason I came here was not to tour the academy but to take the 'Closed Eyes' entrance test, it still felt like a new experience.

"Seeing it in person, it's enormous."

"Well, what did you say?"

"It's nothing, brother. Hehe… … ."

When I was able to see with my own eyes the spectacle I saw in the game, I burst out laughing.

For some reason, the 'purple haze' above Herand's head shook violently.

Episode 4. Acquired by another company (1)

The grounds of 'Bayer Academy' were truly magnificent.

Just by simple calculation, it was so large that it was similar to the area of Yeouido.

It may be of a size appropriate for a place where the most talented people in the empire gather, literally a cradle of the best education.

"Oh, how are you? Yurian. "I feel like I'm visiting my alma mater after a long time."

As I was looking around the Bayer Academy, Herand, who was next to me, suddenly spoke up.

"Not bad."

"Is that so?"

The purple haze that signified 'fear' was still shaking violently.

I understand how you feel, but it feels a little unfair that you didn't do anything.

You're just answering a question.

"You can go back now, brother. "Thank you for taking the time to come here."


I thought you wanted to go as quickly as possible because you were so scared... … .

I felt a little strange here.

According to my characteristic, <The Color of Denial>, Herand's emotion is clearly 'fear.'

Of course, the reason was the unwanted companionship of me, 'Yurian'.

Nevertheless, the fact that he answered that way meant that there was another reason that had nothing to do with his will.

'Is it surveillance?'

The Kraipart family regarded 'Yurian', a collateral blood relative who had made a name for himself in the world, as a thorn in their eyes.

Even the reputation they had built up was usually infamous, and it was a headache for the family.

He must have been anxious to excommunicate the whole incident somehow.

Of course, he shouldn't be excommunicated now.

Although he was possessed within the glass, he was unable to fully obtain the power he already possessed.

With rumors going around that he has lost his memory, it is clear that if he is excommunicated from his family, his deterrence against external complaints will be weakened.

'Those guys who are holding a grudge will rush in like crazy.'

This narrow-eyed villain character did a lot of bad things.

Let alone torturing prisoners in war, he is a wicked man who has killed countless commoners and nobles under the name of the imperial family.

There are many people in the empire who dream of revenge on Yurian.

If there is even a little gap... … .

'They will immediately aim for your neck.'

You can clearly feel this just by looking around the Bayer Academy.

"Why is the imperial mad dog here?"

"Quiet! "Keep your voice low and don't make eye contact!"

Students whispering while looking at me.

Everyone had a purple haze floating above their heads.

Just seeing the inside of the glass filled me with fear.

Nowadays, fear may act as a deterrent, but considering the emotions that are suppressed underneath, it is definitely not a situation to be at ease.

'shit… … 'I can sympathize with you a lot.'

Aren't I also an anti-fan of Yuri An like them?

I could 100% empathize with not only the fear, but also the negative emotions buried beneath it.

But I can't do that now.

What can I do? I am that 'glassian.'

I sighed deeply at the undesirable current situation.

Herand, who was next to him, flinched greatly.

In order to forget reality just a little bit, I tried to rush to the place where the entrance test was taking place.

"Hello, Yurian."

If only I hadn't heard a whispering voice right behind me.

'It's quite gutsy of you to pretend to know Yurian.'

With that thought in mind, I turned my head and checked the face of the large person who had gone.

Dark blue hair reminiscent of the night sea. And green eyes that seem to be embroidered with emeralds.

She was a beautiful woman who would turn any man's head at least once.

"… … Eileen?"

Eileen de Donassien.

One of the supporting characters that appears in "Let's Kill the Demon King From Now".

At the young age of 24, he is a magical genius who knows how to manipulate the 'gold' element up to the 5th level among the 5th elements.

In the game, he also appeared in the Academy story and gave various advice to the main character.

however… … Why does Eileen pretend to know Yu-rian?

'… … Were you acquainted with Yurian?'

I do not know.

The only thing I know in detail is the game's main character, Haydn Reich, and the people around him.

Anyway, I couldn't stay still as long as the other person pretended to know.

It was a moment when I tried to say my greeting as naturally as possible.

A haze burned like a flame above her head.

A red color close to black that I have never seen before.

'This color… … .'

As time passed, I began to get a vague sense of it, like when I saw the 'purple haze'.


A feeling that was different from fear, like a sharpened sword, was strongly embedded in my brain.


I have no clue.

Why does Eileen have such feelings?

'It's clear that something happened that I don't know about… … .'

Not knowing what happened between the two is a problem, but an even bigger problem is that the feeling is 'hatred.'

Although it is better than 'hostile', it is not very good news considering the possible risks.

Even if fear is an enemy, it will not suddenly attack, but if it is hatred that is close to hostility, it is not at all strange if it comes out with force at any time.

He is a top 5 magician with the 'gold element'.

With my existing abilities, I wouldn't be defeated right away, but with my current self, it's safe to say that I have absolutely no hope of winning.

So, you shouldn't show any gaps.

At the very least, it was necessary to perfectly portray Yurian, who was strong enough to put to rest the rumors that he had lost his memory.

"Half of the Donassien family, who gave you permission to talk to them?"

I thought about it after I said it.

Seriously, this bastard has nothing to say no matter how many times he dies.

The problem is that that's me.


* * *

Even for wizards, having a missing egg was a disadvantage that would last a lifetime.

Wizards considered the purity of mana accumulated in the body over generations to be important.

Naturally, it was thought that this blessing could only be inherited by direct descendants and did not apply to collateral descendants.

It is said among wizards that this is mixed with impurities.

However, there is actually no significant difference in the ability to use magic.

It was just widespread discrimination and an outdated custom in the wizarding society that values lineage.


Eileen bit her lip.

He remembered what Yurian had said to him earlier.

The derogatory term for her is 'the other half of the Donassien family.'

Although he achieved the feat of reaching the 5th rank of the gold element at a young age, he was treated as half-baked because he was a collateral blood relative of Donasienga.

This is because half of the blood of a commoner who had nothing to do with magic flowed in her blood.

It was a mistake to pretend to know.

I heard that someone got a head injury while hunting a high-ranking demon, so I called to say hello... … .

Whether it's still the same or not, that shallow personality hasn't gone anywhere.

It was the height of arrogance, without any trace of humility.

'He's from the same room as me!'

What upsets me more than anything is that he said that to someone who was in the same situation.

Eileen clenched her fists and looked down at the parade ground where the 'Closed Eyes' entrance test was taking place.

There was no other reason why she, a magic professor at the academy, came to a place where only knights would come.

A member of 'Closed Eyes', an organization exclusive to the imperial family, and a collateral branch of the Kraipart family. It was to watch Yurian, famous for his nickname 'The Smiling Executioner,' fall.

Eileen smiled softly.

Among the hopefuls gathered at the parade ground was the second son of the Torso family, who were closely related to the Kraipart family.

In the entrance test, you could only join if your skills were recognized by the instructor.

Since ancient times, skills have been confirmed through sparring.

In other words, instructor Yurian must spar with the second son of the Torso family for the entrance test.

'If the second son of the Torso family gets hurt in the process, the council of elders will not let it go.'

Kraipart, who had previously controlled the council of elders, was looking for a reason to excommunicate Yurian, who was a collateral but also a thorn in his eyes.

This entrance test was close to a play for this purpose.

No matter how much Yurian is protected by the imperial family, it will be difficult to avoid this interrogation.

Yurian somehow should not have appeared here.

Aili sneered when she saw Yu-Rian, who soon appeared at the parade ground.

But at that time, Yu-Rian, who looked around at the applicants for joining, had the same expression as her.

"I never thought there would be so many people wanting to join. "But it's all just trash."

At that moment, the hopefuls and spectators started to get excited.

But no one could file a complaint.

I was overwhelmed by a strange atmosphere that I didn't even know existed.

As Eileen watched this, she recalled the past.

There was a time when that image seemed ideal.

The first time Eileen met Yurian was when she was a student at Bayer Academy.

At the time, Yurian was a more trustworthy senior than anyone else.

He even quickly emerged as a new star of the empire with his unprecedented sword skills.

In a situation where it was easy for people in the secondary world to despair of their ordinary backgrounds and become ordinary people, Yurian was special.

This was especially true for Eileen, who wanted to shed the 'collateral' label and be recognized.

I literally yearned for it.

This person could represent the 'collateral world' and achieve a feat that would change the world's perception.

Eileen, who was too young at the time, could not distinguish between 'admiration' and 'love.'

So, I wrote a love letter to Yurian with all my heart.


Eileen, remembering her dark history, held her head and quietly screamed.

I trembled involuntarily at the memory, which was so embarrassing.

I finally took a breath and calmed my mind.

Anyway, Yurian back then was different from now.

He was a person who valued honor and was prudent, and had considerable skills, to the point where people thought he wanted to represent numerous collateral circles.

However, despite all expectations, Yurian defected.

From the hope of a collateral nobleman to the mad dog of the imperial family.

He gradually built up notoriety for his own fame and success, even killing children in order to get ahead.

Such actions earned him not only public reputation, but also strong antipathy, especially from nobles from collateral backgrounds such as Eileen.

It was already receiving a bad reputation, but as Yu An's notoriety increased, the perception that 'this is why collateral is not allowed' became even stronger.

'It worked out better. 'It would be better for him to be stripped of his noble title.'

I was a little worried when I heard there had been an accident recently, but that's it.

Because there is no way to get out of this situation in the first place.

'How to subdue someone in a sparring match without injuring them? There's no way something like that exists... … .'

"Everyone who wants to join… … ."

It was then.

A quiet voice echoed throughout the parade ground.

Everyone's eyes, including Eileen's, turned to the man who opened his mouth, 'Yurian Kraipart Prason'.

"Do you know what sound a person makes when he dies?"

Everyone trembled with fear at that one word.

At that moment, Eileen felt something was wrong.

That I had underestimated him so much.

Episode 5. Earned money from other companies (2)

I thought to myself with a smile as I looked at the hopefuls gathered at the parade ground.

'I committed it. I committed it!'

Let's be honest.

It was only after coming here that I learned that the 'closed eyes' entrance test was sparring.

Although I brought a sword, it was only to show off the character of 'Yuri-ian' and I never thought I would ever wield it.

In that situation, when I learned from the guide that the entrance test was a sparring match, my mind went blank.

Because he was just wearing the mask of 'Yuri An', he wasn't really 'Yuri An'.

At first, I thought about using the injury as an excuse to run away.

But I couldn't.

There were many people who knew Yurian here.

There are already rumors going around that he is not the same as before because he has lost his memory, but if he shows a gap here, he could end up in a corner without being able to escape.

In particular, the person who was already targeting Yurian might move at any moment.

Then death is confirmed.

'And since there are already variables, we can't move hastily.'

The only person who harbors 'disgust' rather than 'fear' towards Yu-rian.

'Eileen de Donassien'.

She was also among the people watching the tryout.

It's harder to show your mind when you don't know why you're feeling that way.

Because this incident may lead to attacks by changing 'hatred' to 'hostility'.

As I said before, the current me, 'Yurian', has no means of resistance of any kind.

The moment she moves, there's nothing I can do.

So, I needed to prove it clearly in this tryout.

'I, Yurian, am still alive and well.'

So I decided to openly provoke.

Even though he didn't have any flaws, he completely became Yuri An and gave a perfect performance.

Fortunately, it worked and the atmosphere was frozen.

At that time, one hopeful person spoke up.

"Yes, when a person dies… … You mean? Lord Yurian?"


"Why are you suddenly asking that?"

I looked at him with a smile.

As he does so, he naturally checks the haze rising from his head.


The 'horror' I expected appeared.

"The 'Closed Eyes' you wish to join is a place where the smell of blood is worse than anywhere else in the empire."


Everyone swallowed their saliva at the same time and looked nervous.

There was no hint of suspicion at all.

Of course.

All of the words I have uttered so far are actually lines spoken by 'Yurian Kraipart Frasson' in the work.

"Looking at your faces, it looks like you have no idea. Trying to join the Closed Eyes with that mindset... … Hehehe."

I didn't stop and continued acting.

"Then, as your senior, I will give you the opportunity to experience it."

It may seem like just a sophistry meant to scare people.

Now I am Yurian.

There is no way they don't know the meaning of this name.

Rather, those who actually lived it would know better than me who encountered it through the work.

So I use that.

"Then let's start the tryout. The condition for passing is to kill me. When the test ends, I either die or… … "There are no more applicants left."

I smiled brightly and looked at the hopefuls gathered at the parade ground.

"… … Ugh."

purple haze

Their 'fear' gradually became more evident.

I realized what I meant.

I glanced at their faces one by one.

In addition to the 'color of emotion', the color of fear also appeared clearly on the face.

'Surrender by fear.'

It was the best way for me to get over this situation right now.

An ultimatum against the image of 'Yuri-an', who is so infamous for his reputation.

If you don't want to die, give up yourself.

How many people would confidently step forward in front of the empire's strongest villain?

"… … Po, I give up."

The effect soon became clear.

One hopeful, overcome by his own fear, expressed his intention to give up.

Then after that… … .

"I, too, will give up."

"give up… … I'll do it."

"Me too, me too."

"… … me too."

'Whew, I guess I'll just get over this for now.'

I sighed in relief and opened my mouth to finish the test.

"It's pathetic. There are no successful candidates. "It's like giving up without even trying, hehe."

I sneered at the aspiring members who couldn't even make eye contact.

Okay, it was like Yuri until the end.

Even I, who hate Yurian, get goosebumps, so it's clear that other people will see it as Yurian itself.

I shifted my gaze to the audience.

Aalin Donassien.

She must have seen it clearly too.

At least the overwhelming brutality of Yu-Ran cannot be easily put away.

'How do you feel? Now go easy on me... … … … uh?'

for a moment. what.

For a moment, I almost broke my smile without realizing it.

As expected, that had disappeared.

This is the color of 'disgust' that fiercely showed off its presence above Eileen's head.

Of course, that in itself is welcome... … .

'No, if it worked properly, isn't it normal to be tinged with fear? Either that or we have to be on guard... … .'

Is there something I don't know?

While you are confused by the unexpected situation.

Eileen left the parade ground with a strange expression.

"Good job Yurian."

"Lord Yurian! Sue, thank you for your hard work!"

I unconsciously put my hand on Herand's shoulder.

Then a purple haze rose violently above his head.

"Yurian, why are you like that… … !?"

There is nothing wrong with the characteristic <color of negativity>.

Isn't Herand clearly proving that now?

'So, does that mean Eileen no longer has any feelings for me?'

This is an incomprehensible situation.

I can't understand at all.

I shook my head and smiled at Herand.

"You put in a lot of hard work, but you work harder."

"Well, well, well, I'm just grateful that you said that, Yurian… … ."

I smiled to reassure you... … .

Why do you seem scared?

After completing the entrance test, on the way out of the academy.

Herand, the third son of the Kraipart family, glanced next to himself.

There, a devil wearing a human mask was walking down the hallway of the academy, smiling.

'When are you going to say something? … .'

Herand felt cold sweat running down his back.

Yurian finished the test in an instant without even swinging his sword. That in itself is not particularly strange if you look at Yurian's actions so far.

The problem is next.

'I can't believe you worked hard… … .'

After completing the entrance test, Yurian said that he had worked hard and said, 'In fact, my brother worked harder.'

What does that mean... … Herand couldn't have known.

The reason he took on the position as an instructor for the entrance test despite his injury was because of the influence of the senior council.

The second son of the Torso family, who was taking the test, wanted to spar with him to check his authenticity.

If the rumor that he had truly lost his memory was true, his skills, which were not as good as before, would be revealed, and even if the rumor was false, it was still a good thing for the council of elders.

They had planned in advance that the Torso family's second son would be injured during the sparring, so they planned to use this as an excuse to kick him out to the northern front.

In any case, this recruitment test was just a stage to catch Yurian.

However, the situation did not go as the council of elders wanted.

Yurian climbed onto the stage, which was almost like a trap, and took control.

'It probably means that they had a hard time trying to overcome the Elders' Council's plans.'

That's why Herand was afraid.

Yurian was aware of the elders' plan. And of course he knows that he is involved in this ruse.

But he didn't ask anything.

When are you going to talk about it?

Even though there was no questioning, Herand felt like his neck was being constricted by the pressure.

My shoulders and steps gradually became heavier.

"All the rumors about you losing your memory were lies!"

Whether he was aware of his feelings or not, the knight who followed him from the parade ground continued to be busy supporting Yurian.

Normally, he would have dismissed it as noisy, but Herand could not say anything.

I couldn't even open my mouth because I was afraid that no matter what I said, I would get caught.

"By the way, Lord Yurian. Do you know that the second son of the Torso family also took this test?"

"You mean the second son of the Torso family? "That's really surprising."

However, when the 'Torso family' came up in the conversation between the two, Herand could not stand it any longer.

"Well, wouldn't the second son of the Torso family be able to take the 'Closed Eyes' test? Are you sure you want to bear the disgrace of having the second son of the Torso family fail the test?"

"Hey, Heland. Not really… … ."

"Don't talk nonsense on the subject of apprenticeship! If the words were uttered without considering the relationship between the Kraipart family and the Torso family, it would not be surprising if the head was taken away... … ."

"Brother Heland, strangely enough, you are showing a great reaction."

Heland momentarily flinched at Yurian's point.

"Well, it wasn't a particularly strange reaction… … !"

"you're right. The strange thing is the Torso family. It's really strange... … ."

"What do you mean?"

A smile without anything.

He definitely smiled, but it didn't show any emotion.

It's just something close to nothingness.

"Most of the members of 'Closed Eyes' are commoners in order to remain completely neutral in the complex political relationships entangled with the imperial family. Even if they are nobles, they are only fallen nobles without factions."

"Do you really think so? "I have heard the term 'Emperor's Mad Dog' more often than the last name Krypatra."

Herand could not say anything.

Yurian had the surname 'Kreipart', but was not recognized as a member of the family because he was a collateral relative.

That is a known fact.

"The reason I was able to join 'Closed Eyes' wasn't because the imperial family judged that my conditions allowed me to remain neutral under any circumstances?"

As Yurian's words continued, Heland's spine grew cold.

"But what about the second son of the Torso family? According to my common sense, even if I pass the first test, I am sure that I will fail the second test. There's no way the other party doesn't know what I know. So, isn't it strange?"

"Well, what…" … "You mean?"

"That's why I took the tryout test even though I knew I would fail."

Herand lowered his head.

I was so scared that I couldn't look directly at his face.

"Hehe, of course I don't suspect there's anything. no way… … What kind of slander would there have been at this time when members of 'Closed Eyes', an institution exclusive to the imperial family, were selected? "It was probably just a misunderstanding or ignorance."

"Yes… … ?"

Tap, tap.

Heland raised his gaze when Yurian suddenly tapped his shoulder.

"Otherwise it would be really difficult, hehe… … ."


Herand had a hunch after looking into his eyes.

Yurian sees through everything.

And what he said while putting his hand on his shoulder was something he said to scare him.

However, the thoughts of the parties involved were completely different.

'… … 'You're so scared that I feel sorry.'

It was just something I said out of sympathy after knowing Herand's situation.

Episode 6. Adaptation(1)

"Thank you for your hard work, master."

When I returned to the mansion, the employees came out to meet me.

I nodded and took off the coat I was wearing, and he came up to me with a gasp and took it with both hands.

"It's late for dinner, shall we get ready?"

"No, dinner is over."

"yes? ah… … All right."

Strangely enough, even though I didn't eat dinner, I wasn't that hungry. I didn't even feel tired.

Perhaps, it is because 'Yuri An's' trained body is beyond ordinary.

Compared to when he was an ordinary man in Korea, it was no exaggeration to say that there was a world of difference.

I headed straight to the office.

I had no desire to sleep or eat anything, but I had a lot of things to think about.

First, let's talk about the 'actions shown by the Council of Elders' today.

He untied the sword from his belt and placed it on the table.

The sound of metal hitting metal rang quietly.

"I couldn't have imagined that the elders' council would have influenced the entrance exam… … Good, good! Damn it!"

This means that even when you talk to yourself, you should not replace it with polite language.

I hit my mouth with my hand.

I was slowly getting used to it, but I still can't get used to this crappy politeness.

At least it doesn't matter if you talk to yourself normally.

"Whoa… … ."

I took a deep sigh and resumed my thoughts.

I knew very well that the Crypark family, which controlled the Council of Elders, was trying to kick me out.

Yurian's previous actions were enough to frown the family's eyes.

But I never thought his true intentions would be revealed so quickly.

The moment there is a crack in the stronghold of 'Yurian', you will find yourself in an unmanageable situation.

'It would be difficult to do that.'

There are already a lot of eyes watching.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are countless people in the empire who hold a grudge against Yurian, including 'Eileen de Donassien' whom we saw today.

'It would be nice if we could solve it right away.'

To be honest, the conditions are not good enough to even think about the 'Kreipart family'. I wanted to put it off as much as possible and plan it later.

But if something like today happens again... … Will I be able to get through it as well then as I do now?

'At least a tryout test. 'It would be better to adjust the conditions a little.'

Since I am a member of 'Closed Eyes', I will continue to serve as an instructor for the entrance test a few times.

It seemed like it would be a good idea to take at least this measure.

Because it would be difficult for something like this to happen again.

After gathering my thoughts, I looked at the sword sheath placed on the table.

It is no exaggeration to say that this item serves as the framework when constructing the character 'Yuri-an'.

The pride and conceit he expressed could be said to come from his swordsmanship, which is his skill in handling this 'sword'.

Because he has faith in his own power, he can overwhelm anyone, anywhere. That's why even if you make so many enemies, you'll still be stuck.

'I must have that strength too.'

A powerful force to restrain others.

I grabbed the handle of the sword.

The hardness and coolness of the metal passed through my fingertips over the leather that had been padded to increase grip.

He held a sword in his hand during the joining test, but at that time it was just a device to scare those who wanted to join. It was literally a tool to show performance.

'Because he didn't even use his sword.'

So, this was my first time drawing a sword.

I slowly gave strength due to the strange tension.


The sword appeared with the sound of metal rubbing against metal.

The appearance of the sword, showing off its soft glow in the moonlight, was truly magical. It was as if he was pleading for me to swing him.

It's a tool that takes people's lives, but it feels that way.

It felt somewhat chilly, but at the same time… … .

"It's beautiful."

The sword, gently reflecting the moonlight, was truly beautiful.

Moreover, I don't know why, but in my eyes, I could see the way to swing the sword.

Should I say Geomro (劍路)? Something like that.

I roughly know the reason.

It must be because of the characteristics that Yurian possesses.

▶ Trait, 'A natural swordsman'

Class: Unique

▷ You are familiar with the sword since you were born. I was born to walk the path of the sword.

▷ As long as it is in the form of a 'sword', it can handle anything regardless of its type.

Unique characteristics of the named swordsman characters that appear in <Let's Kill the Demon King From Now>.

Characters with this tend to excel at swordsmanship from a young age.

Of course, Yurian, who caught the attention of swordsman Haydn Reich, also had the trait of being a 'natural swordsman'.



"This is not enough."

Yurian's swordsmanship skills were excellent, but this level was overflowing in the empire.

There are dozens of named characters that immediately come to mind, including the swordsman Haydn Reich.

Furthermore, if you consider the supporting characters, the number could reach hundreds.

Nevertheless, the reason this guy with pathological thinking was able to survive was because he had exceptional strengths that most characters could not match.

His eyes are sharp enough to see right through emotions and his overwhelming understanding of 'Aurors' is also a virtue.

"To deal with aurors, you need to understand mana."

I stood still and began to focus on the element called 'mana' that exists in the heart.

Even though he has no memories, it is clear that everything he has achieved is stored in this body.

If we can bring this back, dealing with Aurors won't be difficult.

It started with such a simple thought, but the results came sooner than expected.

To conclude, I could feel 'mana'.

I never imagined that I would be able to feel 'Mana', which I only knew about through settings, so easily, but in a way, I guess this is the talent that 'Yuri An' has.

'I never thought I could feel mana so easily. Then wouldn't that be possible too?'

Maybe that's why I became greedy.

If you can feel 'mana' so easily, wouldn't you be able to easily use the special skill that Yurian used?

Yurian's specialty, Moonlight Sword.

Originally, when an aura was wrapped around a weapon, only a faint glow appeared on the edge of the blade.

Not only the edge of the blade but the blade itself glowed bluish.

When people saw this, they called it the 'Moonlight Sword' with reverence and fear.

It's like the appearance of moonlight.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea to give it a try."

It is one of the weapons that a 'Yuriian' must have anyway.

If so, you might need to check.

Only when we can estimate how far is possible will we prepare countermeasures.

'Whether it's sooner or later, it's something I have to prove someday.'

I closed my eyes and focused again on my heart, where the mana was concentrated in my body.

As I was well-versed in the setting of <Let's Kill the Demon King From Now>, I naturally knew how to use the 'Aurors'.

All you have to do is transport the mana stored in the heart to the 'mana blood', the body's mana organ.

Of course, it seems easy if you just explain it in words.

If you make a mistake and the mana flows backwards instead of going to the mana blood, it can damage major organs, including the brain.

Would you say it is truly high risk, high return? So you need to proceed with caution.

There are a total of 38 mana blood vessels in the body.

Six 'major blood vessels' that are like giant rivers.

There are 32 'small blood vessels' that are like small streams.

Among these, the ones that must be activated to be called an 'Auror' are the 'gaemun', which is the major blood vessel between the heart and head, and the 'hyugun', which runs from the heart to the head.

'It's a setting that I know everything about, but… … .'

I know the theory well.

However, applying the principles you know in your head to reality is a different matter.

Even activating 'mana blood' requires taking a big risk.

That's why I was a bit scared.

but… … .

'My body is telling me.'

Yurian's body was whispering to me about the sense of 'Auror'.

Thanks to that, a kind of connection was created between me and this body.

The head is 'theory'.

The body undergoes 'practical combat'.

It was already complete before I even tried it.

There was no need to be afraid.

After taking a breath, I let mana flow into the major blood vessels 'Gaemun' and 'Hyumun'.

The strange sensation of mana flowing through me was indeed unfamiliar, but I soon got used to it.

Soon, an unknown power began to boil throughout my body.

This is also a part of 'Auror'.

But Yurian's body didn't end there.

The 'Moonlight Sword', a weapon that can be called his trademark, has not yet appeared.

'Let's focus.'

I closed my eyes again, held the sword with both hands, and began to gather my senses.

"Ugh… … ."

Unlike during the Mana Blood, when I focused on the 'sword', Mana seemed to react in rejection.

That's right, the 'mana blood' is a part of my body, but the sword is neither a part of my body nor an organic substance.

Transferring mana to another medium was a task that involved more backlash than expected.

But you do this work so effortlessly.

That's why they're called monsters, strongmen, etc.

Soon there was silence, as if nothing had happened.

Has it finally stabilized?

I slowly opened my eyes.

"… … "Moonlight Sword."

⇒ A new attribute, "Moonlight Sword: Incomplete" has been acquired.

The first thing that caught my eye was the elegant blue sword.

It showed an overwhelming presence, as if the expression 'embossed with moonlight' was not just a boast.

Without a doubt, it was Yurian's Moonlight Sword.

A secret technique that can be said to be the crystal of sharpness that has blown off the heads of countless demons and the identity of Yurian.

Compared to my worries, the implementation was easy and successful.

There's just one problem... … .

The area transformed into the 'Moonlight Sword' was indeed small.

The brightness was more like a thin crescent moon than a full moon.

"Haha, oh my… … ."

Still, I was somewhat satisfied.

Even though it is not as good as the real 'Moonlight Sword', it has proven that it can be used.

Besides, it's day 1.

It is conceited to be able to handle it perfectly from the beginning.

"There are still many areas that need to be improved… … . Good, good! This damn snout… … "How long are you going to be like this!?"

slam! I couldn't bear it anymore and hit my lips with the palm of my hand.

This guy's snout also seems to have a lot of areas to improve.

Episode 7. Adaptation(2)

I didn't acquire the perfect 'Moonlight Sword' last night, but I was still able to implement it to some extent.

I woke up as soon as morning dawned and headed to the training ground. He pulled out a sword from his belt and aimed it at the mounted wooden person.

When I cast the unfinished 'Moonlight Sword', I saw moonlight starting to form at the tip of the sword and swung the sword.


The sound of the wind cutting echoed quietly throughout the training ground.

Immediately, the head of the tree fell to the ground with a loud thumping sound.

<Born Swordsman> trait, and <Moonlight Sword>.

With this combination, I gained the skills to cook one serving as a driver in just one day.

Still, there was a clear feeling that it was still not enough.

'The top priority would be to complete the 'Moonlight Sword'.'

Like looking at books in this world or asking for advice from other people, things like that.

Of course, it is safe to say that 'Yurian' does not have the option of seeking advice from others.

Then there is only one choice.

"Sir, a guest has arrived."

I returned to reality at the call of my employer.

A guest? To me?

Could it be that Yurian had a friend?

If this guy has a friend due to his personality, that friend is probably not normal either.

After telling him to wait a moment, I went into the room, changed my clothes, and tied the sword I had been swinging just a moment ago on my belt.

I didn't want to carry the sword because it was cumbersome, but I needed it to play Yurian perfectly.

"Yu, Lord Yurian!"

The customer the employee was talking about was a brown-haired man whose boyish features were still visible.

First of all, it is not a 'named character'.

It was a person I didn't remember.

Still, it wasn't unfamiliar.

'It was the guy I saw yesterday.'

I remembered.

This guy is the driver who followed me along with Herand when the 'Closed Eyes' recruitment test ended yesterday.

Of course, I don't know the name.

"S-sorry! "I forgot to introduce myself!"

As I stared at him in confusion, he introduced himself while breaking into a cold sweat.

"My name is Lazrot. I am in charge of miscellaneous work as an apprentice with 'Closed Eyes'. Now, please take care of me."

Ah, this guy is him.

Anyway, it looks like he passed the entrance test as an apprentice.

"Are you an apprentice?"

"yes yes… … Officially promoted for half a year... … Oh, it's nothing!"

I think I was trying to do something... … anyway.

He looked at Lazrot and opened his mouth.

"What brings you here?"

"ah! "I stopped by to check the results of the tryout test that took place at Bayer Academy yesterday!"

"If it was the result, you would have seen it yesterday."

"that is… … Because listening directly is the procedure. haha."

There are so many useless procedures.

I clicked my tongue at the inefficient administration of 'closed eyes', but since it was still a procedure, I decided to answer.

"Entry test, 0 people passed. "Please report it like this."

"yes! Well, then, have a good day today, Lord Yurian!"

This way, you won't have to stop by the imperial palace in person.

When I looked at Lazrot's back, yesterday's events came to mind.

It was decided to take a closer look at the regulations to prevent the Kreipart family from scheming during the entrance exam again.

"No, please wait a moment."

"yes yes!?"

Lazrot jumped up like a small animal and then stopped.

"I will report it myself."

"yes? Ah yes."

"Let's go together in my carriage. "I will take you there."

I decided to show some kindness after a long time.

It must have been a long way from the imperial palace to here, and I sympathized with the fact that they came on two feet without a horse or carriage.

"… … yes?"

But what I saw was a purple haze rising above Lazrot's head.

Someone's transparent good intentions can be scary to someone else.

This kid is a problem no matter what he does.

* * *

There are three self-proclaimed great powers on the Rozenda Continent.

The Holy Kingdom of Perenand, which adopted the sun god religion, the largest religion on the continent, as its state religion.

After the demon god Barbatos was sealed, the hegemony of the Adratan Empire annexed the devastated countries by force.

And, the Briman Alliance, where two great powers and neighboring kingdoms joined forces to fight back.

While the three countries are in a tense conflict, if we were to choose the strongest country, it would most likely be the Adratan Empire.

As proof of this, the size of the imperial palace, the center of the empire, was enormous.

It is so large that even the gigantic Bayer Academy would laugh at it, and it is said that billions of Nars are invested every year in operating expenses alone, which makes you realize just how great the empire's national power is.

Of course, it is not just the imperial palace that is great.

Neatly maintained roads spread out in all directions around the imperial palace, and the splendid buildings that complete the imperial capital also show a remarkable level of completion.

It is said that professional landscapers and architects were mobilized, and it was so beautiful that it rivaled the imperial palace, one of the eight scenic spots of the empire.

Although he was walking along the road to the Imperial Palace, one of the five most scenic views, nothing caught Lasroth's gaze.

He was constantly breaking out in a cold sweat and couldn't come to his senses from the tension.

The reason was because of the person accompanying him, Yurian Kryphart Frasson.

It is a companionship with a person called the Smiling Executioner of the Empire.

'scared… … !'

From the time he left the mansion until now, Yurian had been smiling with narrowed eyes, as if he was wearing a mask.

Lasrot was confused by the ominous look on his consistent expression.

This is because I could not understand why he would suddenly accompany me to the imperial palace.

This was especially true because he usually left reporting entirely to himself.

"Look, it's Yurian."

"… … "I heard she was injured and lost her memory?"

"Seeing as he was fine, I guess it was just a rumor."

The reaction of those around them who saw the glass was clear.

In addition to vigilance, some people were afraid and sometimes spent their lives secretly.

Lasrot felt that there was a difference between heaven and earth from the attention he received because of his status as a commoner and his inability to leave his apprenticeship for half a year.

So, naturally, I shrank.

The person named 'Yuri An' who is walking next to me right now is the pinnacle of a hierarchy that I cannot surpass.

He is a man that even nobles fear despite being from a secondary family, and he is an indiscriminate sword wielded by the imperial family.

'Ugh… … .'

Excluding leader Odwin, he is the person with the highest status in 'Closed Eyes'.

When Lazrot felt this again, his eyes became dizzy.

It was a great honor to walk through the imperial palace with someone like that, but it was also a daunting task that took my breath away.

"The scenery of the imperial palace is still spectacular."

It was then.

Yurian opened his mouth to Lazrot, who didn't know what to do.

"Yeah… … yes!"

"In any case, you will have to pass through the second gate, Gyeonguimun Gate, to see your destination. The first gate, Gyeongcheonmun (敬天問), is open to all subjects of the empire, so it is not an appropriate place to view the internal administration of the imperial family."

Lazrot tilted his head for a moment as he watched Yurian speaking naturally, as if in flow.

Of course, Yurian would have been visiting the house as if it were his own, unlike himself, who had already entered the imperial family for six months.

But why did you tell a story that everyone probably knows?

'if… … 'Are you testing me?'

Yurian eliminated all of the successful candidates in yesterday's entrance test.

However, this does not mean that the level of applicants was low at all.

On the contrary, there were several people who were better than him who had not been officially promoted for half a year.

Nevertheless, the fact that they were all eliminated means that they did not meet Yurian's standards.

Perhaps this remark is a way of saying that he, who luckily(?) passed the entrance test, is not suitable as a 'closed eye'.

I'm just mentioning something I already know.

However, he was greatly mistaken.

Yurian's comment a moment ago was not intended to test Lazrot.


'… … It's much bigger than it looks in the game, right? And I have no idea where the building of 'Closed Eyes' is in the imperial palace.'

I really didn't know the way, so I was just asking to confirm.

* * *

Among the three gates that divide the huge area of the imperial palace, once you pass through the first gate, Gyeongcheonmun (敬天問) and the second gate, Gyeonguimun (敬意門), you are greeted by white shining buildings.

The uniformly planted green trees and the pouring sunlight were in perfect harmony, making it an understatement to call it a spectacular view.

Looking at this beautiful scenery, I felt very uplifted. It's not that I feel fulfilled by looking at art.

"Well, then Lord Yurian! "I have somewhere else to stop by, so I'll go there first."

"Yes, good work."


Lazrot, who had guided me here, ran away, saying he had other business to attend to.

But I can't figure out what on earth I'm sorry for.

Anyway, I turned around and headed to the headquarters of 'Closed Eyes.'

The destination, of course, was the leader's office.

"Lord Yurian, Captain Oddwin said you could come inside."

After hearing the secretary's words, I headed straight to the director's office.

Since 'Closed Eyes', an institution exclusive to the imperial family, was an institution that served the imperial family, the relationship between its members was basically horizontal.

However, there was only one person in charge of the unit.

'The daughter of the fallen Baladir family.'

As I said before, in order to join 'Closed Eyes', you must be politically neutral.

Therefore, it is difficult for those from noble families to join the 'Closed Eyes' group.

As a special case, they are either separated from their family like Yurian, or they are fallen aristocrats who are nobles in name only.

Odwin, the current leader of 'Closed Eyes', is one of those fallen nobles.

Standing in front of the manager's office, I knocked twice.

"I'm going in."

"Come in."

After giving permission, I straightened my clothes, opened the door, and went inside.

The first thing I saw was a woman sitting on a chair.

"Yurian, welcome. "It's been a while."

As she got closer, one step at a time, my gaze gradually lowered.

The reason is that Odwin Baladir, the leader of 'Closed Eyes', was very short.

"I heard you were injured. Are you okay?"

I thought about how to answer for a moment.

Just like before with Eileen, I don't know how Yurian related to each character.

This time is especially difficult to predict.

The other person is not someone to simply instill hostility or fear into.

So, I had no idea what kind of ripple effect a single word I uttered here would cause.

If I do something wrong, my identity may be revealed.

'… … 'It's okay to use common sense here, right?'

Even if Yurian was the world's leader, wouldn't he have spoken politely to the leader?

"Thank you for your concern. "The injury was not minor, but it was not enough to stop me from being loyal to the imperial family."

I answered more politely than usual, with just a hint of politeness.

This should be enough to show courtesy to superiors.

"… … "It's strange."


"Did you usually say things like that? Otherwise... … ."

She put her hand to her chin, let out a short groan, and then looked up with wide-open eyes.

That's 100% suspicious.

shit! … … I guess this is it.

Episode 8. Adaptation(3)

I sighed inwardly and made eye contact with the woman in front of me.

Oddwin's lavender eyes were staring at me intently. His wide-open eyes were full of questions.

Even a 'gray haze' appeared in her head.

Among the emotional colors seen as <Colors of Denial>, it is 'Doubt.'

I could guess what it came from.

He must be different from the Yurian he used to know.

'It's a long story… … Is respect an issue?'

No, that won't be it.

For Yurian, 'honorific language' is an expression of ego and an identity.

In fact, if I hadn't used the respectful language, the suspicion would have been greater than it is now.

To begin with, talking to yourself is also respectful, but there's nothing you can do about it.

"Is there something wrong?"

I couldn't figure out what the problem was.

I decided that if I stayed quiet any longer, suspicions could grow, so I decided to brazenly get out of this situation.

In a sense, being shameless is part of Yurian's usual self, so there shouldn't be a big problem.

"No, Yurian… … "Didn't you usually just watch it without saying anything and then go back?"

Was that it… … .

I have no idea what this kid was thinking about his superior.

But if that's the problem, I'm glad.

How can this level be overcome?

"Did you take a long break from work due to injury? "It was said based on that report."

He briefly sneered and played it off.

Her doubts disappeared as expected due to the Yuri-an style response.

"I heard you're out of your mind, but it's still the same."

Although I was relieved to hear that it was still the same, I felt strangely like X.

No, I know that Yurian is not in his right mind, and I act faithfully, but it's strange that I feel good when I hear such evaluation openly.

Even if you think about it, the people you've met so far have never said anything directly.

This woman named Oddwin is at least not an average person.

Judging from the fact that he doesn't hesitate to make such remarks even in front of Yu-Rian, he is not an ordinary person.

"Then please report it. "Were there any useful people in the entrance test?"

After returning to her seat, she asked with a very serious expression.

"There was none."

"Well, I guess so. I knew you would say that. Since he is a disciple of the sword master Haydn Reich, any level of skill would seem ridiculous."

Oddwin, who nodded, leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Still, there must have been someone skilled enough to be used as an apprentice, right? "Maybe a few people."

"There was none."



Odwin uncrossed his arms and quickly lifted his back from the chair.

"No, so you didn't pick even one person?"


"Not even one?"

I don't know how many times I've asked this.

My answer doesn't change.

Perhaps belatedly recognizing the situation, Odwin's mouth gradually began to open.

"Why did you do that! "Closed Eyes" doesn't have a lot of staff right now, so I'd like to add at least one more person!"

"You can't just leave someone alone just because you don't have enough people. "All of the applicants this time were people who did not fit 'closed eyes.'"

"still! Who knows, if I pick it up and roll it as an apprentice, I might be able to use it!"

"It's a waste of time. "They lacked even an apprenticeship position."

I laughed briefly.

Actually, I laughed out of embarrassment.

As a result, they were all eliminated, but that was not because of the skills of the hopefuls.

It was just for my own purposes.

But then you say they don't even have enough apprenticeships.

Although it was just an act, I felt shameless.

"ha… … ."

Meanwhile, he slowly approached her and threw a piece of paper on the desk.

Oddwin, who accepted this, looked at me as if asking what was happening.

"What is this again? "Aren't we talking about a tryout test?"

"Yes, this is also related to the tryout test."

"… … "What is it?"

"I have summarized the problems with the entrance test that I discovered this time."


Oddwin asks, looking at it as if it were a troublesome object.

"You are recognized by sparring with an instructor, and then the final decision is made by the imperial palace secretariat through an interview. "What's the problem?"

"It's the sparring way."

"Sparring style?"

I told Odwin, who tilted his head, the story I had prepared in advance.

"Well, if the instructor in charge said that, it would be true... … ."

Oddwin began reading the 'Entry Test Improvement Plan' I gave him.

The lower his gaze went, the more his expression became distorted.

"… … When taking the entrance test, are 'closed eyes' not responsible for any accident?"


"This means you're going to increase the intensity of sparring, right?"

"you're right."

I nodded.

There were many restrictions in the 'closed eyes' entrance test.

One of them is a provision that requires instructors to ensure the safety of applicants who wish to join during the testing process.

Of course, the candidate must never be injured or die. If such an accident occurred, the responsibility was unconditionally placed with the instructor.

'The applicants who were taking the exam at the Bayer Academy that day would have also known this provision.'

Nevertheless, the reason why I was scared by the words 'I will kill you' and gave up on the test is simple.

Because the person who uttered those words was me, 'Yurian Kraipart Frasson.'

Would you really break the rules?

Even if you thought so at first, when you think about how many corpses have piled up under the name 'Yuri-ian', you can't help but doubt it again.

That crazy guy might be able to do it.

Something like this.

It was a gamble that was possible because I used that.

Oddwin frowned as he looked at the improvement plans one by one.

Eventually, he picked up the paper with his fingers and shook it.

"I understand first of all. "I'll put it up in parliament."

"Yes, thank you. "Captain Oddwin."

"But, is it really because of this that no one was selected in this recruitment test?"

"It can't be. Talents hired through faulty tests are just useless. Aren't we an exclusive institution of the imperial family? It is unforgivable to tarnish that noble name... … ."

Looking at her disgusted face, I shrugged my shoulders.

When it comes to anything related to the 'imperial family', he falters like crazy.

Because this was also 'Yuri-ian'.