
Villains Are My Sponsors!

*** [ is pleased with your ruthlessness!!] [ grants you his Mangekyo Sharingan !!] --- [ is smiling because of your intelligence!] [ grants you his Immense Strength!!] --- [ is grining as he is watching you manipulating others!] [ grants you his Conqueror Haki!!] --- [ is impressed with your resolution of World Domination!] [ lends you his Blood Vein Ring!] --- And so, the story of the World most powerful Villain start! First world: Overlord! (Mc won't join Nazarick just so you know, he will be in the New Worlds from the start) Second world: Solo Leveling (for one vol) It may be a multiverse story, but that will later be decided on how this story progresses. --- Read my Review, for more details of the story. Thank u

Dark_Crown98 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 22: Labyrinth of Holy (2)

"Welcome to my home, youngling. I welcome you to my Labyrinth of Holy!" a holy voice echoed, while as everyone from my companions, adventurers to those summoned angels all had stopped moving as if the whole time has been stopped.


My whole surrounding had turned deadly silence, there was no sound of weapon clashing, no sound of blood spilling or of war shouts.

"Hello? I am talking to you youngling, is it you are deaf?" once again the voice echoed, while I was now confirmed that this voice was no illusion.

"Who?" I just said, my eyes as keen as I could make.

"There no need to be afraid youngling, I mean no harm to you."

"Then what do you want?" I asked in neutral tone, I don't know whether the one I was talking to was someone that I could offend or talk down too.

"Youngli—no Alard there is no need to be afraid. I am here to actually talk with you." the voice said, making my guard to raise up.

"How do you know my name? I don't remember ever being acquaintance with someone like you."

"Well, I have been hearing alot about you recently in the Empire." the voice one again echoed, while I could relax alittle ... because of that Fluder, my existence is pretty much well know by everyone in the Empire.

"Then what do you want?" I once again questioned, while I was once again surprised by his next word.

"I want you to be my successor!"

"Wh-What? What do you mean by that?"

"You see, Though I don't know much about you ...I just need to know two things, First! You are someone born in this world and Second! You must be a good person."

"There is no doubt you are a person born in this New World as you are very weak! and secondly I don't believe a young kid like you could have been corrupted by the world ...So, Alard I once again ask you! Will you be my successor?" he asked once again, while I was a little confused as many thoughts came in my mind, but one thing was clear he is also one of the YGGDRASIL player that came in this world.

"Sir? Could you please clarify and explain me first, what is going on here first? and what will happen if I become your successor?" I asked respectfully as of now, I know I can do nothing to this voice, even a noob player of YGGDRASIL could be a Hero level figure in this world, seeing his power of even being able to stop time I am sure he probably used be a high-level player in YGGDRASIL.

"Oh! My apologies, I actually forgot to explain you first ...you see I could say you nothing about what you have to do after you become my successor, until you accept to be my successor."

"But! Let me atleast say you one thing, if you become my successor ...you will get a chance become someone as powerful as those Six Great God you human nation worships." he said, while I gave away a dumbfounded expression!

"What! N-no way! How could I reach the level of those Great God's! Sir, Please don't lie."

"Haha, Youngling don't be so naive, Those Great God you people worships used to be also nothing but a normal human to, It was luck that they acquired those power ...In reality, I admire you person more then those mythical being you read or heard off, atleast you people actually put your life on line to acquire your power." said the voice, as I also agreed.

Even, if those gamer had hard time grinding level and acquire there power, but in the end they were doing these all for fun, in the other hand people of this New World, they need to suffer, drown in there sweats and blood to get there power.

"Sir, I don't get it what you mean ..but if I could get as powerful as those Great God's! I am willing to be your successor." I said, firm resolve in brimming in my eyes.

"Oh? Then may I ask this first, what will you do if you get this power?"

"I will protect my family! I want to be able to protect my father, mother and brothers in the future when they need my help! I also want to protect my Empire from invaders." I said giving a naive look, while I could for some reason knew the owner of the voice was nodding his head in agreement.

"Good! I will then be accepting you as my successor! I hope you will bring justice for this world!" the voice said, while my while body teleported into a empty space this time.

"Wh-Where am I?" questioning myself, I looked around my vicinity ..when I saw two figures infront of me.

The first was a man in butler uniform, he had a cleanly shaved jaw, his hair turned grey while his face full of wrinkles showing his old age, while the gaze and aura he was giving wasn't of a old man but of a great warlord who had slaughtered more then one could imagine.

While, the next one was a person on his full-plater armor with a helm covering his face, he was radiating a divine holy pressure as he sat on a uniquely designed chair.

"Youngling come here." the one in full-plate armor spoke, as he signed me to come over.

Moving my feet, I began walking forward until I was face to face with them, when the full-plated man summoned a chair out of nowhere.

"Youngling, Here take a sit." he said, while I slowly took my sit.

"Since, you have decided to be my successor, I will tell you a truth that you may be find hard to believe, but believe me whatever I say is the truth." he said, while I gave him a confused look, though still nodding my head.

"Good! Then let me tell you ...there is another world out there... bla bla bla."

He began telling me about, his world and this game named DMMO-RPG, that had been released in 2126 according to the date of there world.

YGGDRASIL was a game of exploration, and so many things which were mysteries, that were left unknown for the players to discover on their own or in groups. It was a game where all you were told was to take controls before being thrown into the deep end of the game. In other word, it was a very successful game in there world that many played.

But in 2138, the game's community by then already lost the vibrancy it once had. As a result, the remaining players still playing YGGDRASIL finally met their final day online.

It was then in that fateful day, that some players who remained till the end had been teleported into a New World, in the body of there in-game avatar they had grinded.

And so, the myth of Six Great God's, Eight Greed King and many more legendary myth had began.

"Wha-what? Are you saying those God's, demons all were also once a human of another world, but mysteriously been summoned in 'our' world! and it-I ..I don't have a word to say." I made a particularly flabbergasted face, oh god! It is so hard to digest the thing I already knew.

"Yes, Those Eight Greed Kings or Six Great God's also used be just humans."

"Then sir, Are you also?" I asked him, whose answer was particularly naked infront of my eyes.

"Yes youngling, I am also one of those players that have come to this world."

"Then why didn't you also joined those Eight Greed Kings or Six Great God's or those Heroes to fight against Evil deities when they were wreaking havoc in the world?" I raised a question in confusion, while the fully armoured figure infront of me raised his head abit, while the butler behind him stood straight in his place like a statue.

"I wonder why? It was 600 year ago, when I was first summoned here, I actually first wanted to study this world and know why we were transported into this world, and I also learned at that time the standard of this World was very weak compared to YGGDRASIL."

"While it was then when I heard about this group of fanatics calling themselves Six Great God, so I first decided to stay in dark and judge what they do while in search for my question."

"Then like that 100 year passed away, another group of idiots swarmed into this World known as Eight Greed Kings, unlike those Six Great God they instead desired world domination, so like that a war between Six Great, True Dragon Lords and Eight Greed Kings began."

"And in order to not get the inhabitants be wiped out of this world from there battle, I send my subordinates (NPCs) to protect them, but many of my subordinates died carrying out my order ...That was then when I finally decided to enter the battle to stop them, but by the fate there battle seemed to have just gotten over in Eryuentiu, the capital of Greed Kings." he took a deep breath, while I also listen to him in interest, I had only watched the anime and saw some spoilers in net, other then that I knew nothing about Overlord.

So, I was having fun hearing his story.

"Then, I took my step back from them, as I didn't wanted to expose myself ...when another 200 year passed away, once again some player had swarmed the New World, but this time before they would wreak havoc in this world and bully the weaks, I used my remaining subordinates and encircled them and attacked them."

"Sir? May I ask how you knew where those player had been summoned to?" I asked, as how did this guy's knew where the players could be in this huge New World.

"Oh, I have actually marked the whole New World with my detection magic ruin, so whenever above normal magic pressure is detected I will immediately know ...now! moving onto."

"My battle with those players began ...and I successfully killed everyone of them but lost many of my subordinates, while one escaped from me, but he was later killed by a True Dragon Lord called Deep Darkness Dragon Lord."

"Then once again 100 year passed away, which was probably 200 year ago from now ...the era of Evil deities and Thirteen Heroes began, This time once again I entrapped all player that had been summoned here and killed them all, but some weak player escaped my detection and escaped my trap, in them two seems to have gained some name."

"Who may they be?" I asked, while the armoured guy like a professional Bard began telling me.

"First was the Leader of Thirteen Heroes and Second was the All-Talk sage Minotaur Sage ...I left the Thirteen Heroes leader alive because he was doing a holy job of killing those Evil deities that basically were the NPCs of Greed Kings that had finally gone out of control from hiding which there deceased masters ordered."

"While, I secretly assassinated that Minotaur Sage ...but later I heard, that leader of Thirteen Heroes killed his companion whom I heard was also a player, then later that leader also killed himself, I was really disappointed hearing it."

"But, The team he formed atleast had enough power to clear all the Evil deities and like that once again 100 year passed away and my body finally began to weaken, as no matter how much powerful I was ...the race I had choose was human, It was by the grace of magic that I could even live for 500 year and my only remaining subordinates was Lynn by that time." he said, turning his head to the butler behind him.

While the butler behind him, looked at his master while bowing his head alittle.

"And now in present era, 100 year had once again passed ...I am now near to my end, when I once again felt a wave of player, so I again charged toward them while I barely managed to kill them akl."

"So, I made dungeon in many forest of this World and disturbed my map to lord near those forest ..So, I could find a successor who could carry on my legacy of protecting this world from players!" he said, while I could feel how much sense of justice he have in his heart.

"Sir, Then may I ask why does the Kingdom have a map to our Empires dungeon." I voiced out in curiousity to know the truth, if he had made a dungeon in every forest of New World and distributed it to there nearby lords, Kingdom should have also received one, then why did they took the risk of coming to our dungeon, instead of taking there own.

"Well, to your questions my successor. I indeed gave a map to the a noble of Kingdom, but he turned greedy and took his own personal army to the dungeon and tried to get the treasure without the Kingdom knowing it."


"I killed him, I hate this greedy bastard's! While I let other nation to leave after failing my trial, while the map I gave to this Empire, that lord send it to Kingdom in other to gain there trust for there resolve of reuniting the Kingdom and Empire."

'So It seems my theory was correct, that Margrave Steelshield is an traitor.' placing my thumb in my chin, I then decided to hear more of what this justice man have to say.

"So now my successor you know everything you need to know, I will ask you again! Will you protect this Word from players?!"

"Yes! This world is my home! How can I let this outsiders destroy this peace we have! O will protect my World with my life." I said brimming in the sense of Justice, while I could feel that Justice idiot was pleased with it.

'Just give me the legacy now.' grinning inwardly, I looked at the man infront of me with resolve.

"Hahaha! Sure my successor, I hope you will protect this world after I am gone. Lynn will also be at your aid when I am gone, I hope he will be a help to you, afterall he is my one of the strongest subordinate." he said, while I could feel sadness lingering in the eyes of Lynn the butler, he was of course sad about not being able to save his master life.

"Then my successor are you willing to accept my legacy, and become a Paladin, and carry my Oath of Justice!"



Hey guys,

I am actually confused on what to do..

Actually I am now cured from COVID.

I so need to discuss something with you guys.

Should I post a chapter a day

Or, take a 5 day gap and post 5 chapters

Sometimes, I may post 2 chap a day or 6 chap in 5 days gap.