
Villainous Retribution

"Now tell me," Siegren mouthed dangerously. "Where is the numen of the Fallen God?" ** After the Fallen War, all realms of Aeterna were destroyed, and what is left is a crumbling remnant of the mortal world. Scattered in the four continents of this remnant are fragments of the fallen god's power—the numen. A chosen few were known to harbor the knowledge about the numen, and one of them is Lumi, a priestess who was imprisoned in a temple as a catalyst for divine power. One night, a gruesome massacre occurred in the temple, freeing Lumi from imprisonment. The attacker was Siegren, a mysterious man who has the ability to render divine power worthless. With a sword on the throat of the head priest, he asked for the numen of the fallen god. Lumi, who wanted to escape her predestined fate as the catalyst for power, offered a deal to the one who killed more than half of the temple's clerics—the man named Siegren. In exchange for his assistance in her journey to reunite with her parents, she would guide him to find the twelve lost pieces of the fallen god's power. Without the fear of retribution, the two embark on a journey to attain each of their objectives... only to find out that nothing about Aeterna is what it seems. ———————— • Both OP and Weak-to-strong tag is applicable as MC’s strength may appear OP at first, but as he discovers more enemies, he realizes he is not strong enough • Since MC collects numen of power, he gradually grows stronger • FMC and MC develops friendship as the story progresses • No harem • MC is an antihero but isn’t a psycho who randomly kills people. ———————— This is my entry for WSA 2022! Novel and Art is done by yours truly. Any form of support will be appreciated! • Chapters per day: 2-3 (daily updates) • NOVEL ART: Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram (chainslock_) • Fantasy Music Theme: https://youtu.be/ewLsklXif_I

Chainslock · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


The library was akin to a maze with its shelves acting as walls that divide each area in a labyrinth-like manner. A pair of light-blue eyes peered at the book that was resting lightly in his hand.

[Saint Hibton: Guidance of the North by Don, AB]

White hair glimmered in the moonlight shining through the opened window on top of the mezzanine. The cold breeze of the air sent the boy's silvery-white and straight locks to flutter in the breeze as he closed the book he was reading.

He shut his eyes, savoring the gentle wind from the window.

He felt their presence.

"They're coming."


Lumi helped Siegren as they exited the premise. They marched over the alleyways, with the girl helping the man beside her as they move. Her arm was draped around his hip, while his forearm rested around her shoulders as she supported his weight. The two of them strode amid the darkness. There was no one in plain sight, given that it would take several hours before dawn. People were asleep, resting peacefully deep into the night.

Siegren was still recovering. It wouldn't be long until his mana is restored, but they were on the run. Moreover, there also wasn't no telling if the temple was in pursuit of them.

But Lumi knows for sure that the temple wouldn't coordinate with the Aclarian royals.

This is because the 'catalyst experiment' was done in secrecy.

The moon shone brightly under the city after the clouds passed through the sky. They illuminated the road for Lumi and Siegren—but instead of lighting their path, it led to another.

Pungent ichor dripped to the ground as a hoard of monsters drooled while crawling using their appendage and atrophied legs. They slithered into the night; hollow eyes directed into the glowing divine power within an individual teeming with life.

Unbeknownst to the two, from the far distance, a hoard of infernopest followed.

Siegren's eyes widened before he hastily turned, drawing his greatsword. The blade swung to the infernopest who threw itself to attack. It was then tossed athwart the bricked walls—its slimy body sinking limply on the ground. The hoard then saw what Siegren did to their kin. A battle cry, which sounded like a child's deafening scream, resounded in the vicinity.

The hoard attacked Siegren who then swung his sword to elude their advances. As some of the infernopest were thrown athwart the ground, a new hoard came in. Lumi glanced at Siegren who took a deep breath. Beads of moisture trickled across his temple as he sweat profusely.

The infernopest then lunged themselves into him once more.

Lumi ran to Siegren and then lifted her hand. Golden light shone, like the sun in the midst of the night. The infernopests froze, hollow eyes bleeding as they convulsed. However, there were still far too many. The monsters kept on coming. Siegren and Lumi realized that it might take them by daytime to finally kill all of them.

Siegren panted as he saw the looming infernopests from the distance. He was still recovering from the infernopest sucking his mana earlier, but now there are multiple ones he had to kill.

If he could kill them with an explosion, then…

Blood of people resting peacefully in their houses getting killed by his explosion flashed in his mind.

"Infernopests are killed by the sun," Lumi exclaimed, interrupting his thoughts as if she has read his mind. "They can only die by daylight. If we would try to take drastic measures and kill them all here, we'll attract the temple's attention. It wouldn't be good for either of us."

Divine power mimics the sun's light, which renders the infernopest immobile at one flash, and in concentrated forms, they die. However, divine power isn't enough given that the monsters simply keep on coming—as if there is an endless amount of them. If Lumi would release divine power to such a great extent, their location can easily be pinpointed and they'll be caught without a hinge.

She couldn't be careless.

"We have no choice," Lumi said. "We have to go,"

The girl turned around; eyes fixated on the castle.

She then set out to run, speeding up as the giant hand of the clock tower moved forward. Siegren then followed her, sheathing his sword as a swarm of infernopest slithered to his trail.

Siegren then picked Lumi, carrying her as he leaped into the stacked barrels, his other hand holding into one of the wooden partitions as he climbed them until he reached the top of the rooves.

The infernopests below him sought to follow.

But he already disappeared into the night.


The night was still deep, with the knights of the royal palace pacing back and forth as they guarded the territory of the Aclarian royals.

A small boy who was no more than five held an old teddy bear in his stubby arms. His mother, who was a maid working at the pantry, was already conducting miss en place for the meal of the royal family and their guests.

With his mother distracted, the boy stealthily snuck outside, careful not to be discovered.

Then, the child saw THEM.

He hastily sprinted, keen to be on his mother's side. As he reached the pantry, he tugged on his mother's sleeves.

"Ma! I saw someone die!"

"Not again with the lies, Lucas," a sigh with hints of exasperation came out from the mother. "Go back to sleep. It's still early."

"But… but! I saw the guards lying on the floor with a monster in his mouth!"

"Monster in his mouth… now you're getting creative."

"Your son really is something," the chef remarked. "A child's imagination, huh?"

The maids chopping vegetables and kneading dough laughed and ruffled Lucas' hair.


All laughter died down as the wooden door leading outside sounded like something had tumbled over its veneer.


A persistent knocking sound repeated…

But the door wasn't even locked.

Lucas' eyes widened as the wooden door broke. A guard, bloodied all over, entered the premise. He stood still with his mouth sprawled open, a monster covering over half his face. His eyes were already darting upward. It didn't even take several seconds before he fell to the ground.

The maids shrieked. Before Lucas knew it, his mother dragged him, rushing to escape.


Siegren and Lumi ambled their way into the castle's fortress. The guards safeguarding the gates stood vigilantly as they saw the two individuals walking straight to their path.


But they were still going.

The guards then drew their swords, but Lumi had already cast a spell around them. They fell limply to the ground, convulsing.

The palace was just several steps away.

Siegren and Lumi entered the castle, only to be welcomed by several more knights and guards whose spears and swords are ready to attack.

The soulless was then unsheathed, and the next thing that happened was a seemingly endless spar. The knights came to thrust their blades at the intruder, while the intruder continued to advance forward.

The priestess walked behind him with her white dress fluttering in the breeze. Like a butterfly in the bright moonlight, she enchanted those who were foolish enough to think they could overpower her. She stared at the knights who came to strike—all were falling to the ground as they convulsed.

Only those who have sinned so much could be affected by divinity.

Lumi stared at the grandiose entrance of the palace as Siegren opened its magnificent large doors.

Lumi's eyes widened.

"This is…"