
The Holy Corpse



After falling through Valentines flag we soon ended up on the other side which was basically the same place though I could tell this was a different world.

"Valentine!" I heard the voice of a young man shout out at the sight of his return so I turned to look at him and I saw the tired bloody man before me.

"D-Diego?! No wait, your not him! Who are you?!" He shouts out as he points his finger at me and Valentine like a finger gun at both of us.

"Oh? So this is the Johnny Joestar of your universe? Well between the two he's nothing like mine was, as for why I'm here Johnny, why it's to help Valentine get what he wants, but in exchange for the Holy corpse in return." I say patting Valentines shoulder (**) before I begin to walk past Johnny and where I feel the corpse part strongest is at.

"!?!?!?! What the hell?!" Johnny shouted out with my sudden disappearance before he turned and saw me casually walking right past him.

"Johnny Joestar, before you do something you end up regretting I suggest you stay out of my and Valentines way, after all I am the only one that can grant him the prosperity he wishes for his people." I say as I look over my shoulder at him as he points his finger gun at me as his stand appears behind him.

"I can't just let you take the Corpse that easily!" He shouts out before he begins to fire his fingernail bullets at me as he stand rushes me.

"It's pointless." I say as The World easily deflects his spin bullets, (A/N Not infinite Rotation ones as he needs to be on a horse to use.), before his stand reached me and began to send out a stand barrage at me.


"I told you it was useless you little shit!" I say as I appear right next to him and before he could react-


"Gukah!" He cried out as I smashed my foot right up against the side of his face and sending him flying from the kick itself, forcing him to roll away from the attack.

"Stay out of my way Johnny, I'll get what I want whether you like it or not!" I said as I pointed at the crumpled heap that he was and continued my walk.

Now if someone were to ask why wasn't I just killing him? And to tell the truth I don't know why, but with my connection to fate itself it was telling me that it would be detrimental if I just outright went and killed him myself, so for now I'll let him live, but doesn't mean I won't break all the bones in his body if he keeps trying to get in my way.

But he seemed to have sustained injuries before, from his battle with Valentine no less, so I moved on, but stopped and turned back to Valentine who was now holding a gun and pointing it down on the beaten Johnny.

"Valentine, it's best you don't kill him, at least for now, if you do then our deal is off and I'll take the corpse for myself and you'll be unable to stop me." I say with a squint in my eyes as I looked at him.

"…. Tch, your luck hasn't run it seems. Johnny." He says before putting the gun away and following after me before we soon came across an unconscious woman that seems as if her entire skin has become metallic with her stuck in place of the fetal position, unable to move, and another man nearby her, reaching out to her before he lost consciousness.

"Lucy Steel, the current bearer of the entire Holy Corpse." Valentine introduces her to me and why she is like this because of the Holy Corpse itself.

I could feel it, the embodiment of Fate itself was wrapped around this woman, but I could feel most of it rejecting me, refusing to become one with my body, but one part I felt was willing to merge with me, and because of that it made it possible for the corpse itself to be removed from the young woman's body.

So reaching out to her with the world the corpse began to be pulled out of her body until none of it remained in her as she remained unconscious on the ground.

I saw the shriveled up, mummified corpse of the Saint, the one to be the body of Jesus Christ himself, lay in my hands, but then suddenly the entire spine of the corpse moved free from its body before entering through my chest as I could feel it phase through my body before settling onto my spine itself.

I felt a pulse of energy course right through my body before settling down, but I could tell I had gotten much stronger than before, my power of Overwrite had been amplified as well.

But the rest of the corpse was refusing to merge with me, so for now all I could do was put it away in my inventory for later use when I find a way to merge it perfectly, though whatever the Eyes of Heaven seems integral to perfecting this merger with myself.

"Alright, you have kept your side of the deal, so shall I." I say before pulling out this worlds book and holding it within my hands before holding it out to him.

He places his hand on the cover, "What do you most wish for, Funny Valentine?" As Overwrite itself has in a sense given me the ability itself to grant what I desire and project it onto the world at large as well as granting the wishes of those who want it onto them as long as I grant it.

"I wish for nothing more than the eternal prosperity of the United States of America!" He said with a look of absolute determination and conviction in his voice.

"So be it." I say as The World: Over Heaven grabs onto the book along with us.


And with one word the fate of this world was forever as misfortune and calamity will never effect its people in any major way ever again for this land will forever be just and prosperous until the end of this world itself.

I then took back the book and put it back in my inventory, "Now my work here is done, Valentine I have kept my end of the deal, so I must go, but take this." I say as I hand him a cellphone, one to keep me in contact with my other followers across worlds that aren't linked to me, "It will help you contact me once more or for me to get in touch with you, but for now this is farewell." I say before using the chat group phone to locate my version of Earth and with a flash disappearing before his eyes.

He stares at where I was for a moment before turning to look back at the unconscious form of Johnny before shaking his head.

"I just hope what I have done was worth it…. No, it was worth it, so long as my country prospers I'll make a deal with a devil to make my people happy." He says before turning and walking away, no longer finding a worth in dealing with Johnny Joestar any longer, or even being remotely close to that stand of his.

Meanwhile I had returned to my world as I looked upon the rising sun and began to think things through as my power over OverWrite has become stronger, but I have realized something that must be done.

"As my timeline will never make him appear at his strongest point, and that excluding me and most likely Valentine, two of the same people can not exist in the same world together…." I say with a heavy heart as I followed a heavy string of fate that connected me to the country of Italy itself.

When I arrived I soon found myself before a chapel and decided to make my way in before coming across a young man with dark skin, white hair wearing a priests robe as he swept up the floor of the chapel itself.

(**) '…. Pucci…. I'm sorry.' Is all I could think to myself as time came to a stop before The World grabbed his shoulder before I hardened my heart for what I was about to do.


And just like that, he was gone, my worlds Pucci was no more, he never existed in this world in the first place as I made it to be, but with his annihilation I can bring a true friend to my side.

"Now, let's see if I can use this new strength of mine properly." I say as I grab hold of the remnant thread of Pucci's fate that I had just severed myself and used the new powers of the corpse I had just attained.

"Through Heaven I can reach out to you throughout any and all of the Timelines of my world, even if I know my Timeline isn't considered the 'True' Timeline I have come to terms with it and thus made my world my own, but I need a true comrade for the battles to come, so fear not as your fate shall no longer befall you my friend…." I say as the World tightly grabs the string of Fate between me and Pucci before pulling it with all its might and making a hole in both space and time.

And without a second thought I jumped straight into it and began another journey of mine to save a dear friend of mine from an undeserving fate.












March 21st, 2012, Cape Canaveral, Florida