
Seraphon Ambush & Freeing N’Kari

After convincing Dexcessa and Synessa of the truth as to who he is, they return to Ulgu from Ghur and go to open the Storm vault to free the first of Slaaneshes most loyal followers, N'Kari, one of the oldest Keeper of Secrets


"Then I shall open the way for us to return." I say which they nod and stand up from their throne which makes me moderately surprised as I realized how tall they were.

I stand at 6'6(198cm) while they stood at 8'6(259cm) well over 2ft taller than I am, I haven't met a woman taller than me if we exclude Slaanesh that is as I watched them walk out with a rather sexy sway in their hips as I got a hood view as we walked outside.

By the time I had arrive it was already night here as we walked outside, but as I did I felt a sudden shift within reality itself, a forceful shift as while chaos daemon corruption also affects the reality of the Realm, it's more subtle where as this was something I could physically sense making not just me but the sisters look towards the sky.

In the sky the very stars began to shift and move before beams of light came down from the heavens and into the nearby forest as I summoned King Hassan's blade into my hands.

"Seraphons, these lizards don't know when to quit." The sisters said in tandem before letting out an rallying cry as their army assembled, and just in time for the Seaphon to charge through the forest and attacking the Slaanesh forces.

"Hmm, this is the first time I've ever actually been on a real battlefield, excluding the MarineFord war." I said as I began to float into the air as I watched the battle unfold as the Lizardmen forces and the Slaaneshy daemons were fighting back as the blood began to flow from those who lived and died.

Dexcessa and Synessa were casting various manic spells while cutting through swaths of the Lizardmen while a barrier wrapped around their bodies to protect them from arrows and javelins that were aimed at them and their followers.

"Now what to do, maybe I should use a power I haven't tried ever since getting it as I always found it overkill on so few people." I muttered as I remembered what I had gained after the MarineFord War after Eating that old man's heart.

"But let's use it along with NWO." I say as I use my new reality powers to generate a miniature version of the battlefield before I got to work.


The world came to a stand still while I began to rapidly reshape the mini battlefield while having my earthquake powers after fully subsuming the devil fruit into my own powers and with its powers allowed to be used at the max potential I had full control of the land in a certain area.

So with my hands glowing with a slight white light I cleaved the ground in the middle of the armies cutting them off from each other before lifting the very land and smashing it the Lizardmen inbetween the now collapsing land to crush them between it.

"And time resumes."


*Rumble Rumble Rumble*

The land began to shake making those on the ground losing their footing before the ground opened up and swallowing the frontlines of both armies as it separated them from each other before


Suddenly the ground lifted up before crushing the Seraphon forces inbetween, killing every single one of them including their Slaan-Mage who was allowing more and more Seraphon to fight us and thus braking the star constalation to call down more and thus instantly destroying the sudden ambush as I float back down to the ground.

"No time like the present it seem, come, we must free some of Slaaneshes favored champions." I said ignoring the looks the two sisters were giving me as I cut through reality by making a small realm gate that was twenty feet tall as the path way to Ulgu was reopened.

I walked on through and returned to the realm of shadows while the sisters and the rest of their remaining followers followed after me as we returned to the Clawed forest where the other Slaanesh warriors were waiting for us.

"Ulgu, what a dreary place." Synessa said as she and her sister followed after me as we arrived in the center of the forest where the location of the hidden entrance to the Storm Vault was located.

"We can feel it, our father/mother is near." They said in tandem as they reached out and touched the barrier surrounding the hidden Storm Vault that pulsed with a pink glow from their touch as it revealed its entrance, but it was still shut tight.

Finally seeing the door and seeing it needed a key of some kind to unlock it I decided to turn my arm into its shadow form as I shoved it into the large lock before letting my arm shift and change to the dimensions of the original key while the sisters kept pulsing their energies into it until I finally was able to match the lock perfectly.

*Click Clunk*

I turned my arm before allowing myself to unlock the StormVault as I pulled my arm out before a blinding flash of pink light blinded us as I shielded my eyes as I hadn't expected that.

After about a minute the light subsided and became more manageable but the stormvault was pulsing Slaanesh energy while it released a large pillar of pink light, a light I felt could be seen all across Ulgu.

"Let's free whoever is locked up in here, Maleron and Morathi are bound to notice this soon enough." I say to them to which they nodded as we made our way into the vault.

It wasn't a large vault by any sense of the word, after going down a short hallway we entered the main chamber where a…. I don't know what to call this thing is but I believed this to be N'Kari, the greatest Keeper of Secrets that Slaanesh ever had.

He seemed to be in a dormant state as he was floating in an ethereal white light that was wrapping around his body as it appeared more like chains of light.

I approached him before holding my hand out while I used NWO to bend and pull upon the chains, and luckily they slowly began to break after this Stormvault had been left unattended for eons and thus the power I had faded from the days it was made until finally with the sound of shattering glass the chains broke.

And N'Kari was now free.