
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

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140 Chs

Dio vs Muzan/Kokushibou/Akaza Pt.1

"Well then-" but before I could continue saying anything however both Akaza and Kokushibou launched themselves at me with in a full blown rush of punches and swipes of Kokushibou's blade, however….

*Clang! Bang!*

The blade would cause sparks from hitting my body, where as Akaza's hands bones would disintegrate from hitting my arms or body before regenerating and attacking me still.

*Tch* I just clicked my tongue before from within my own shadow a shadow me forms, with a dark blade in its hand as it takes up blocking Kokushibou's blade while I personally block Akaza.

'This is more annoying than I anticipated, if the rewards really weren't worth it I would have used them already.' I thought to myself as I think back to a bit earlier.


Before we infiltrated the Infinity Tower.

*Bzzz Bzzz*

My phone began to vibrate which stopped me from entering as maybe something had changed in the quest so I decided to take a look.

*Upon further investigation of both parties skill's and abilities, this quest will be heavily skewed in your favor.*

'Hmph, of course it would be in my favor, after everything I have done? Of course I can easily decimate him.' I thought to myself.

*So in an attempt to make things interesting and less one sided, the quest requests, not demands, to allow restrictions on your strongest abilities, that being The World: Time Stop, Singularity: BaseForm & BlackHole.*

'Hmmm, that's some heavy restrictions, but what benefits would that give me exactly?'

*If accepted the additional reward would be-*


'With rewards like that I would gladly restrict my powers, besides it's not like it restricted everything, just the things that would end this farce within seconds.' I think with a smirk on my face as my fists kept rapidly colliding with Akaza's while my Shadow was fending off Kokushibou with the Darkness Devils personal sword.

'I need to end this within the hour or else the Darkness Devil will start rapidly devouring the demons it has in its clutches to keep aiding me, and I would prefer he wouldn't do that as that's just a waste of good resources.'

Even deep in my own thoughts my fighting prowess wasn't hindered in any way, shape or form as I easily kept up with Akaza, after all the quest limited parts of my power but not complete negation of my powers entirely.

While I can't use Time Stop or Singularity in its base form or the blackholes I could use other parts of those powers of mine such as The Worlds Time Acceleration and Time Reversal as well as Singularities other benefits allowing me to still summon miniature suns in my hands as I specifically restricted my access to the part where I can manipulate miniature blackholes only as well as the other aspects are still Available to me.

Both Akaza and Kokushibou are inhumanly fast, and if all of my time related abilities were completely cut off from me I know I would be taking more damage than I would like, I may be immortal and can near instantly heal my wounds without needing anything in return, but I can still feel pain and I don't enjoy that feeling at all.

But what was off putting was that Muzan was keeping his distance, eyes closed, almost as if he's focusing on something, and I don't like that, but both me and my shadow self had our hands full and couldn't deal with him personally.

"Getting Distracted could get you killed!" Akaza shouted out as he was loving this fight, as their fists collided with one another as he was having the time of his life as, even if he wasn't able to land a scratch on him, he was still enjoying himself like the battle junky he is.

"Come on! Come on! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!" He said out loud as he became even more enthusiastic as their fists kept colliding and his hands being crushed only for him to pull back and attack with the other one as his hand instantly regenerated as the other was shattered, rinse and repeat as his blood splattered everywhere from this unending confrontation.

"Tch!" I say before I put in immense force to propel us both backwards causing him to dig into the floor to stop while I only moved back a few inches, clearly showing a strength difference between us both.

Akaza just grins and takes up a martial arts stance as compass like object appears across the floor as it glows with a very intense light, making him grin wildly as he spreads his arms as the energy from his body erupts in anticipation.

*Kuuuuuuuuuooooooooooohhhhhhh* I begin to activate my Hamon breathing letting the power of the sun flow completely through my body.

Feeling the main body about to get serious the shadow merges back with my body as I grabbed the Darkness Devils sword for myself, though seeing this and seeing the internal state of my body by seeing the inner world through his multiple eyes and seeing that my entire body itself was radiating Sunlight itself, Kokushibou jumped back and ready his blade to get extremely serious as he realized this fight could easily end with their deaths.

"Blood Demon Art: Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon."

"Blood Demon Art! Annihilation!"

They both exclaimed their attacks as they rushed at me, but in this moment I used Time Acceleration upon myself as the world for myself slowed to a crawl as the sheathe for the Darkness Devils sword appeared within my hands as I resheathed it and focused my breathing to the maximum.

'Hmph, be glad I decided to make this move just for this occasion.' I think to myself as I put in my absolute focus while breathing in as golden lightning sparked off my body.

In these months I have been reading a plethora of books in my spare time, and ever since I became the Ultimate LifeForm, my memory itself has become photographic and I remember everything I see with extreme detail, and thus I have been reading fighting styles and techniques of all kinds, from weapons to Martial Arts.

Even without ever practicing those moves myself I can preform said moves to a masters level of skill and precision with both my mind and body permanently in its peak condition and having full motion of my body to do moves that aren't humanly possible.

Moves only a monster could ever truly accomplish, and the shop has a plethora of reading material, even more so when Peggy gained partial access to the Akashic Records and thus allowed me to gain a plethora of knowledge from him as he materialized books from throughout the multiverse on command, and with the world I was going to I asked about the fighting techniques of the humans here to specifically deal with Demons.

And this in less than a week before my arrival in this world a new breathing technique was formed, one through only me is more lethal than this worlds True Sun-breathing technique.

So I crouched low as I grabbed at the sheathe with one hand and the hilt on the other as I breathed inwards before I spoke slowly as the two's attacks just barely reach me finally in my own personal slowed time.

"Eclipse Form: Gods Judgment."

And at true time acceleration in less than the time frame of a millisecond passing-

*Shing! Shing!*

My blade only attacked twice, just enough to attack my two attackers as one attack is all I need to cast judgement on them before I appeared away from them facing Muzan as I ended Time Acceleration.

*Clink, Splash! Splash!*

My blade returned to its sheathe as the limbs of both Kokushibou and Akaza are separated from their body leaving them completely disabled as a result.

*Ching Ching* the bells on my blade rang out as I could see the shocked looks on both of their faces as they tried to regrow their limbs, but nothing was happening, their regeneration was completely nullified and their demonization wasn't working either because their body wasn't forcibly generating new limbs for them on different parts of their bodies either.

"Unless I say so, then nothing you can do will allow your limbs or even completely new limbs in different parts of body can grow either…." I say as I look over my shoulder at the downed men before focusing at Muzan, but-


A burst of energy comes out from Muzan himself as he grins before he laughs maniacally.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Your too late DIO! Looks like my voice was heard and it reached out to me just when I needed it!" He grins evilly as he rips off the upper half of his suit as his hair elongates to down to his lower back as his hair turns completely white as his arms and legs turn blood red as multiple mouths full of sharp teeth form across his body.

He then grabs at his chest with a sick grin as suddenly the hilt of a malformed blade sticks out of his chest.

"Run Wild and Free! Come forth! Hyakki Yagyō!" He shouts out as he unsheathes the blade from his chest as his blood splatters everywhere from its summoning as the malformed blade made of bone, flesh and jagged teeth stares back at me from the large eye on the hilt.

I grip my blade tightly at the sight of it as my instincts flare up, that thing….

Is extremely deadly….