

What you saw or didn't see never happened.

What you know and don't know isn't real.

One timeline collapses and a new one opens up so the story continues on.

Perfectly balanced as it should be.


Also (**) means he did a time stop when it's not important to put in the sound effects.


It didn't take us a long time to get to a remote area of NGL far away from both humans and the nest itself as I looked at this clearing and turned towards her.

"This is a good enough space as any to begin…. Hmmm?" I say as I sense a different presence slowly coming towards us, not from the nest but from somewhere else entirely.

"Dio-sama?" She asks seeing me look off in one direction and wondering what I'm looking at.

"Another Chimera Ant is coming towards us, we're there any major squads in that direction because by the looks of it their injured, severely at that, missing an arm…. And surviving having their neck snapped?" I said because what I was seeing was weird, this Chimera Ant should be dead beyond a reasonable doubt but when I focused even more I realized why they weren't dead from having their neck snapped in such a way.

"A mosquito huh? They can turn their heads 270 degrees without any major issue without snapping their own heads off, problem being that they have a human physiology and can't turn their heads like that easily so their head is stuck like that, they must have acted dead to survive their encounter with whoever they had fought." I say as they get closer and closer until I see them flying very wobbly like before crashing into the ground before us.

"Mosquito? Weren't you one of Yunju's squad members? I thought everyone was killed." She says as she looks at her injured Chimera any member.

"Team Leader Zazan?….. everyone died, I almost did to but luckily, or maybe unluckily, snapping my neck doesn't kill me, but I can't really move right as I am…." She says as she lays on the ground with her body facing down but her head facing backwards and was only able to make it this far from her senses alone as she couldn't use her sight to know where she was going.

So I kneel down before her, "I can fix you, but you will pledge your loyalty to me and only me as a result."

She looks over at me and just feels the reapers scythe against her neck, refusal was never really an option in the first place, "Y-yes! I'll listen to your every word and follow you always, just please fix me…." She begged me.

I nodded and placed my hand on her neck before I inhaled.


Through my breathing life energy from the sun pulses through me and down my arm into her body as the spinal nerves are repaired and the bone fractures are healed as I slowly twisted her neck back into its proper position before letting the the energy flow through out her body and healing all of her other injuries as to the shock of her and Zazan watch as her severed arm rapidly regenerates from just a stump all the way back to a full mosquito like arm.

She looked at her now uninjured body before she got up and knelt before me, "I will serve you until the day I die my Lord!" She said with such enthusiasm at this second chance at life.

"Good, now we will begin what we were going to do originally do, but with an extra member it seems, I will give you both immense power and unleash both of your true potentials, but this will be extremely painful process to go through, will you go through such pain to gain your strength?" I ask before both kneeled before me.

"We will do anything to gain the strength we deserve!" They both say in unison with looks of determination in their eyes.

"Good, now grit your teeth as this will hurt, but if you survive your strength will grow exponentially." I say as they both stand up and nod at me.

So I took my pointer and middle finger of my right hand and the pinky of my left hand to jab Zazan with my right and Mosuito with my left into the sides of their necks as I injected them with my essence into their bodies

They gritted their teeth as they felt a lava like substance flow throughout their bodies and took as much in as they could, which was the perfect time as I pulled my fingers out from their necks as their wounds rapidly healed as a result before they moved only a bit away before they curled up their bodies in the fetal position as they held back their screams as large bloody red cocoons surrounded their bodies as their bodies began to break apart on the cellular level and began to slowly remold themselves into their new forms.

I place my hands upon their cocoons and pulse Hamon into them to make their new forms to be able to not only comprehend Nen but Hamon as well.

"Now them all I have to do is wait, though I don't particularly like being spied on." I say out loud before reappearing in another area and grabbing at nothing but I clearly feel something in my grasp.

*Cough Cough!* soon enough after coughing out the air in his lungs the chameleon chimera ant, Meleron, materialized witching my grasp as he struggled within my grasp but couldn't break free.

"Your probably wondering how the hell I can sense you even when you erase everything from your body making you impossible to detect right?" I say as I pull him closer to me and stare him straight into his eyes as I can see the sweat drip from his forehead as he barely nods in response.

"Well it's simple you are invisible but the things you interact with, like the ground you walk upon, still feel your footsteps, you make no sound but the ground still sends the vibrations of your steps outward, no matter how small when I'm paying attention I can tell where your at." I say as I drop him down on the ground as he grabs at his neck and coughs to breathe as he looks at me in fear.

(A/N kinda like how Toph can Sense where people are at but with the benefit of what Geb gave N'doul so he doesn't have her downsides not being able to see easily in deserts and sand areas.)

"So since you came and followed after us and have watched what I have done you either join me, or well (**), can you guess what will happen if you don't?" I say as I reappear behind him.

He is nervous and sweating a lot he knows he will die if he doesn't comply, but If he does he gains immense strength but at what cost?

"Don't worry I won't make you a mindless puppet with no Will of your own, all you have to do is listen to my orders and you'll be fine, but think about betraying me and your own body will start to kill you until you give up on those thoughts, but if you really go through with a betrayal then I'll have to ask, how do you think it feels to have your body melting from the inside? Because that's what will happen once you do, sure you lose somethings but I'm not unreasonable of a person all I expect is loyalty and in return I give you power, a simple exchange I must say." I say as I place both my hands on his shoulders as I look over his shoulder to look him in his face.

"Mind you your only in this situation because you decided to tag along without permission, had you not we would have had this conversation but you would have the ability to say no without the cost of losing your head unlike now." I reiterate to him that this situation is all his fault after all.

He looks down and clenches his fists, "I'm…. Not much of a fighter…."

"I don't need more fighters, what I need is someone like you who can get in and out of anywhere you want with no issue of your own." I need someone like him for future issues as I don't always want to be the type that needs to sneak into places and would rather have someone else do that for me.

"Then, can I ask a favor?"

"Depends if I want to or not, but ask."

"Peggy, the Penguin Chimera Ant, he's like a mentor to me, could you…"

"Do the same that I will to you? Fine, lucky for you I was planning on having him join my side in the future anyway." I reply back in response.

"Haaa…. Alright I'll join you and work for you." He says making the correct choice.

"Good, now this is gonna hurt." I say stabbing my right index finger into his neck and injecting the essence of the Ultimate Lifeform into his bloodstream.

"Ugggghhhhh!!!" He grunted out in pain before I pulled out my finger as the hole on his neck closed before he fell into the fetal position as a blood red cocoon covered his body as I walked away and sat down on the grass and began to wait.

*Ahhhhhh haaaaa*

I slowly began to exhale and inhale as I began to focus all of my energy's within my body as my Stand/Hamon Haki and Nen began to fight against each other as my body was being destroyed and remade over and over again from the inside before blood came out of both of my eyes.

"Singularity, for I am my own path." I said my chant as I begin to rewrite the very concepts of these three lifeforce made abilities to work with one another as i converged them on a single point within myself.

More blood flowed from my eyes as well as my ears and nose as I was doing the unthinkable that would cause the destruction of lesser beings then myself.

Compressing my lifeforce and energy into my own singularity point to create a new perfect form to make me one step closer to perfection.

Pain and suffering upon oneself to achieve greater heights, all so I can have more of said power in my grasp to soon stand above the gods themselves.

All ways moving, never stop until you achieve what you have truly desired….


Zazan current looks

Mosquito Girl current looks

Meleron current looks