
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

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Charlotte Pudding

Gotta ask am I writing Dio well? I'm trying to get what I know about him and project him into this book to the best of my abilities but if you can suggest anything to make him better I'll take it under consideration.

And I firmly believe Dio is a charmer so it's easy for him to win over women to fall for him genuinely without manipulating their minds when he puts in even a moderate amount of work to earn them for himself after all so I plan to go that route with some of his future women after all.


After the party and overhearing some rather interesting info, thanks to my insane levels of super hearing, but that can be dealt with later as most guests stay within Totto Land for a few days before leaving so I will stay as well.

In the meantime I was allowed free access to travel between the many islands of Totto Land, on one of their many Tart ships of course, and with one of her children being a guide of sorts.

"Hooo? You seem nervous." I say looking at the young woman who was fidgeting a bit as she looked out to the sea before flinching when I talked to her.

"M-me? No o-of course not, I-it's not like it feels l-like there's a k-knife on my throat or anything….." she says while stuttering all the while, though I can't really blame her, after all I am a rather intimidating man.

"Hehehe, well you have nothing to fear, unlike your older brother, I have no intention to harm anyone else in your family, you have my word, besides I find a young woman such as yourself intriguing." I said as I leaned up against the railing of the ship.

"I-intriguing? Me?" She said doubtfully as she was rather average for the family, though being the only non-food based devil fruit user in her entire family, and well…. Her heritage made her different and shunned when she was younger.

Normally she would give off the cheerful happy persona where as her inner thoughts she thought the opposite and hated dealing with people and thought most if not all others outside her family are dumber than her, but in his presence both of her personas were in-sinc and both were terrified of the man who stood before her.

I then turn and look out at the ocean as I watched the island that appeared to be made out of chocolate appear off in the distance, Cacao island if I remember correctly, "I know how it feels you know…."

"???" She didn't say anything but without even looking I could tell she was looking at me confused.

"To be ostracized for who you are, being treated like shit by all of those around you and looking down on you like the garbage they see you as…." I say as I turn to look at her as I see her put on a calm expression but her acting mask is cracking.

"You wanna know why your so terrified of me right now when I'm not doing anything at all and being in my most relaxed and 'vulnerable' state I could possibly be in but your utterly terrified of me, now let's excluding my strength in haki and my powers, if I had neither of those you'd still be terrified of me wouldn't you." I say as I see her grip her wrist with her other hand to keep it from shaking as I talked to her.

"Well it's because I'm not even human, but something much much more, the Ultimate Lifeform, if Celestial Dragons got their right to call themselves gods from their heritage…." I grin as I spread my arms wide.

"Then I gained the right to be called a living god from nothing but my own effort! And not only that I truely stand at the apex of all humanoid life in this world, and I'll prove it." I say as I approach her as she steps back as I look down on her.

I slightly smile under her shocked eyes as I pulled back my bangs as a third eye manifested though vertically on my forehead instead of horizontally, "With me here it doesn't feel so lonely being the only one of your kind huh?" I say as I brush away her bangs as I look at her in her three eyes with my three eyes.

A perk of achieving Ultimate Lifeform status it seems as now I don't have the exact abilities of Kars but so long as I can come in contact with another humanoid species I can mimic their looks and abilities with ease as my dna can do that but not with animals as even if my physiology of my body became a pillar man's it doesn't mean I gained all of the worlds genetic knowledge like Kars did so I'm not compatible with animals but humanoids are another story altogether.

"Even if the rest of the world, friends and family ostracize you for who you are just know that your not alone and your no real monster, but a young woman who has been treated wrong by the world." I say as I watched tears begin to well up win her eyes as I gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

But she couldn't hold back her bottled up emotions that had been building up her life and ignoring her original fears, clung onto me as she hugged me with all her might and cried with all my might.

Not missing a beat I wrapped my arms around her as I gently petted her as I ran my hand through the back of her hair, "Pudding…. Oh Pudding…. My adorable little Pudding…. Everything will be fine from now on…. So cry as much as you need my sweet Pudding." I said gently to her as she held me tighter and nodded in response.

But if someone could see the look on my face they would see a sinister smile on my face as my eyes glowed a menacing red.

'All according to keikaku'

(A/N Keikaku means plan)

Sure I could have easily just brainwashed her and made her into nothing more than a toy and a puppet of mine to vent my lusts onto, such as both Domino and Sadi-chan, but I wanted to see if I could develop a genuine relationship between me and another in a more meaningful way, all the while their none the wiser as I'm manipulating them to suit my whims.

Knowing Puddings story and past from the information on the world of One Piece she is initially a woman who projects a persons of kindness and sweetness to all others while she basically hate everyone and everything deep down due to her past trauma growing up a child in the Charlotte Family, so the easiest way to win her heart is to either think she's beautiful with her third eye, which she is, or be someone just like her, a freak of nature that can understand her pain and be there for her.

So getting a woman like her in this fashion isn't too hard, and besides having a lover who is an amazing cook and chocolatier is a nice bonus on top as now I actually crave foods once more instead of the blood and flesh of humans, another perk of my Ultimate Life Form physiology that makes me feel more alive once again.

But soon enough after calming down she pulled away before wiping the remaining tears from her eyes, "Thank you Dio-sama for your kindness, something I haven't received from another whole heartedly in a long time." She said with a gentle and genuine smile on her face for the first time in years that wasn't part of her forced persona but her true self.

I gently smiled as I brushed my thumb across her cheek as she blushed heavily from what I had done, "There's no need, I'll be honest and say that I've had my interests in you since the moment I set my eyes on you, you must have already received a notice from your mother as to what she wants you and possibly a few of your other sisters wish to do right?"

I placed my hand against her face as she blushed even more as her breathing became a bit erratic as she held my hand, "Ummhmm" she could only mumble out as I could see steam coming out of her head.

'…. That can actually happen? Really?' I thought but pushed it aside, "I don't want to force anything Pudding, I want you to be interested in being with me and not because your mother told you to but because you want to, so take your time and think it over, I don't want to pressure you into all of this after all." I say before I pulled my hand away that she was reluctant to let go before I turned away and I let my third eye dissipate and let my bangs fall down once again as the ship made shore.

"Think about it, I heard you have a cafe nearby right? Well I'm going to check your island out first in the meantime while you get your thoughts together." I say before I turn and began to exit the ship leaving the flustered and confused Pudding behind as I began to walk inwards to the island.

But I had more than one reason to come to this island to win over Puddings affection, no no I had an even more important reason to be here as well after I had learned where they had gone after the party had ended after all.







I stop and pull out a chair and sit before the person I was looking for who was busy reading the newspaper as I leaned back and rested my head on my hand as I looked at them.


"!!!" I could see their hands shake as they suddenly felt my presence sitting before them, they were hiding it well but they were scared and intimidated by my presence.

"Hooo? Is the monster of the World Government afraid of meeting their vampiric king alone?" I said as my eyes glowed a sinister red glow.

"Isn't that right Stussy?" I said with a smirk as she pulled down her newspaper and looked back at me with similar blood red eyes like mine.

"It seems like we have a lot to talk about, so let's have a nice civilized chat my little vampiress." I say with an evil grin plastering my face.


Well spoilers to the latest issue of One Piece, something I wouldn't have found out had I not been supporting another fanfic creator who is making their own One Piece Fanfic to give me this info to look back at the info I had on Stussy which was old news.

Yeah finding out those things and the fact she probably ate a vampire devil fruit, or was genetically modified into basically a Daywalker makes the conversation between these two next chapter more interesting than it was going to originally be.