
A Villainous Teacher Pt. 2

"Next we will Move onto Spinner, but yours is more of you having to get creative with your Gecko quirk." I say pointing at spinner who was actually pulled out a motte pad and began to get ready to write down what I was about to say.

"With your quirk you can stick to walls and crawl across them, but as you use a sword as a weapon, much better than your last 'sword' of yours, you can't use it that well while on the walls now can you since your arms are occupied, but I think you have heard of wall running correct?" I say to him as I see him look up and nod as he keeps writing down my words.

"Then all we need to do is get you up to snuff and be able to constantly wall run to free up an arm to allow you to attack with your sword or any extra throwing weapons on your body to be able to attack from a variety of angles, but this is the best I can do for you as your quirk as is since it's related to what a gecko can do, and it's more up to you to see what else your quirk can do for you." I say as I wrap up my assessment of Spinners quirk, which leaves him to write down his ideas on what he shall do with his quirk and what else he can do about it.

"Next is Dabi, yours is also simple since it is just fire manipulation, but since you use blue flames, which you say are from your hatred of a certain someone, but in all actuality your blue flames are the hottest flames because they are blue, I mean even if none of you went to school you should have heard that there are different types of suns out there in space, and the hottest suns are blue suns." I say as I walk over to him as he looks up at me.

"Your only downside is that your own flames can kill you if you don't control them well, but like a flame, you need to be able to run free to be able to achieve what you so desire, but unlike what All For One does, I can make it so you will never be burned by any flames ever again, because even if you barely feel pain anymore, doesn't mean that your flames won't kill you with over use, only thing is…." I say as I hold out my hand.

"…. Do you want to live beyond the day you see him fall by your own hands?" I ask him as I look deep into his eyes and see the anger, hatred and all the pain and suffering he went through etched deep in his soul.

He looked up at me, and at my hand, not saying a word he nodded and held it as he in all honestly had more faith than the face he knows before him than the shadow that stands behind them all, and if he can have the power he needs, he will make a deal with the devil for it.


After grabbing my hand, Dabi could feel a change in him deep down to his very bones, "Congratulations, you are completely immune to your flames, you could even jump into a volcano and never be burnt from it, but besides that it all just comes to your creativity of your flames to become stronger and stronger as the days go on." I say as I move away and leave him to his own thoughts.

"Alright next is-"

"Oh oh! Me next! Me next!" Toga raised her hand excitedly, but Twice argued back.

"No I'm next! You can go after me!" He says as he gets up in her face.

"Ahh?!?! Haven't you heard ladies first?!" She shouts back at this idiot.

"Lady? What lady? I only see a brat!" He says as he makes fun of her as I grab at my glabella and massage it as these idiots were giving me a headache.




"Alright…. So Twice it's your turn, but really your quirk has already reached its max potential, it's just your mind limiting your powers." I said as I was trying to keep myself from killing these idiots as I got a migraine from their stupidity.

"You already know that better than anyone else, you take off your mask and you don't believe you aren't even yourself and think your nothing but another copy as you keep losing sense of your own identity." I pointed out the core of his problem which made the goofy Twice, lower his head with a depressed look as he already knew this but the trauma from the time his copy's all went out of their way to kill one another to prove which one of them was the true one had made it nearly impossible for him to be able to show his face without crying losing all ability to function unless another mask was put back on and he was coaxed enough to calm down.

"But what you need to understand is this, your copies are just as much of you as you are of them." I say as I place my hand on his head making him look up at me with a bit of shock in his eyes at what I said.

"You are them, and they are you." My words echoed in his mind making him come to his own conclusion and realization as what I said, plus a bit of vampiric persuasion and hypnotism is rather easy to get one's mind back in order rather quickly.

Twice will be one of the first ones to completely unlock his potential with my words constantly resonating within his mind.

"Next is Toga, using the blood of others you can turn into them, if you can drink a cup of their blood you can easily take on their form for an entire day if need be, but you aren't just copying their looks." I say as I point the ruler at her.

"No you Are them, you are everything that person is as you consume their lifeblood to empower yourself, blood is not only what keeps one alive, but has a deep connection to the Soul, through it you quirk makes your soul one with theirs and their quirks become yours as well, make it one of the most overpowered quirks in the entire world if given the blood of the strongest quirk users in the world at your disposal." I say which not only shocks and surprises her, but everyone else here as well with what I had said.

"And last, and certainly not least, we have you." I say as I stop right in front of Shigiraki who this entire time was thinking about everything I was teacher before he looked up at me.

"Now as you already know, your decay only works so long as your hands touch someone with all of your fingers gripping them, but unlike compress where you need to use your hands, you can use all of your limbs to Decay everything, if I was to take an example from the Bible for reference." I say as I point at him.

"The Curse of Cain, the curse that was placed upon the worlds first killer of men after Cain had killed his own brother where he was forever forced to wander the world for the remainder his days as the land he walked upon was destroyed by the mere steps he made, supposedly he is the cause for the creation of the Sahara Desert in the first place, thus when you reach your true potential all you would need would to put your foot down and an entire city will be destroyed in the process." I say before walking away.

"Though when you get more proficient at it. You can select what you wish to destroy so that not everything you touch, such as your clothes, will be able to survive your attacks." I say before I look at all of them.

"I helped you give a direction to follow, it's up to you to pursue this and unlock your full potential to the best of your abilities." I say with a smirk as I complete another hidden objective.

(Objective: Teach the full potential of the main members of the League of Villains, Complete!)

Now it's time for the beginning of this worlds end.