
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

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140 Chs

Agents of Dio & The Bloodhound of Florencia

Chapter 100 Woohoo! We finally reached it! This is only the third fanfic that I have even gotten past chapter 100 so far so this makes me happy we have reached this point! But we're far from over with this story as we have plenty of more adventures to come, so thank you all for reading this story so far!


Soon enough I pulled away the overwhelming pressure that was pressing down upon them all, allowing them to look upon me as I descended down the stairs.

The men look upon me with obvious fear in their eyes while the two new women looked upon me with enamored looks, quickly and easily falling for my charms.

"Petshop, PetSounds, come." I call out and the two Falcons appear before perching themselves upon my shoulders with Petshop having a natural menacing look as he looked down upon these new arrivals, even his beak seemed to curve up at the edges to give a sadistic grin on its face, while his brother just looked off to the side not caring for anything that was going on.

I crossed my arms and rubbed the underside of their beaks and chins with my fingers, "Now, hunt." I say to them which they flap their wings getting off my shoulders and heading back out the open windows to hunt for prey to feast on before I turn back to the rest of them as I stand upon the stair landing overlooking them all as I leaned up against the railings before I looked at each and every single one of them.

"Vanilla Ice, The D'Arby Brothers, Mariah and Midler, Welcome to my humble abode, I am glad that you all decided to take up the offer of joining me of your own free will, after all it's easier to work with those who willingly join rather than forcing them, as that can easily lead to betrayal in the end." I said to all of them.

I then pointed my finger at them and said, "Cream a Stand that devours all space it comes across, Osiris and Atum Stands that can take the souls away from those that lose a game to you, Bast a Stand when touched allows you to magnetize the person you touched it and so long as they stay close the more and more heavier metal objects will attack the person until they are finally crushed by the weight alone, and High Priestess a Stand that works at extremely long ranges that can turn itself into any inorganic material it comes across, no matter how complex it is, so long as it's inorganic it can make it, and the larger the amount of material it obsorbs the larger it becomes, enough to even swallow a man whole."

This shocks every single one of them as none of them explained their stands or even gave their stands names to anyone at all as it's best known to keep the powers of their stands an absolute secret unless they need to, or they feel like gloating over their enemies as they had already won.

"As the man who stands above all others you think I wouldn't already know your stands and how they work, even if you never told anyone in your entire life what they could do? If I couldn't do this much do you even believe I would be remotely worthy to be able to rule the world from the shadows." I say before I walk down the stairs some more before sitting on the steps just high enough that they all still have to look up at me.

"Some of you are here for money, others to find a purpose to your life, some for entertainment and others for pleasure and freedom to do as you please, serve me and you shall all get what you truly desire and live the lives you always wanted." I list out the things that at least everyone here wanted from me for their loyalty.

Hearing everything I had to say, knowing their stands in their entirety, knowing their desires, giving off a presence that shook them to their very core, it wasn't hard for them to truly to come to believe that the man before them truly was meant to rule the world, even if it was from the shadows, so this time they all willingly knelt before him of their own free will.

"We shall follow your will to the ends of the Earth Dio-sama." They all said in tandem to me.

"Good, then it's best we arrange what everyone shall be doing, though most of you will be staying here in Egypt for the most part, Guarding Cairo from say any outside threats that may come to this city, after all I may have a hold on this world from the shadows, but that doesn't mean certain groups won't go out of their way to deal with me when I begin to harm their interests, such as the Mobs, Drug Cartels and many of the underground forces of this world, after all some of the worlds best mercenaries are in actuality Stand Users." I go onto explain before deciding the roles of everyone here.

Vanilla Ice will be my personal Bodyguard, Terrance D'Arby will be my personal butler, Enya will be the instructor and one that gets others up to speed on what I can do, Mariah, Midler, Daniel D'Arby and N'doul will guard Cairo proper while Anubis will head to Japan specifically to look after Ms. Shiobana and make sure nothing happens to the child.

(But should she begin to neglect the child, in anyway and being a bad mother for my child then your job is simple, kill her when she's away from the child and bring them back to me.) I say with certainty which he only nods at me before his eyes become sharp and leaves for Japan under my orders.

After I told everyone to do they all left to do there missions, though Midler and Mariah stayed closer to the manor for more obvious reasons, but if beautiful women want to offer themselves to me and want to be mine, far be it from me to deny them.

"Hmmm, I just realized something, we're missing a Head Maid that would perfectly fill the slot, though I do have an idea for the perfect person for the job." I say after putting the book I was reading away and turned to look at Vanilla Ice and Terrance where one was standing guard where as the other was at the bar preparing me a drink.

"Oh? And who might that be Dio-sama?" Terrance said as he put down the shaker and looked at me with Vanilla Ice listening in.

"The Bloodhound of Florencia."


Terrance accidentally let go of the glass in his hands as he was shocked by what I said with even Vanilla Ice pushing himself off from the wall and staring at me intently.

"I'm so sorry Dio-sama." Terrance apologized as his stand Atum grabbed a broom and dustpan and began to dust it up before he turned back and looked at me with a serious look on his face.

"Dio-sama I think you should reconsider your selection for a maid, that woman, no that hound dog wearing a woman's skin is one of the most wanted war criminals in the world with a bounty on her head from every single major country in the world from everything she has been doing in the past few years under the command of the FARC, Assassinations, acts of Terrorism, and many more things that she has done, even if she's not a stand user shes scary with all the combat experience and weapons she proficient at, she is all to likely to stab you in the back then be genuinely loyal, even if she doesn't kill you, she could possibly get us instead." Terrance said trying to dissuade my decision.

"I have to agree Dio-sama, even if she is no threat to you, she has a high chance of ruining or getting in the way of our plans if she gets the scent of us and is told to deal with us." Vanilla Ice interjected.

"I see, well you know if I have to I have the power to just brain wash her and make her completely and utterly loyal to me, but I prefer most of my followers to be loyal to me of their own free will as I don't need mindless slaves following my every word as it were law or else I wouldn't have conversations like this, but I have an easy way to make her leave the FARC and have her join us instead, after all she would be a great asset to have if she was completely and utterly loyal to me, and if she awakened a stand…. She would be one of the most powerful people in this world alone." I look at them both who clearly don't have anything else to say to counter my point.

"So it's decided, I think I should go and have a little vacation in the Caribbean, Vanilla Ice, Keep the manor safe while I'm away, you and Petshop are the only ones who can truly keep it safe." I say as I stand up and look over to him as he kneels to me.

"As you wish Dio-sama." He says before he looks back up at me and stands.

"Even though I don't like the idea, I hope you at least enjoy yourself while your away Dio-sama." Terrance says as Atum throws away of the broken glass for him while he wipes off the countertop as he looks me over.

"Hmph, you worry to much, no matter what in the end I'll be fine and either she will be one of us, or I'll just have to put her down like the dog she is, but until then." I say before turning away as they watched me fade away into the shadows and disappearing completely from sight.

Next stop Cuba, and to find myself the perfect maid, Rosarita Cisneros, The Bloodhound of Florencia


What's this? Different storys all falling into the same world?! How is that possible?!?!

Well all will be explained next chapter as to why the characters from the story of Black Lagoon are beginning to show up in this worlds story.

Also as a celebration for the 100th chapter, excluding the auxiliary ones, and even if a few chapters weren't real chapters either, but I decided to upload two chapters in one day so hooray!

But this chapter will be what would have been tomorrow's chap so none tomorrow as I'll be working on a chapter for a different story of mine after work tonight probably.