

Helion was now resting on the room which was provided by the duke, they have been fighting for the monster since he came in this place. 

"Your highness," Helion looked at his door and saw Jarnus entering. " Ernie has a messaged for you," Jarnus said he give him some signal to look at the mana stone.

Helion just looked at the mana stone and soon Ernie appeared. "Yor highness," Ernie greeted as he bows his head.

"How was everything doing at the duke's house?" Helion asked, he sent Ernie as a spy there to know about the activity at the duke's house as he heard so many rumors about the how schemeful the duke's daughter is.

"Lady Acantha went out to go to the market, and she met Lady Noraya at the jewelry shop where the both of them had quarreled," Ernie said to him.

Lady Noraya? He remembers her, she was one of the candidate for the crown princess position and as his fiancée but there are still no confirmation of royal decree that she was chosen, beside her mother was close to Lady Noraya as her mother was a distant relative of his mother's family.

"I thought you already know about this, your highness," Ernie said which made him looked at him again?

Since when? he doesn't even know this one if Ernie didn't brought it up, and why should he care about women's affair when he has so many things on his plate?

"I only know about it now, you should know me Ernie," I said as I frowned at him.

"B-but there's a letter that arrived here from your palace," Ernie said as he was stammering. " I heard from the maids here that you summoned Lady Acantha for what she did to Lady Nora at jewelry shop when you're back from the north, " He continued.

Helion clench his fist, someone dared to use his name for that letter and why would he summoned the duke's daughter for their fight?

He only met Lady Noraya at Count Bellos party where the lady asked him to dance, he was ready to decline but he remember that he needed to know the woman that his mother wants for him.

" I didn't send any letter, you already know I 'd rather slit the throats of those people who annoys me rather than summoning them in my palace," Helion said as he pour himself a wine.

"That's why I reported it since I was thinking that it was not you, but what I didn't know is that you don't know about it too," Ernie said and Helion clenched his jaw.

What he didn't like the most is when someone is using him, " Try to investigate the person behind it and bring her or him to me, " Helion said as he end the conversation between him and Ernie.


Acantha wake early, she was still anxious about the letter but she need to prepare for her reasoning knowing the what kind of male lead he was who only listen to his dearest Noraya, she was sure that the prince won't listen no matter how much she would explain.

She walks on the garden as she didn't had the chance to roam around ever since she came to this world, she always locks herself inside the room where she could think some possible ways how can she ignore and avoid those characters who would bring her to her doom.


She sit in the pavilion which was surrounded by so many beautiful flowers, she didn't have the chance to appreciate the flowers when she was Lucille as she was so busy studying and learning how to handle their empire.

She was still appreciating the flower when she noticed a man who has blue hair. He was walking around the area.

Acantha make her way to the man but the man notice her and he stop.

"L-lady Acantha, " The man said as she greeted her.

Acantha just looked at him, as she had never seen him before, " Are you new here?" She said as she was examining his face, the man was too pretty to be a man, and he looks just like her age.

How can he be a knight? he's too young to for the job, but the again she realized that she was inside a novel where everything is possible and where age doesn't matter.

The man just looked at her and he seems to be hesitating on saying something, " Yes, lady Acantha. I just got here yesterday," The man said and this time he wasn't stuttering nor stammering anymore.

Nonetheless, he still looks so suspicious, it was to early in the morning and he was already here in my garden when the knight should and supposed to be on the entrance.


"My lady"

Acantha's word stopped mid-air when she heard Mildred calls for her, she turn her back and saw she was approaching them.

"I'll go ahead, my lady," The knight said as he bid his farewell to her.

"My lady, there's a tea part invitation sent by Lady Roys," Mildred said as she handed me the invitation.

"Lady Roys?" I said as I'm not familiar with the name, and why would she invites me knowing my reputation in the whole empire?

"Lady Roys was the daughter Baron Roys, they just came here in the capital from the south, " Mildred said as answered my question.

South? isn't it where the prince should be? if the north was my father territory to protect, the south was the opposite of the north where people lives there in peace and prosperity.

Most of the materials that the empire traded and use cam from the south as the north area was given to my mother's family since the first emperor of this kingdom and no one dares to come and trade in north as monsters were leeching there which made people scared even to hear the word of the Northern territory.

If only those people know what treasure is there they probably would forget their fear for the place. 

And now, Lady Roys was inviting me to come to her tea party this afternoon? should I go or not?

Maybe I should go since I need to familiarize myself to this place, after all I planned to stay alive leaving in luxury and enjoying myself without people forcing me what to do and what not to do.

"Help me prepare my dress for the tea party, Mildred." I said as I looked at Mildred and I saw she smiled a little.

I walked my way to the room as I still have some time to prepare for the party


Mildred looked at her lady, she was already here when Lady Acantha was still a little, she saw how the lady grew up, at first she was a little bit hesitant to her as the lady has a bit of temper.

But Mildred knows that her lady was lonely, growing up alone on this big palace with nothing but maids, she understands why the lady has such an attitude.

And now seeing her attending some tea party from someone she doesn't know, makes her have hope that her lady could find a friend that will stay by her side.

Mildred followed her lady to help her find her new dress, after the accident she noticed that the lady changed a lot, she was always thinking something instead of throwing a fit, and she proved it last time when she didn't slapped Lady Noraya rather she answered her with words which is unusual knowing her temper. 

She smiled bitterly and thinks that she'd rather choose this version of her than to hurt someone else and or worst might do something to hurt herself.

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