
Villainess Series 1: Bullying The Male Lead

“Suxin followed the original plot and played the green-tea villainess role well. But why can't she just die in peace?! -- "Bai Suxin, why are you so cruel?"

badlover101 · History
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18 Chs


"Everything is ready, my lady. The Prime Minister and the madam are patiently waiting for your return to the manor. Princess Li Cha also send her regards to your departure."

I nodded.

The palace maids and eunuchs who were taking care of me in these past few days all appeared teary. They all seemed reluctant to let me go. I wanted to laugh. They really treat me as their master. I'm not even married to the imperial family.. yet.

Jin'er assisted me to the carriage. Here we go again.

"Move out!" Lu Kai shouted.

Thirty minutes later, we're in the middle of the road. I closed my eyes, I felt my stomach churning. 'Damn bumpy road!'

Suddenly, the carriage made an abrupt stop. I shrieked.


Next, I heard the sound of different shouts of men and clashes of swords from outside. My hand covered my mouth, suppressing my scream.

"My lady!"

"J-Jin'er, don't w-worry. I'll p-protect you." I hugged her.

"D-don't be scared. They're just bandits. They can't defeat the twins. Father said the twins have strong martial arts." I'm pertaining to my twin bodyguards.

"My lady." Tears streamed down my face. "You're trembling, my lady."

I didn't noticed before. My voice was drowning with my sobs.

I was in shock. I know this place, this era, this world is full of violence and death. Why.. why me? Why it have to be me? I don't want to be here. I know I'm going to die by the hands of the male lead. So what is this? What's happening right now? Did I do something wrong? Did I unknowingly change something?

Wait.. the hero.. the lake.. the kiss..

Bai Suxin never experienced to be attacked by bandits in the road. This isn't written in the novel. This isn't supposed to happen.

I gave a strangled cry when an arrow flew over my head and embedded itself in the wall of the carriage.

"My lady!"

"J-Jin'er. Are we going to die?"

"My lady!" Jin'er stared back at me, then it wandered all over me. She narrowed her eyes, her eyes full of determination.

"My lady, please forgive my boldness."

My maid started undressing me. Then she proceeded in undressing herself. "My lady, please wear this."


"Hurry!" I jolted. Too shocked because it was the first time that Jin'er had shouted at me. She helped me wear the servant clothes on me. She wiped away my light make up with the end of the clothes.

"J-Jin'er.. w-what are you-?"

Next, she fixed herself. She slipped into my pure white hanfu. Not just my jewelries, she also took my waist ornaments, jade hairpins, ribbons and my shoes. I watched her skillfully apply make up on her white face, highlighting her beautiful features. Lastly, Jin'er wore my white mèimao (*veil hat), covering her entire face.

I stared at her complete 'Master' transformation.

"My lady, your name is Huang Jin. Please remember that you are now my personal maid. Lower your eyes. Don't ever raise your head. Try to ignore the blood. Don't look at the dead bodies." Jin'er knew that I have a weak heart. A coward. A scaredy-cat.

"And my lady, no matter what happen, don't speak."

I sat there, choke up and blinked my watery eyes towards her.


"Just stay behind me my lady. I promise. I will protect you with my life."

'W-what? Protect.. me?' My pulse was racing. Her words confused me.

Suddenly, there were men who dragged us outside the carriage. They shoved us roughly to the ground.

"Ah!" Jin'er immediately hide me in her embrace.

'This is real. This is really happening to me. Kidnapping? Human trafficking?'

"How dare you touch the eldest daughter of the Left Prime Minister Bai Muro, you savages?" I heard Jin'er's proud voice echoed through the place.

I came from the modern world, a normal citizen. This, I never experienced such assault! Mom, I'm scared!

"I heard that the eldest daughter of the Prime Minister is the epitome of weakness and purity. I'm afraid that the rumors are all false."

My eyes staring to my pale hands, clutching at my clothes. I'm feeling dizzy. 'No, I can't faint!' I could smell the strong stench of blood everywhere. My stomach churned.

"Despite in disadvantage situation, you're still proud and arrogant. Indeed, expected from a true noble." The man's voice was full of killing intent.

"Kill the maid!"

I gasped. Jin'er immediately reacted. "You dare!"

Two men tried to separate me from Jin'er. My words were trap on my throat. I can't speak. I can't even scream. I'm totally useless.

"Don't touch her! I need her." Jin'er held my hand tighter. She bravely faced the bandits. "What do you want? Golds? Silvers? No problem. Then, let her go back to the manor. Once Father recognize my maid, Father will be convince and will rescue me immediately. By then, he will give you everything you want."

My eyes widened.

'Jin'er.. how could you.. Why? Why are you.. you want to save me? I'm not worth it. I'm not really..'

A dark shadow was approaching us. I could hear the man's footsteps getting closer; the unsheathing of his sword and the slicing of something– the meimao of Jin'er fell from her head, uncovering her entire face.

My heart staggered.

"The eldest daughter is very beautiful indeed."

I heard the man snickered. "Very clever."

I was shocked when suddenly someone yanked me away from Jin'er. My maid wanted to fight back but she was pushed down by others. "How dare you?! Don't touch her! Let her go!"

The person pulled me towards him, his hard body sticking to my servant clothes. My eyes remained on the ground.

"Look at me."

I bit my lips, trying not to yield.

"My lady, please look at this servant." Suddenly, his voice changed into somewhat more gentle, more coaxing.

Stunned. 'W-what?!' I unconsciously lifted my eyes and gasped loudly. I first noticed the man's lips, it held a dangerous grin.

"I finally captured you, my lady."