
Villainess no Yume

Ryuu-jin Aoki, one of the top 10 powerful people in the world, found that his favorite character in the novel named Yume suddenly became a villainess. For this reason, he used his wealth to find the whereabouts of the author. But to no avail, he failed. One day, the newest chapter of the novel, condemned Yume, who was punished into slavery. This is where Ryuu-jin's patience got broken. Luckily, a miracle happened where he was given a choice to live in her world and save her. So he became Ryu Xanastre, a self-made male lead who will save the damsel in distress. "Wait for me my princess," he said, "if the male lead abandons you, then I'll be the second male lead and protect you."

KonpekiSensei · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 30 - Unbreakable Destiny

The story that was forced to play as an illusion ended. It felt that everything that Ryu watched really did transpire. His heart trembled, remembering the tragedy that befell the couple's life.

The environment disappeared, and Ryu came back amid the void where nothingness could be seen, heard, or touched.

Ryu couldn't prevent himself from thinking. What if the abomination lurking around the world of Azure was like the Evil Sage—or someone even more powerful? Someone who would suddenly appear when he thought that everything was already in the right place.

Reality hit, and he got scared of the what-ifs.

What if Yume had the same path as the couple in the story? What if there was someone he wouldn't be able to stop in the future? Also, what if his overconfidence led to another reckless encounter?

After saving her, would an evil creature appear powerful enough to destroy everything that Ryu and the others worked hard for?

Sadness began to consume his whole being. It continued to devour him until it only required a little more time for his entire body to be completely swallowed into the void forever.

Before reaching the end of the line, something intervened, and his hands started to hurt.


Ryu's left hand felt freezing cold.


While his right hand felt burning hot.

"What's happening?!"

After feeling the coldness and hotness in each hand, two bright lights appeared before him.




"Ryu... Wake up!"

The blinding light slowly faded as Ryu's blurred eyesight returned to normal. The muffled voices that repeatedly rang into his ears became clearer. Now, he could distinguish the voice coming from Gavin.



Staring inside an empty room with his mouth wide open, Ryu replied.

"Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?"


Without warning, Gavin's grandfather slammed his thick, callused fist on Ryu's head.

"Snap out of it ya lad!"

The pain made Ryu go back to reality.

"Sir? Gavin?"

Ryu looked at them with a question in mind. Roy and Blake were also beside him. He then remembered looking for a sword in the back of the shop when his mind went blank... and the story unfolded.

'A story?'

Yes, a story. After that, Ryu found himself in this room, completely confused.

"What happened?"

"Lad, it seems ya found my family's treasures."

Gavin's grandfather smugged.


Confused. Ryu noticed that Gavin's grandfather was somewhat looking at his hand. Tracing his view down to his hands, Ryu found that he was holding two swords.


A pair of the best quality swords. The handles were perfectly wrapped with high-quality strings to support the grip. Above the handles was a quillon that looked out of place and was not made with the original swords. Anyone would see that it could be removed easily if the user wanted a guardless sword.

Moving on, the blades were made with light steel that doesn't have any damage on its edges. It looked like the swords hadn't been used, but no one would deny the sharpness was unmatched when someone focused their attention.

They were the best swords Ryu had seen in his two lifetimes. A shiver went down his spine. How thrilling.

"A-Aren't these our family heirlooms?"

Gavin, who was at the back, drooled. His hands wriggled as they slowly approached the swords, wanting to touch them.

"Even grandpa never allowed me to hold them."

"Ehem-em! These swords choose their own master. Touching it would only injure ya, ma dear grandson."

"I already know that, grandpa, but does that mean Ryu was chosen?"

"Yar right. I never thought that a lad would be chosen since these pair of swords are actually quite demanding."

Hearing these as treasured swords, Ryu felt apologetic.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"What ya apologizing for?"

But these weapons were too good to pass. So Ryu wanted to keep them.

"I would like to have these swords."

"Oh... Quite aggressive for someone so young. These swords are not for sale, but if ya have the skill to use them, then I might change ma mind."

"Then, please give me a chance, Sir."

"The test already started when ya held the swords. Ya only need to hold it for another... six hours. When midnight comes, ya'll be the new owner."

Now that Gavin's grandfather mentioned the test, it seems relatively straightforward. However, when Ryu looked properly, he changed his opinion. This was not easy at all. His hands were already numb from the pain, yet the swords continued to freeze and burn while trying to deplete his magic power.

Sweats started to pour down from his head, so he sat down with his legs and arms crossed to be in a comfortable position. While firmly holding to the swords, he closed his eyes and meditated.

"Then we will leave you alone for now, Ryu."

Gavin and the others quietly left the room.

After this, Ryu forgot how the night had passed.


A few hours later, after the classes ended, Yiyi was inside the carriage while waiting for her Lady.

The silent background suddenly became noisy when many students, one by one, left the academy. Eager to see her master, Yiyi scanned through the lot.

However, a guard met with her instead. According to him, Yume was finishing some paperwork in her team's private room. So they have no choice but to wait for her. It's not that bad, though. Besides, they were already accustomed to this because sometimes Yume even needed to stay overnight.

Yume ordered them to return home without her and asked them to come back the next day. But If possible, Yiyi would preferably like to stay with her. So they decided to wait.

Another hour passed, and the sun had already set. Mr. Paul, Yume's coachman, had already fallen asleep waiting. Seeing him relax through the glass from the passenger's seat also made Yiyi drowsy. She nearly closed her eyes when the captain of their bodyguards, Sir Billy, spoke.

"Good evening, Milady."


Yiyi patted her cheeks to wake herself up. On a long day like this, she should be the one greeting her Lady with a sweet welcome. She opened the carriage's door and rushed to go out.

"Good evening, Milady!"

Bowing her head to give respect.

"Sir Billy, Yiyi, Paul, thank you for waiting."

Yiyi noticed that her Lady's voice was somewhat hoarse. Glancing at her face seeing the trace of crying. She knew her Lady wouldn't show anyone when she cried by secluding herself alone in a room.

But because of the clear evidence showing her puffy eyes, those familiar with her would already know what happened. Regardless, everyone pretended not to see.

"I'm sorry that I haven't noticed the time. Only when I took a break that I find out it was already dark."

"Don't worry about us, Milady. Your health is what's most important. Please limit working too much, or you might have another fever."

"Mm, I also wanted to rest. Let's go."

The carriage started to move back to the dormitory. The distance was not that far, but this short trip felt like one of the longest times Yiyi had ever experienced with her Lady.

The inside of the carriage was filled with silence. Only the sound of the horses galloping could be heard. Even Billy and Paul didn't talk with each other, being considerate of their master.

Whenever Yiyi saw her Lady like this, she remembered the day she was saved from poverty. At that time, she tried her best to force herself to live a happy life. But the grumbling stomach and the harsh treatment from society continued to pull her down to the point that she already thought of stealing.

Luckily, her Lady was the one who rescued her wavering beliefs. Yiyi almost disrespected her late parents, that raised her with an honorable job. That was when she vowed to serve her Lady all her life.

Was there something she could do for her Lady? Besides being with her, there's none. She already knew how she was just a powerless maid saved by the Lady's grace. Without Yume, she is nothing. The only thing she could do now was to continue to pray.

If only there was someone who would not care about the gossip and slanders surrounding her Lady.

Someone who would trust her first before anyone.

Shield her from the hands that repeatedly pointed at her.

Fight those who tried to hurt her.

Support her beliefs and ideals.

Listen with open ears to her problems.

Rescue her from this disgusting place.

Love her unconditionally.

Look only at her.

And want to stay with her eternally.

Yiyi would not think twice about pushing her Lady to be with that person. Every time she looked at Yume's sad face, this prayer came out of her saddened heart.

"If any god is watching out there. Please... Please hear my prayer."