
Villainess From the Stars

It had just been a game. A silly otome game with yandere capture targets. Everything changes when she finds herself in the world that inspired the story she'd played. The Caretakers warned her her new timeline would implode if she wasn't careful in obeying their two rules. Armed with the flimsy knowledge from the game, she will have to learn how to live a simple, happy life. Things aren't simple though when she becomes Vienna Thorne, the villainess from the game.

CelestiaSharp · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A Fateful Encounter

At a certain point, Roark acquired a pen and paper for Vienna so that she could make notes on what she read.

Vienna didn't register the interesting artifact between her fingertips and the fact that it wasn't the normal quill she had to use back at home. Her subconsciousness remembered how to use a self-inking pen without having to be told.

There was so much to soak in.

It did not show the wide diversity in the world of Terra in the media she had before consumed in her other life. Terra was flush with the life of all kinds of new cultures and races. Terrans were equal to humans. How they differed was their adaptability. Their different sizes and pigments often suited the environments where they lived on the Continent.

In the books she learned of the Sea Folk lived in the seas of Terra but often stuck to the Pōrteac Seas, preferring to stay near the Elemširdis. Elemširdis usually had wings and were the beings she once thought to be faeries. She read about the gentle Giants that once roamed the Continent taking care of the mountain ranges and planting trees. The giants shared the desert with some Terran warriors who sought to protect the innocent nature of their tall neighbors.

Vienna felt her heart race in excitement when she came across a certain tale of beings... She scooted closer to her left, where Roark had come to sit.

Her cheeks reddened slightly before she asked, "Who are the Ôkren? My tutor hasn't mentioned that race."

"They are a bipedal race, like the Terrans. They feel close to Terra and its materials, its very components."

"Like metal?"

Roark nodded before glancing outwards. "There is a sparse population. They were one of the most oppressed, due to their weaknesses but also their strengths."

Vienna looked back at the book that was stacked on top of the others she had already finished reading. Its dark linen cover was not worn down like the others. It was thinner and had only the very basic information of the race.

"Is that why there is so little information? So it won't happen again?"

Vienna's eyes traced Roark's face. His pale gray features seemed to almost lend to a rocky terrain across his features. She remembered how he had seemed to blend into the very stones of the Stronghold.

She wouldn't ask. She knew that everyone has their secrets and even if everyone knew but her…

Vienna stopped mid-thought when she saw him turn back to her with a bittersweet smile on his face.

"I will endeavor to prevent it from happening to my people again."

Vienna had the strangest desire to hug the odd male, but she knew him. She tightened her lips, her eyes coming to rest upon his clasped hands on top of the polished table. Pop took hugs as a sign of support and love, but others that didn't know her well enough might think it was an act of pity.

He seemed to understand without her having to say a thing. He reached across and grabbed the page of questions she had prepared for him.

A maid in a long blue kirtle had poked her head through the library door.

"Sir Roark, one moment of your time, please."

Vienna closed another book she had already read.

"I'll be fine."

"I'll be around the corner, Lady Vienna. Call if you need anything."

Once the prime minister left the room, Vienna climbed down from her tall chair and approached the aisle closest to the library door. She lifted the edges of her tunic and sat on the floor inlaid with smooth stone bricks. She was thankful for the slacks beneath her embroidered tunic that cushioned her knees against the hard ground.

She brushed off some dust that settled around her before leaning towards the bookshelf in front of her.

Vienna's small fingertips grazed the old tomes, searching the old ink labels for the book on the 'New' Laws that Roark had told her would be there.

So tiny she was at the bottom of the tall bookcase. She was very inconspicuous. She would have stayed in her little world had she not broken out of it.

A sudden pain in her leg jolted her from her position. She leaned forwards only to feel the stranger who had tripped over her tumble over the rest of her slight form.

A loud thump came on the other side of her while she winced, rubbing her leg. Her ribs were sore, and she winced as she felt a sore spot on the side of her head.

"How dare you!"

The voice was not familiar per se, but it was young and male. It left only one option of who it could be, especially someone with such an attitude problem.

Every nerve in her body froze when she realized who it was 'Capture Target #1: Crown Prince Ravven Basilius'. One of the leads in the routes in the 'game' had the villainess executed by request of the heroine.

Vienna felt her whole body begin to tremble. A small whimper escaped her as she felt sharp pinpricks of pain all up and down her right side.

An arm yanked her from the ground by her wrist, only to adjust and grab her upper arm when she stood.

A voice stuttered, "It's...you!"

"Hey, look at me!" He grabbed her on either side and shook her. Vienna's head bobbed, and she winced. She could feel her tears falling down her cheeks.

Even at the prince's age of eight and hers at four, he was already much taller than her. Her feet left the ground as he grabbed a hold of her and yanked her up. She couldn't control her sobs while she lifted her eyes to meet his fathomless black.

He dropped her as soon as their eyes connected. She let out a little yelp, even while he let out a gasp. The prince gaped at her, his dark eyes wide.

Vienna wouldn't stay to find out why, she didn't care. She had already been in his presence for too long, and her whole body ached in retribution. A choked sob escaped her, and she winced while she wiped away the tears. She activated her gift while she ran away.

She needed to get somewhere safe. There was nowhere safer than in her Pop's arms.

For now, she would blend into the castle walls. Anyone else glancing her way, it would seem as if no one else was even there.


Vienna ran until she found herself in the throne room. Footsteps echoed in the hall behind her, causing her to hide behind the throne. She hid in time when two beings entered.

"We haven't finished, Knight."

Vienna peeked from behind the throne, making sure that she would remain invisible.

A tall lady in dark leather armor and a scabbard at her side had strode across the room with quickened steps. Her ash blond hair swayed. The other, a male that reached only to the lady's shoulder, had hair that was long and golden tied with a silver ribbon.

Vienna's eyes narrowed when she saw how he had grabbed the lady's arm roughly.

"The prince needs association with others his age."

The woman spun on her heels, her arm leaving his grip. "Lord Nesrin, I will not allow just any child to be near my charge. You may be noble, but that doesn't make your child appropriate for the prince."

Heavy footsteps that echoed caused both to turn their heads toward the hallway parallel to the throne room.

Roark's voice followed the sound. "Lady Vienna! Where are you hiding, little one?"

The tall lady's head bobbed in respect as the prime minister entered.

The noble didn't even bother to keep the sour look on his face hidden.

"Prime Minister Roark."

"What are you doing at the Stronghold, Nesrin? We had no meetings with the Capital's nobles today."

The blonde man's face twitched before he gave a quick bow.

"I am leaving."

Vienna had ducked back behind the throne.

The throne muffled the conversation that followed between Roark and the lady.

"... named Knight, I'll never understand."

"I'm sure Her Majesty had a plan." Roark's voice was louder. Vienna thought he must be closer to her hiding spot.

Silence followed until the Prime Minister's voice spoke up once more.

"Are you going to continue hiding, Lady Vienna?"

Vienna dropped her camouflage 'gift' and poked her head out from behind the king's throne.

Roark smiled before he walked to her and knelt, his bulking frame before her.

"What happened? I heard the prince yell. When I arrived, you were already gone. Are you hurt?"

Vienna looked away. Her side did still hurt when the crown prince tripped over her, but it wasn't on purpose. He was also a bit rough when he was pulling on her arm.

She shook her head. She knew children could be like that when they misjudge their strength, especially when they are not used to being around others. She didn't want to get the young prince to get in trouble.

Vienna shuffled her booted feet.

"I just got scared. It was loud."

Sir Roark opened his mouth to reply, but a strange sound interrupted him.

It sounded like how their old one's branches would fight against a fierce storm wind. She looked over the Prime Minister's shoulder to find her father with his eyes glinting.

He prowled closer.

A shiver ran through Vienna, but she knew Pop would never hurt her.

"Who scared you?"

There was a denseness to the air, almost like it was vibrating in anticipation.

Vienna glanced at Sir Roark and whispered to him, "I'll calm him down."

Vienna ran around Sir Roark and straight to her father as fast as her little feet could take her. She spread her little arms wide.

Her Pop let out a long sigh of relief when she was in his arms again. She smiled and her little face in his neck. Her arms tightened around it.

She mumbled, looking sideways at him, "When are we going to leave?"

He tucked a stray brown curl behind her ear.

"Didn't you like the library, little flower?"

She allowed herself a little shrug.

"Boys are scary. I like Pop best." Vienna gave him a big kiss on his cheek, before resting her head against the warm nook of his neck. Soon the hum of voices and her father's strong warm embrace eased her tense muscles.

It wasn't until they had left the Stronghold on their way home that Vienna was finally able to relax. The journey took her to softer dreams that were warm and where no fathomless dark eyes resided.

We get to see through the eyes of the crown prince the next chapter.

Hope you are enjoying this tale thus far.

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