
Villainess: Doomsday Favorability System

[Warning: Contains explicit mature content, R18+ / Not a slow burn romance and the male leads are unstable. You have been warned.] #Reverseharem #Yandere #Infrastructure #Kingdombuilding #dotingmaleleads In the midst of her revenge, she got entangled with five men and their deadly obsession. “If you don't want me being rough on you on the nuptial night, don't stray your eyes from my figure and ingrain every touch of mine into your memory. Otherwise…” The tip of his fingers looming on the line of her pants along with the sinister tone lurking in his voice made her submit. “I'll give you a month. A month to dissolve your engagement, or I'll settle the matter myself.” She couldn't discern his expression when the forthright confession was made. Only his imposing voice that held no room for rejection lingered in her ears. Her back fell down on the passenger seat. She watched the blonde who was usually tamed like a little milk dog became an aggressive wolf, with both of his hands slamming down on the sides of her head. “Stop saying another man's name!”  “I really wish I could split that pretty head of yours to see if you're thinking of another man every time you're writhing underneath me.” The sharp edges of the scalpel in his hand glimmered under the light illuminating the operation table. A pair of hazelnut eyes drilled holes in her head, echoing its blatant intentions. The scalpel plunged ruthlessly, dissecting the corpse as if he were showing her the consequences once he finds out the truth. “You're so fragrant.” These words were whispered as the tip of his cold nose brushed over her neck. His teeth grazed the surface of her skin, struggling between cherishing and devouring her. She shivered as his lifeless eyes regained some pallor and suddenly imbued with ravenous desire. ---- Arianne never thought that she was just a character in a novel, created by a few strokes of words. As a villain, she was merely a tool to pave the way for the heroine. Her jade bracelet, which was supposed to be a storage space, was cheated from her. Her childhood sweetheart, who once proposed marriage, ended up being together with the heroine, and even her family saw her as an eyesore and drove her out of their lives. To worsen it, asteroids rained down on Blue Star and brought a potent virus that infected humans, animals, and plants. Some were lucky to awaken powers, but others never woke up again and joined the Undead legion.   Arianne tried her best to survive for 2 years in the doomsday, but she still fell under the heroine's scheme and died miserably. But for unknown reasons, she woke again a week before doomsday came, and the jade bracelet was actually a system product of a higher civilization that got lost in time and space. Arianne was bound to a Doomsday Favorability System and had the task of collecting favorabilities from specific targets called Sons of Destiny.  These Favorability points can be converted into AP, able to purchase items in the system mall. All kinds of items can be exchanged, from daily necessities, food, medicine, weapons, construction materials, and even those cultivation manuals, making her filled with hope. In the end, she glanced at the base she built full of life, the people expressing their gratitude and the five men behind her. Unknowingly, she became their beacon of hope.                                                

Realm_Spirit · Fantasy
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211 Chs

Triple Gifts of Trouble

Arianne flailed her arms in the air trying to grab the welded spires again, but she overestimated her strength, with the moisture on her palms serving as lubricants, she was unable to secure the grip and dropped once more.

The psychiatrist took advantage of that moment to shorten the distance between them and opened his arms wide. The scent of sweet, fresh, slightly spicy roses tickled his nose. Oxytocin hormones kicked in and the warm and fuzzy feelings emerged circulating his arms gradually travelled to the rest of his body.

Carlisle held her tighter, unconsciously. Her soft bosoms grazed his chest, and a trail of ambiguous sparks ignited upon contact. Even though the barrier of their clothes, the man could sense the faint temperature of the charming body in his arms.

Arianne was ready for the pain, but it never came. Instead, she landed on someone's arm. A sigh of relief entered her ears coming from the heroic man along with his snigger. "The lass is always mischievous."

Arianne grumbled and jumped down from his embrace. "Thank you." She recognized him as Brother Magnus' close friend. The world-renowned physiatrist Carlisle Hendrix.

When she heard the shout, she thought Brother Magnus was around. Good thing, it was only the sharp-tongued Carlisle.

Carlisle dropped his arms with a sense of emptiness. The lingering temperature on his skin continued to relive the muscle memory when the two got entangled. The self-control he's proud of failed to suppress the vexing thoughts.

After the terrible accident two years ago, Brother Magnus was plagued by nightmares every night. The scene of the car crash remained vivid in his memory, and thoughts of self harm sprouted within him. Carlisle was hired because of this, and he would come for a weekly session to improve her brother's condition. Thankfully, the psychiatrist stayed true to his reputation. Brother's condition quickly stabilized.

[Target detected: Carlisle Hendrix (four stars)

— Current Favorability: 30]

'That is surprising considering he always poked my sore spots. Is your favorability scanner accurate?' Arianne raised the crimson tin ridges of her eyes slightly. Carlisle detected that miniscule movement and secretly recorded her behavior.

[Top-notch favorability scanner. The primitive polygraphs of your of current world can't compare to our enhanced AIs.]

Along with system boasting, information about those AIs being referred to, invaded her mind.

'I get it. Stop the tantrum.'

[Never question me again.]

Arianne rolled her eyes.

Once again, a fleeting interest floated in his hazelnut eyes. Both pupils dilated in suspicion. Arianne is very out of character today. She would usually avoid him because of his sarcastic attitude. More importantly, she was not clad in long coats or trousers. This is a startling change, though it was not exactly unlikable, Carlisle still preferred she dress up conservatively.



Magnus had been constantly shouting on the phone, too anxious to know what happened to his dear sister.

Carlisle picked up the device and calmed down Magnus. "She's safe."

"Let me see." Magnus didn't believe him. His face contorted into an expression of distraught. Arianne's actions crossed his line and deserve a punishment.

Magnus' unshakable firmness defeated Carlisle. The latter passed the phone to the flustered beauty.

Arianne slowly brought the phone closer to her face and Magnus' immaculate face wearing a livid look greeted her. Even though they were separated by a few miles, Arianne could sense his ire. Brother Magnus rarely gets angry and when he does, it was frightening.

Arianne knew she was in for a huge scolding and as a habitual subconscious reflex, her nerves sent signals to her brain, a drop of translucent tear formed in the edge of her eyes.

The corners of his lips edging to a straight line parted a second then closed again. The tears forming in the corner of the girl's amorous green eyes melted his fury. At the same time, the dark, stifling pressure pressing on everyone inside the conference room slowly vanished. Their states were akin to being pardoned from death.

"Why did you do that?" All that Magnus could muster up was this question. Though, the girl could still detect a slight dissatisfaction from him, his anger was quelled and the inferno he was about to unleash became a small flame.

Arianne was deeply relieved. "You'll get angry if I sneak out."

"You could've just asked my permission."

And be escorted by bodyguards all the time? She will never be able to stock up on supplies if she told him. To make matters worse, there were too many eyes watching their movements.

If she told her brother of the impending doom, it will lead to pandemonium.

The date with Laurence was a secret. Brother Magnus never seen him as a desirable candidate and even persuaded her to break the engagement. Her past self was adamant on marrying Laurence and argued with Magnus often. Looking back now, she realized that her brother was looking out for her.

[Not exactly…]

'What do you mean?' Arianne was a little puzzled by the system's refute.

The system didn't reply and only looked at the 80 favorability flashing in golden fonts below her impeccable brother's name. It wondered how much that man had to go through to maintain a sibling facade. Although, it was more upset that it couldn't acquire any affection points because of the misfortune aura enveloping him.

People possessing such bad karma will inevitably have an early death and judging from the intensity of it, it will be very soon.

If only that dark fog dispersed, it could help Arianne buy the space farm and many more survival items.

Arianne withdrew her attention from the system. "Brother, it's semester break right now. I would rather not hole myself in the room until it ends. If you could just let me go out, I wouldn't sneak out anymore."

"That's simple, I will arrange…." an escort for you.

"I don't want that." Her thin eyebrows knitted.

The two had a stare down showdown for a few seconds before the man on the screen closed his eyes in resignation. "Alright, but at least bring a chauffeur."

Arianne knew this was her brother's bottom line. She completely cheered up. Her visage brightened. The man on the screen was deeply enamored. He subconsciously gulped.

Carlisle had been observing the two's conversation and micro movements. In between, he could deduce what's going on clearly in Magnus' mind, and there was not an ounce of compromise at all. This man had plans in his sleeves, but his sister remained oblivious. Carlisle silently sympathized with the young lady.

The siblings extended their talk for another two minutes, until Magnus ended the call.

The phone was returned to Carlisle.

Arianne headed to the villa. She didn't know how Carlisle spotted her, she only knew this particular side of the fence was not patrolled so much and due to its landscape with trees and lush foliage around, the CCTV still couldn't monitor every corner. This was the spot Arianne often goes to sneak out, but now it seems her brother would tighten the security again.

The grassy lawn under her soles stretched for half a football field. Arianne had to spend another ten minutes to reach the threshold of residence and upon doing so, the butler along with the maids gave their salutes.

"Miss, someone sent you things."

"Just bring the box to my room." Arianne waved her hands to dismiss the crowd, but the butler blocked her way.

The old man wore a face of helplessness. "I'm afraid the young lady's room isn't enough."

"I'm only expecting a dress. Surely, a box won't be a hassle." Arianne responded. Her mind was disturbed and an inkling of something troubling about to happen emerged within her.

"The Young lady jests. There were four Volvo trucks carrying gifts and an Audi at the front gate, currently being inspected by the security. It needs your signature."

Arianne was shocked and quickly went to the place the butler had stated.

At the same time, three men in different locations asked their personal assistants if their gifts had arrived.

"The Remier backless gown had been sent, Sir Rothschild."

"Young Master, it has been taken care of. The card you wrote was sent along."

"Boss, the Audi had arrived at the Cromwell Private Estate."

He he. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Cheer me up with golden tickets, gifts, and subscription!

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