
Villainess: Doomsday Favorability System

[Warning: Contains explicit mature content, R18+ / Not a slow burn romance and the male leads are unstable. You have been warned.] #Reverseharem #Yandere #Infrastructure #Kingdombuilding #dotingmaleleads In the midst of her revenge, she got entangled with five men and their deadly obsession. “If you don't want me being rough on you on the nuptial night, don't stray your eyes from my figure and ingrain every touch of mine into your memory. Otherwise…” The tip of his fingers looming on the line of her pants along with the sinister tone lurking in his voice made her submit. “I'll give you a month. A month to dissolve your engagement, or I'll settle the matter myself.” She couldn't discern his expression when the forthright confession was made. Only his imposing voice that held no room for rejection lingered in her ears. Her back fell down on the passenger seat. She watched the blonde who was usually tamed like a little milk dog became an aggressive wolf, with both of his hands slamming down on the sides of her head. “Stop saying another man's name!”  “I really wish I could split that pretty head of yours to see if you're thinking of another man every time you're writhing underneath me.” The sharp edges of the scalpel in his hand glimmered under the light illuminating the operation table. A pair of hazelnut eyes drilled holes in her head, echoing its blatant intentions. The scalpel plunged ruthlessly, dissecting the corpse as if he were showing her the consequences once he finds out the truth. “You're so fragrant.” These words were whispered as the tip of his cold nose brushed over her neck. His teeth grazed the surface of her skin, struggling between cherishing and devouring her. She shivered as his lifeless eyes regained some pallor and suddenly imbued with ravenous desire. ---- Arianne never thought that she was just a character in a novel, created by a few strokes of words. As a villain, she was merely a tool to pave the way for the heroine. Her jade bracelet, which was supposed to be a storage space, was cheated from her. Her childhood sweetheart, who once proposed marriage, ended up being together with the heroine, and even her family saw her as an eyesore and drove her out of their lives. To worsen it, asteroids rained down on Blue Star and brought a potent virus that infected humans, animals, and plants. Some were lucky to awaken powers, but others never woke up again and joined the Undead legion.   Arianne tried her best to survive for 2 years in the doomsday, but she still fell under the heroine's scheme and died miserably. But for unknown reasons, she woke again a week before doomsday came, and the jade bracelet was actually a system product of a higher civilization that got lost in time and space. Arianne was bound to a Doomsday Favorability System and had the task of collecting favorabilities from specific targets called Sons of Destiny.  These Favorability points can be converted into AP, able to purchase items in the system mall. All kinds of items can be exchanged, from daily necessities, food, medicine, weapons, construction materials, and even those cultivation manuals, making her filled with hope. In the end, she glanced at the base she built full of life, the people expressing their gratitude and the five men behind her. Unknowingly, she became their beacon of hope.                                                

Realm_Spirit · Fantasy
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211 Chs

My Dear Sister

"Good day, Miss Cromwell.", An enigmatic, deep voice in a baritone drifted to her ears. Laurence had always used this tender tone when greeting and initiating conversation. It was very pleasant to hear, and coupled with his striking countenance, Arianne found herself sinking deeper each time, but after the gruesome memory, her impression of Laurence was no longer favorable. After sobering up, she could clearly detect some faint alienation in his voice.

"Likewise, Laurence." Arianne said while keeping the thoughts inside her heart. Instead of addressing him by his surname, Arianne decided to be different this time. She used a more intimate tone, contrary to her usual courteous approach.

The man browsing the neatly stacked documents on his desk ceased his actions. He spent a few seconds making sure it was that dull woman's number. Taken aback, he leaned in his leather swiveling chair and resumed the phone chat, completely disregarding the reports sent in by his assistant. "How was your day, Arianne?" His tone shed the politeness and was replaced by interest. With a powerful background, stunning looks, and a voluptuous body rivaling the most famous models or actresses in the world, Miss Arianne Cromwell's name had always been mentioned in the men's gathering. Too bad she has a dull and boring personality and prefers to dress up like a nun, overshadowing her good aspects.

Laurence was thrilled with the engagement five years ago, but after growing up, he gradually became tired of her, and his initial feelings were gone. Being a successful entrepreneur, numerous women would flock to him. It's a lie if he says he hasn't been tempted, especially being engaged to a wooden beauty. He only put up with pretense because building a relationship with Cromwell could make his career soar. He is an ambitious man and will not settle for anything less, and Arianne was one of the keys to achieving that goal. In his mind, there was nothing wrong; Arianne should even be thankful that he accepted her.

"It's only morning right now; nothing to reminisce about. Is Laurence asking me about yesterday?" Her tone was very euphonious, like sirens seducing sailors in the deep blue sea. One couldn't help but be immersed in her intricate spell.

Laurence chuckled and was attracted immediately. Her sudden change was unexpected, but it wasn't bad; on the contrary, it was very fascinating. "My apologies, I called too early. Did I disturb your sleep?"

Arianne would really like to answer yes, but the bastard still has some uses. "No, I happened to wake up early because I received a call. You didn't cause disturbance; rather, I was waiting for you." A clump of curses was stuck in her throat, threatening to come out of her mouth.

"A man? Your brother?" He was very happy at first, but when Arianne mentioned she received a call, his tone became sharper unconsciously. Although their relationship was platonic, Laurence didn't want Arianne to have contact with another man. It challenged his ego.

"No, it was a female friend. Her name is Annette. With you around, how could I have the energy to look for somebody else?" Arianne said with a little flirting. Recalling the scene before she died, his chilling behavior extinguished all the warm emotions she had. She doesn't want to give her heart to another man, only to be trampled again.

"I was too insensitive. Forgive me. It's just that I was very busy and didn't spend enough time with you, and your 18th birthday is coming. How about going on a dinner tonight?" Laurence asked with some expectation. His voice was several pitches lower, containing an ounce of contemplation. He beckoned to his assistant, waiting on the threshold of the door. He looked forward to her changes.

Traces of shrewdness swirled inside her two turquoise orbs. Laurence didn't seem to know Annette at all, which means it must have been at her 18th birthday banquet three days later that the two crossed paths. Come to think of it, Laurence was gone around 10 p.m. and called her in the morning the next day, excusing himself from having an important meeting with a VIP client. Annette was also nowhere to be seen by that time or even when morning came. Arianne had only seen her again a day before the apocalypse. She had guesses about what happened between the two, and it made her disgusted. A scum and a vixen—a perfect match.

"I'll be happy Laurence. Where will the dinner be?" Arianne looked at her plain dress and smiled. It was time to go shopping. She will never treat herself badly again.

A genuine smile made its way onto Laurence's lips. His sharp, masculine features soften. "There's a new restaurant launched in the Astor Hotel, and I heard their dishes were very good. How about that place?"

Arianne looked at the basic information displayed under Laurence's name. Her probing eyes focused on one word. Then the corner of her lips arched into a devious smile. "Sure."

"Alright, see you, my dear fiancée." Laurence ended the call in a good mood. He turned to his assistant and ordered him to arrange a romantic candlelit dinner.

"But, Sir, you have a very important meeting tonight." The assistant reminded him. There's a meeting with the President of Venire Estates and Holdings tonight. It will be a waste of opportunity to cancel the meeting.

"Reschedule it. It doesn't really matter. Once I get Cromwell's support, these companies will be bidding to be our partners instead." The smile on his face retreated. A shadow of a snake seemingly veiled Laurence's form. Two golden hues gradually emanated frost, frightening the assistant into closing his mouth. The assistant knew best not to be on his bad side. So he quickly complied and even scolded himself secretly for daring to utter such words.

"Sir Rothschild, I will make sure everything is taken care of."

Laurence began to open the folders and skim over the contents. Only a second had gone by, but he couldn't focus very well. The astute Laurence never thought he would be affected to this extent by a single call. It seems like the siren's song was much more deadly, but he was willing to listen and do much more than that. He stood up, left his office under the shocking gaze of his assistant, and strode towards the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Arianne's plan to fetch her breakfast downstairs was blocked outside the door of her room.

"My dear Sister, who did you talk to?"

The familiar low, husky voice brimming with indiscernible emotions flowed to her ears, sending shivers down her spine.

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