
Villainess: Doomsday Favorability System

[Warning: Contains explicit mature content, R18+ / Not a slow burn romance and the male leads are unstable. You have been warned.] #Reverseharem #Yandere #Infrastructure #Kingdombuilding #dotingmaleleads In the midst of her revenge, she got entangled with five men and their deadly obsession. “If you don't want me being rough on you on the nuptial night, don't stray your eyes from my figure and ingrain every touch of mine into your memory. Otherwise…” The tip of his fingers looming on the line of her pants along with the sinister tone lurking in his voice made her submit. “I'll give you a month. A month to dissolve your engagement, or I'll settle the matter myself.” She couldn't discern his expression when the forthright confession was made. Only his imposing voice that held no room for rejection lingered in her ears. Her back fell down on the passenger seat. She watched the blonde who was usually tamed like a little milk dog became an aggressive wolf, with both of his hands slamming down on the sides of her head. “Stop saying another man's name!”  “I really wish I could split that pretty head of yours to see if you're thinking of another man every time you're writhing underneath me.” The sharp edges of the scalpel in his hand glimmered under the light illuminating the operation table. A pair of hazelnut eyes drilled holes in her head, echoing its blatant intentions. The scalpel plunged ruthlessly, dissecting the corpse as if he were showing her the consequences once he finds out the truth. “You're so fragrant.” These words were whispered as the tip of his cold nose brushed over her neck. His teeth grazed the surface of her skin, struggling between cherishing and devouring her. She shivered as his lifeless eyes regained some pallor and suddenly imbued with ravenous desire. ---- Arianne never thought that she was just a character in a novel, created by a few strokes of words. As a villain, she was merely a tool to pave the way for the heroine. Her jade bracelet, which was supposed to be a storage space, was cheated from her. Her childhood sweetheart, who once proposed marriage, ended up being together with the heroine, and even her family saw her as an eyesore and drove her out of their lives. To worsen it, asteroids rained down on Blue Star and brought a potent virus that infected humans, animals, and plants. Some were lucky to awaken powers, but others never woke up again and joined the Undead legion.   Arianne tried her best to survive for 2 years in the doomsday, but she still fell under the heroine's scheme and died miserably. But for unknown reasons, she woke again a week before doomsday came, and the jade bracelet was actually a system product of a higher civilization that got lost in time and space. Arianne was bound to a Doomsday Favorability System and had the task of collecting favorabilities from specific targets called Sons of Destiny.  These Favorability points can be converted into AP, able to purchase items in the system mall. All kinds of items can be exchanged, from daily necessities, food, medicine, weapons, construction materials, and even those cultivation manuals, making her filled with hope. In the end, she glanced at the base she built full of life, the people expressing their gratitude and the five men behind her. Unknowingly, she became their beacon of hope.                                                

Realm_Spirit · Fantasy
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211 Chs

Leone Albanecci (1)

The transportation system stopped operating when the doomsday came, as a Missy from a prestigious family, she had a personal chauffeur that would take her wherever she wished to go with a single call.

Arianne never learned to drive, so when the catastrophe descended, she could only thicken her face and tag along with Annette's harem. Because of this reason, the men always threatened to leave her on the spot if they see her as an eyesore. Arianne, with no driving skills, only endured until the opportunity to learn came.

She met a girl who's a fire supernaturalist, and her team composes of women in one of the survivor bases. She was willing to teach Arianne for free. Arianne learned basic maneuvering from her and honed her skills gradually. She was truly grateful and promised to pay the fire supernaturalist someday, however several weeks later, the tragic news of their group being wiped out by a herd of Tier 3 mutated beasts spread like wildfire. Arianne never gets the chance to see the kind woman again.

Good people never live long. Arianne knew this fact.

She needed preparations for the doomsday. Food, water, weapons, sturdy cars, medicines, clothes, and many more to increase her chances of survival.

Besides those Undead monsters, mutated plants and beasts, the weather was also a headache. The earth experienced the worst atmospheric conditions, bringing forth all kinds of natural disasters. Countless casualties could be recorded every time the force of nature struck.

Arianne bit her lips while gripping the steering wheel. Her mood was heavy and helpless.

It took about an hour and half to reach the largest whole supermarket in the Capital. Less than an hour before the sun reached its peak, Arianne arrived at the gate and parked her Audi in the last vacant parking lane, the CCTV's blind spot. A minute later, a figure clad in a leather jacket and tight jeans infiltrated her car with a pin.

She closed the door and walked towards the shops lined up with their owners busy peddling their fresh produce. Crates of newly picked vegetables and fruits were on display, creating a vibrant scene. There were also stalls selling meat, whether it's poultry, pork, beef, or mutton. On the other side, seafood ranging from fish to mollusk placed neatly on the tiled tops. The management of the market enforced strict hygiene policies, and Arianne could barely smell anything foul.

"Young lady, you seem to be a new face here. If you're looking for high quality brown rice. My shop has it. I'll give you a 5% discount if buy 10 sacks at once."

"Young lady, my shop has a variety of condiments to choose from. It's very affordable."

"Young lady, how about fruits? The fruits from my farm are free from pesticides. I grew them naturally."

Arianne was immediately surrounded by a group of middle-aged women marketing their goods. Her elegant temperament, branded beige dress, and supreme looks were very conspicuous in this rowdy place. The sellers instantly knew she was loaded.

Arianne accepted their enthusiasm and followed them to their stores. The aunt let her inspect the goods. Arianne had taken the path of financial analysis since the Cromwell's business mainly deals with financial institutions like banks, investment, and lending companies. She basically didn't have a clue whether the rice was of high quality or not. To her, every type was the same.

Thankfully, the system saved her from trouble and helped her pick up the deals worth the money.

"I'll order a thousand sacks of this kind." Arianne ordered without batting an eye.

"Young lady, are you for real?" The aunt frowned and thought she was just jesting.

Arianne immediately showed her debit card.

The aunt shook her head. "We only accept cash."

Arianne only has a few dollars on her for gasoline. It wasn't enough to purchase rice in bulk. She realized that her trip would be in vain. She wouldn't be able to buy anything, even with her limitless debit card.

[Why bother buying so much? My System Space Mall had items that can help you grow food. In addition, they're free of harmful substances, 100% organic.]

'Show me.' Her heart accelerated with the system's words. She gave the aunt an apology and bid her goodbye and walked towards the exit.

The system was thrilled by her reaction and opened the holographic interface of the system mall.

Arianne saw the dazzling display of goods and their magical functions while flipping through the pages.

[Tiny space mustard device (100,000 AP)

— Contains ten acres of arable land and able to reduce plants' growth by ten times.]

[Portable space farm ring (50,000 AP)

— Contains five acres of land and reduces growth time by five times]

[Specially modified Rice monocotyledon (100 AP per 50g)

— No need for watering, able to withstand harsh environmental conditions]


Arianne was initially in astonishment and admiration until she saw the price and her balance on the lowermost corner- 5750 AP. Her smile turned to sadness.

"I'll just come back tomorrow."

[What's wrong?]

"I just realized I'm poor." Arianne said honestly.

[You just need to grind favorability points. It's not very hard.]

Arianne didn't comment. Her mood became worse. "Do I have a personal space? Annette from the last life said that the jade bracelet was a space storage?"

[I can lend you my personal storage. It's more than an acre.]

"An acre!" Arianne exclaimed and quickly suppressed the ecstasy in her heart.


"Thank you." Arianne smiled. Her rosy face tinted with pink blush was a pleasant sight.

The man inside her car spotted her and buried himself under the seats. He clutched the handle of his gun tightly. The wound on his stomach was gushing with blood. He needed medical treatment soon; otherwise he will end up a cold corpse.

[Target detected: Leone Albanecci (Four stars)

Current location: Audi]

Arianne halted in front of her car. Her car was the only Audi in the whole area. The tinted bulletproof glass prevented her from confirming the system notification. She lowered her eyes to check the lock under the door handle. There were tiny silver scratch marks on it. Arianne wanted to run away.

[He's injured and the gun in his hand is out of bullets. No other hot or cold weapons hidden. The system scan indicated he's not a threat.]

Arianne finally relaxed and opened the car door, pretending to slip on the driver of the seat.

Leone waited for her to close the door before pointing the muzzle of the Beretta PX4 at her right temple.

Arianne felt the cold surface of his gun touching her skin.

"Drive to the pharmacy. Follow my words, or I'll put a bullet in your head." Leone whispered in a voice only two of them can hear.

Arianne wanted to roll her eyes. She silently asked the system, if she left this man unattended, will he die?

[You are thinking too naively. This guy will live even without your help. That's the fortune of a four stars target.]

'People with blood in their hands can really live long.'

Arianne grimaced and started the engine.

Another character of Annette's harem.

Cheer me up with golden tickets, gifts, and subscription! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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