
Villainess: Doomsday Favorability System

[Warning: Contains explicit mature content, R18+ / Not a slow burn romance and the male leads are unstable. You have been warned.] #Reverseharem #Yandere #Infrastructure #Kingdombuilding #dotingmaleleads In the midst of her revenge, she got entangled with five men and their deadly obsession. “If you don't want me being rough on you on the nuptial night, don't stray your eyes from my figure and ingrain every touch of mine into your memory. Otherwise…” The tip of his fingers looming on the line of her pants along with the sinister tone lurking in his voice made her submit. “I'll give you a month. A month to dissolve your engagement, or I'll settle the matter myself.” She couldn't discern his expression when the forthright confession was made. Only his imposing voice that held no room for rejection lingered in her ears. Her back fell down on the passenger seat. She watched the blonde who was usually tamed like a little milk dog became an aggressive wolf, with both of his hands slamming down on the sides of her head. “Stop saying another man's name!”  “I really wish I could split that pretty head of yours to see if you're thinking of another man every time you're writhing underneath me.” The sharp edges of the scalpel in his hand glimmered under the light illuminating the operation table. A pair of hazelnut eyes drilled holes in her head, echoing its blatant intentions. The scalpel plunged ruthlessly, dissecting the corpse as if he were showing her the consequences once he finds out the truth. “You're so fragrant.” These words were whispered as the tip of his cold nose brushed over her neck. His teeth grazed the surface of her skin, struggling between cherishing and devouring her. She shivered as his lifeless eyes regained some pallor and suddenly imbued with ravenous desire. ---- Arianne never thought that she was just a character in a novel, created by a few strokes of words. As a villain, she was merely a tool to pave the way for the heroine. Her jade bracelet, which was supposed to be a storage space, was cheated from her. Her childhood sweetheart, who once proposed marriage, ended up being together with the heroine, and even her family saw her as an eyesore and drove her out of their lives. To worsen it, asteroids rained down on Blue Star and brought a potent virus that infected humans, animals, and plants. Some were lucky to awaken powers, but others never woke up again and joined the Undead legion.   Arianne tried her best to survive for 2 years in the doomsday, but she still fell under the heroine's scheme and died miserably. But for unknown reasons, she woke again a week before doomsday came, and the jade bracelet was actually a system product of a higher civilization that got lost in time and space. Arianne was bound to a Doomsday Favorability System and had the task of collecting favorabilities from specific targets called Sons of Destiny.  These Favorability points can be converted into AP, able to purchase items in the system mall. All kinds of items can be exchanged, from daily necessities, food, medicine, weapons, construction materials, and even those cultivation manuals, making her filled with hope. In the end, she glanced at the base she built full of life, the people expressing their gratitude and the five men behind her. Unknowingly, she became their beacon of hope.                                                

Realm_Spirit · Fantasy
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211 Chs

Laurence's Appalling Touch

"Mr. Carter, are you alright?"

The distinct smell of vanilla dulled his senses. His throat moved subtlety as the scent became more fervent. A different kind of vanilla normally pure, creamy, comforting fragrance suppose to elicit innocent pleasures. The scent coming from the woman's body was full of erotic freshness, stimulating the increase of masculine hormones in his glands, leading him to take a deep breath once more to capture that intoxicating substance drilling into his pores setting an erupting fiery sensation in his lower abdomen. The palm under the soft waists moved trailing in a small circle.

"Mr. Carter, are you okay?" Someone patted bewitched man's shoulder.

The arousing stupor was put on hold when Dante Carter realized his current situation. He immediately retrieved his arm. His placid face suggested his unaffected mood, but deep inside, Dante knew he willingly sank into the seductive chasm the woman in front of him had unintentionally or intentionally offered.

Arianne lifted her gaze. The silvery tendrils almost shining with metallic light drooping down his head in a tame manner. A pair of eyes with unfathomable depth met her scrutiny. She was quite embarrassed at this point. She bent her back and knees and gave him a small salute of gratitude. "It's my fault. I apologized for bringing you inconvenience."

A burst of fragrance once again clamored it way towards Dante. He closed his silver eyes and rubbed his temples trying to control the rush of rapture coursing through his veins. "It's not a big deal." His statement did not match his inner thoughts. He was so unusually affected tonight from a trivial smell. This was a big deal. He began to draw suspicions about this woman, if she had planned this encounter.

Arianne lowered her head and once again sent her apologies. The clear annoyance on his face indicated his state of minding her actions. "If an apology is not enough. I'm willing to compensate." Her purse was now filled with cash after the vain trip to the wholesale supermarket.

The men besides Dante Carter had a variety of colorful expressions. They wanted to throw some snarky remarks but when the contents of purse was laid before their eyes. The initial belittling attitude dispersed and they began to wonder what sort of identity this woman possessed. For a limited edition bank card that only a handful of people around the world owned to appear in her purse. It was an exceptional mystery. The averted their their eyes and began to assess her appearance.

The striking hair in shade of red sun, made her smooth pale skin glow radiant. They wanted to look more but a hunter green haired man clad in white expensive suit and coat blocked their gazes.

"Mr. Carter, I apologize if my fiancee did anything wrong." Laurence displayed a mild warm smile. His left arm encircled Arianne's waist, brandishing his ownership over the woman.

Arianne still had a smile on her lips but inside she had an impulse to shake his arms off. She was filled with aversion towards his touch. Like a snake crawling on her limbs, his intimacy made her imagined of the predatory scaled mutated beasts luring its prey into trap.

Dante Carter and his group recognized Laurence and when they heard how he had addressed the red haired beauty, they were enlightened of her identity. The Cromwell's only princess. Magnus' sister who said to be dead set on the Rothschild's heir, which means the earlier accident had no mixed intentions and purely a coincidence.

Dante was also surprised, though the emotion was fleeting making it hard for Laurence's to grasp his thoughts. Dante watched their intimacy from the corner of his eyes and caught a faint impatience on the woman's eyes. It was not directed at him nor his subordinates but rather to the one beside her. This made him puzzled, but he was not in position to inquire. "It was only an incident." His voice so cold pierced Laurence will another wave of chill.

"If that's the case Mr. Carter. I wish a good night. I would have love to invite you for dinner but I made an appointment with my fiancee beforehand." Laurence said, deepening his smile and ignoring the drop in the ambiance. His hands slightly roamed Arianne's waist, quite enjoying the feeling. The depths of his night shade eyes twinkled in undescribable delight upon the woman's silent approval.

Arianne was close to smacking Laurence's head. The hair on her body trembled with rouge behavior.

Dante once again detected the displeasure in her face which Laurence wasn't aware. A slight wrinkle emerged on his forehead. It looks like Magnus Cromwell wasn't all that caring towards her sister letting a snake invade his nest. "Suit yourself." He lifted his legs and took large strides. This matter should be handled by Magnus.

His subordinates followed him whilst glancing back at the beguiling beauty.

Laurence waited for them to disappear from his sight before setting his attention on Arianne. Her red hair softly cascading on her back evoke a feeling of possessiveness. Eyes vibrant than any he'd seen, cheeks tempting him to commit crimes and a pair of lips urging him to take a bite. "You look beautiful tonight. Even the moonlight paled in comparison." She was really beautiful, too beautiful to let go. He really wants to...If only Magnus wasn't around.

Smooth and pleasant, his ability to spout flirting praises was really beyond her understanding. Still Arianne didn't let him dominate their conversation. She answered equally in a coquettish manner. "You jests, my fiancee's is far more appealing. I am in awe of your beauty."

For someone who's selfish and treat himself as heaven, Laurence was thrilled with her response. Her unreserved behavior was also very intriguing, it's much more likable than their conversation over the phone this morning. He didn't withdrew his arms. Instead he coiled his arms around her thin waist letting his palm caressed her abdomen. "I really look forward to our marriage." Really looking forward to the nuptial night.

Arianne smiled and didn't respond but her expression so charming and enthralling casted an illusion spell on him leading him to think she was also happily waiting for their marriage.

Laurence escorted the beauty to the private compartment where a candlelit dinner was awaiting. His mood became excited at the thought.

[ +10 Favorability points]

Arianne calmed down her anger after the system notification.

[Edit: The contract just arrived. It's only been two days! It's so fast!]

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