
Villainess By Choice

To be or not to be...a villain — that is her question. Born to a wealthy family, Theresia Liechtenstein grew up with not much worry in the world. Until she learned the truth of their world from the mouth of her lover. With newfound knowledge, Theresia decides to change things in the story she is told. For the ending was something she couldn’t freely accept. With a plan at hand, Theresia forges into the battle of changing the destined path. But her plan soon loses meaning because the heroine is not who she seems to be. Filled with foiled plans, Theresia must now step up her game and be the greater evil she did not expect herself to be. ------------------------------------------------- "Well, I'll be damned~" I singsong in laughter as I watched the little play the heroine was showcasing. "That's the heroine you're all so proud of?" "I---" "She's quite something, I'll give you that," I sarcastically said, cutting him off completely — unimpressed by the woman he declared to be a foe I can't even imagine myself beating. "She's a fox," I added upon noticing how she skipped from one man to another as the party progressed. "That's not something I'd associate with an angelic heroine which you claimed her to be," "That's for plot progression. The men approached her first." I side-eyed him immediately with his lousy defense. "Continue believing that," "Where are you going all of a sudden?" he asked as soon as I turned my back on him and walked off. "To make arrangements," "What for?" I slowly turned around once more, showing him an innocent smile. "I need countermeasures, love. That woman is a green-tea and I refuse to be left defenseless." We'll all be damned if I let that sneaky little fox win everyone over. She's forcing her way into our lives and I refuse to let her take over. If she's looking for an enemy... I'll willingly take her on.

themilesaguanta · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A Beast has its Own Beauty

Royalty equates gold. 

Here in this land—where the belief in the Celestials is the strongest—gold symbolizes royalty and divinity. 

Anyone with golden eyes means they have the power of the Celestials or they have been greatly favored by them.

The Royal family of Hyperion who rules Phedora Theocracy, possesses golden hair that seems to put a mockery at even the purest of gold. Each strand of their hair shines brightly like the highest quality of gold ever to be produced. 

It signifies the love of the Celestial Helios and the blessing of his sun.


Only those who will rule possess Helios' name and his power. Their most notable feature—is their golden eyes that go along their golden hair. They are called the Stellars of the Celestials and they are so loved that they are given power like the gods and goddesses that we praise. 

The Emperor who possesses Helios as his blessed name, has an abundant and never-ending supply of mana. His life is the source of the unlimited mana that runs the empire. 

All children born from him are all proficient in magic and they are all so royal that wherever they walk, light would greet them unconditionally. 

Right now, Raylan and I will be meeting the most royal amongst the royal children and the one who will soon rule our empire—the crown prince

"His royal highness, Crown Prince Zachary will be pleased to know of your visit," the crown prince's equerry muttered as he guided us to the parlor. 

We were already smiling, equally glad to see him again. He's been busy helping the Empress plan the royal hunt that will be done after the Emperor's birthday. 

"How has he been lately? I hope he's not overworking himself," I asked warily. 

"Her highness, Princess Kethra is keeping a close watch. The Empress called her in to help for the Emperor's birthday," 

[ Ah.  ]

[ Then there is no need to worry since Kethra is here. 

She's Zachary's beloved older sister. He'll follow whatever she says since she deserves nothing but respect. 

"Is her Highness inside as well?" Raylan asked, now quite nervous. 

I chuckled at his reaction, knowing he'd be smothered by Kethra. She adores him as much as she adores her siblings because Raylan is simply too cute for her to ignore. 

The equerry simply smiled, already aware of his worries. He knocked on the door three times and announced to the people inside our arrival. 

"Lady Theresia and Lord Raylan have arrived, Your Royal Highnesses." 

When someone inside piped to let us in, the door was immediately opened from the inside. A halo greeted us almost instantaneously. 

Two figures of equal beauty greeted us with a smile. Kethra, who had her blonde hair flowing freely, ran up to us and held my hand. Her majestic cerise orbs akin to a noble rose parole twinkled as though dew dropped.

"I've been waiting!" 

"I greet the---" 

"Oh shush you. Stop acting like a stranger," she muttered before engulfing me in a hug. "I missed you, little Therese!" 

We shouldn't be doing this.

But this is Kethra we're talking about. Anything she wants eventually goes.

Defeated, I surrendered to her hug. I could hear the footsteps of the knights and the doors closing behind them, dismissing the inappropriate actions I just committed. "I missed you too, older sister." 

"This is exactly why I asked you two to visit me before she comes," Zachary muttered from behind his sister. He was crossing his arms and glancing at Raylan to share his concern. "She's hogging Therese again." 

Raylan was already with him, a beautiful smile resting on his face. "Please understand the princess. She's been away from the Capital for quite some time," 

"You get to be with her for 6 months," Kethra replied, facing Zachary with a frown. "Don't go all whiny on me when I'm only asking for a short time with her." 

I chuckled at their banter. [ How I missed this!  ]

Once Kethra released me from the hug, we walked back to the couch to enjoy the desserts prepared for us. 

"How was Lissale, older sister?" 

Her golden eyes twinkled at my question. "It was beautiful! I can't believe I was holding off my visit. Had I known it was such a gem, I would have gone there right after I manifested." 

Phedora Theocracy boosts power and magic. Every citizen, especially those who study at Marian Zios Academy, undergoes a Manifestation Ritual to reveal who they really are. 

It's a ritual to find out where they are proficient and what role they will play in the empire. 

There are various outcomes for everyone. 

For a royal princess like Kethra, there is only one outcome—manifesting as a Valkyrie

Her becoming a Valkyrie was predicted ever since her birth. Women with royal bloodline often manifest as Valkyries. The day she was born, a Pegasus was born at the same time in the stables of the Montcroix duchy—indicative of a Valkyrie's birth. 

She has a fierce spirit fitting a noble warrior. This is why, when she manifested, everyone looked up to her as the next heir to the Montcroix Duchy who rules all the Valkyries. 

"Why did you even hold it off?" Raylan asked, now enjoying the chocolate mousse prepared. 

Kethra looked at Zachary who was innocently looking at her. She smiled warmly at her brother who is 3 years younger than her. 

"I was too attached to my identity as Princess…and to my role as Zachary's sister," she admitted, her face displaying nothing but honesty. 

Raylan and I watched Zachary soften his gaze at her. "I know you'd worry, that's why I was trying my best to stand on my own." 

"You still have a lot of habits I need to watch over, Zach," she stated before turning to me. "Luckily, I have Therese to take over." 

"Oh. I may not be the best option for that." I hurriedly muttered in reply which made Kethra look at me curiously. 

She knows the power I hold over our friends and the people around us. That's why she wanted to entrust Zachary to me, knowing full well he would listen without complaint. But I have too much on my plate already.

I saw the confusion in her eyes so I smiled knowingly at her. "I have my hands tied with Leon, you see." 

"Ah," Kethra muttered before her face turned into a frown. "I can take care of that for you if you want." 

[  By taking care, she must mean murdering him. 

"No, thank you," I replied honestly. "He's defective, but he's still family."

Kethra could only nod her head in agreement. We have seen countless times how complicated a family can be. Even if the child could be of a cruel nature, some parents simply cannot abandon them because it's their child. 

"You should find him a wife," Zachary suggested. It was obvious why he'd even suggest this.

He doesn't want to be the only one getting urged to marry in our circle. 

This time, I vehemently shook my head. "Even if women frolic him, no one dares take him as their fiancee. They want him to change first." 

"I don't think their parents would agree despite his status," Raylan muttered. He had been to countless social events that only involved men, and oftentimes, those who have younger sisters would automatically erase Leon's name from the candidates for their hand in marriage. 

"This is why I repeatedly asked him to change," 

"He'll only change once he regrets it," Kethra stated as she patted my sullen shoulders. "He's a grown-ass man. You don't need to always look out for him. Soon enough, Leon will get to taste his own medicine." 

[ A heartbroken Leon will be a handful.  ] I thought to myself. 

"You should be the one finding a wife right now, Zach." 

Zachary shook his head at his sister's suggestion. Kethra crossed her arms at this action of his and raised her brows.

"What do you mean no? You'll be 18 soon. You need to have a fiancee before the manifestation ritual. You need someone to share the burden of manifesting as Helios." 

As the crown prince, finding a great bride is also a part of his duties. He needs to make sure the woman he chooses will have the capability to govern the empire with him. 

What's more. He needs to find one this year before winter comes. 

He's been holding off finding a fiancee due to his studies and he was allowed to do this only because all of us are confident he'd find one in no time. 

But Zachary didn't find one that fits what his duty wants. 

"Mother has been stressing about this lately," Kethra shared while looking at Raylan. "Do you have recommendations, Raylan? You're with Zach most of the time in the Academy. Does he have a crush on someone?" 

Raylan chuckled as Zachary blushed. The latter was shaking his head, begging him to shut his mouth. 

But Raylan was enjoying things too much and he has a natural annoying nature resting within him. "Well…knowing his crush would have been better, but all I know is his ideal type." 

Kethra's ears immediately perked up. "Why did you not say so?! Having an ideal type is plenty enough." 

"Ray, I beg of you," 

"There's no harm in letting the princess know," 

I chuckled loudly at their interaction. "It's fine Zach. Even if older sister knows, she can't forcibly make you fall for someone." 

Kethra nodded her head. "That's right. Think of it simply as a suggestion. No harm done." 

"No harm done?" Zachary reacted, disbelief marked on his face. "There may be no harm done, but think of how my time has been used on tea parties masked as blind dates. I could have used that time attending to my duties." 

"Zach, focusing solely on your duty is not the right way." Kethra suddenly lectured, now turning serious about this. "I can't fight fault in your socializing skills since you have your own circle of friends and your supporters love you. But your anti-romantic attitude will get you nowhere." 

With her words, the ambiance of the room turned quite darker forcing Raylan and I to look at each other—hoping the other one would have the right tactic to diffuse the situation. 

"I…I just need a bride worthy of the crown." 

His sister immediately heaved a sigh. "You should find someone that your heart wants, not what your duty dictates." 


"Father loves Mother. He willingly took on the Grand Duke so he could have her hand in marriage. Even though she's only adopted and not someone everyone would see as a woman worthy of the crown, he chose her." Kethra argued, wanting to make sure Zachary got the picture. 

She caught his attention with this. "Mother may have not been worthy at first, but now she's the Empress everyone adores and respects. The woman you choose will be educated in her duties and she will eventually learn to govern." 

"But she will not last long unless she has your love. You will not last long either if the woman you choose does not love you back, even if she's the most elegant and noble of them all. Without love for each other, you cannot govern in harmony." 

With this, Zachary fell into deep contemplation. Everyone has been a witness to the Emperor and Empress' love for each other. Despite many attempts to give him a concubine, the Emperor did not waver and refused everyone else. 

Because he only has his eyes set on the Empress. 

"So what's his ideal type?" Kethra suddenly asked, immediately eradicating the bad air that was setting in. 

Raylan looked at Zachary, wanting to make sure he approved of this. When the latter gave a small smile, Raylan continued to answer as honestly as he could. "He wants someone who has a bright smile that can brighten up the room," 

"Alright, that's a hard one right off the bat," Kethra mumbled which made me chuckle. 

"That's very specific," I added before nodding my head at Raylan, urging him to ignore our commentary and continue on. 

"Someone who is kind, but is still able to defend herself when needed. She needs to know when to forgive and when to hand out appropriate punishments. She needs to be fluent in at least 4 languages and is intellectual enough for him to converse with. She needs to know politics well enough to have a debate with him. She needs to be elegant, refined and has a good sense of fashion. She needs to be well-rounded in not only handicrafts but in weaponry as well. And---" 

"Hold up," Kethra interrupted. "Let's take a moment to take all that information in." 

While she did this, I turned to Zachary with a knowing smile. "Are you sure you don't have your eyes set on someone? It seems like you're drawing inspiration somewhere for this ideal type," 

"What are you talking about?"

Influenced by Rayaln, I wriggled my brows in delight to tease him. "Do you have a crush on Aris?" 

"Aris?" Kethra immediately inquired, glancing at me and Raylan curiously. "Countess Highmore's daughter?" 

Aris Highmore. She's the eldest daughter of Countess Highmore who is renowned for her splendid business in trade. They are considered the wealthiest of the Counts and a family that boosts its connection and power in producing plenty of Paladins. 

"What?!" Zachary reacted in disbelief. "What nonsense? She's a friend!" 

"A friend can be a potential love interest," I muttered, still wriggling my brows. "Who said you can't have a crush on a friend?" 

Zachary looked momentarily tongue-tied. I saw from my peripheral view, that Kethra was giving Raylan a side-eye for this commentary of mine but I was confused as to why she would do so.

"Aris is a fine young lady," Kethra commented while coughing. 

"She is both strong and refined," I added making Zachary heaved a sigh. 

He could only massage his temple as both Kethra and I continued wriggling our brows at him and coupling it with a knowing smile. "Aris is indeed all that, but she's nothing more than a friend to me. She has her priorities and I have mine." 

I hummed his way despite knowing what he said made sense. Aris is a great friend of mine and one of my sparing partners. As the eldest daughter and a great swordswoman, since she was young, Aris is given her own knight order to command. 

Zachary has his duty as the crown prince. 

While Aris has her eyes set on commanding her knights and making them the best. 

"Well, we can take her as an example and find a woman closer to her image," Kethra grumbled in surrender. "Someone who isn't a friend since you seem to not like the idea of it." 

Zachary immediately heaved another sigh at this. "You don't need to go search for a woman. I'll know when she's the one." 

"You sound so confident when you don't even know the first thing about love," 

"I may not know but I do know that it can't be forced," he defended before raising his brows. "You just implied that earlier." 

Kethra halted her grumble and looked him in the eye. "Right. I did." 

"Older sister seems experienced. Did it go well with Lord Beckett?" I asked curiously. The princess shared with me numerous times how she has a crush on the second son of Marquis Beckett. 

But I haven't heard any updates since she went to visit Lissale. 

Kethra slowly revealed a smile and raised her hands, making sure both of us saw the ring on her finger. It has a bedazzled yellow sapphire as a centerpiece with halo-like diamonds circling the gem. "He wanted to surprise." 

"He went to Lissale?!" I asked in surprise. Lissale is the home of Valkyries so there are plenty there, and when they are together it can be very intimidating. 

The Beckett's are known bookworms and they have quite timid personalities. Oftentimes, they are even associated with the word cowardly. The second son of the Beckett family—Isadore Beckett—is perhaps the most shy. 

Kethra slowly nodded her head, appearing to be shy but her hands were still raised so the others could admire the ring. "He was brave enough to do it." 

"I guess he wasn't that much of a coward as everyone says," I muttered before flashing a smile. "I'm happy for you, older sister." 

"Now I'm waiting for you and the others to have a lover of their own. Have you tried responding to at least one man asking for a date?" 

Raylan who was casually sipping his tea as our conversation progressed couldn't help but place his cup down and listen intently to what I will have to say. He's been acting like my older brothers as of late, always overprotective, especially on matters such as my love interest.

"I don't want trouble, older sister." 

"What then? Are you just going to let them choose a groom for you? You should be the one choosing, Therese. Don't let your brothers block your flowery path to romance." Kethra grumbled because she was one of the people who heard how Leon would annihilate anyone who planned on taking me away from the family. 

I chuckled as her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "I simply haven't chosen anyone…There's still so much for me to enjoy. Right now, I'm more than happy to spend my days with my friends." 

"Your bunch are hopeless," she exasperated. "You are so accustomed to each other's company that now you think it's good enough." 

"Not everything revolves in your vision of romance, sister," Zachary muttered after hearing her words. We all share the same sentiments.

Our circle not choosing romance is okay. We can find it at our own pace and right now, we all understand why each of us decided to set it aside. 

This will be our last year as classmates. We each know deep down that even if we live in the same Capital, even if we enroll in the institute, we will have less time with one another. Once we graduate, we will be carving our own paths. 

"We want to savor such a moment…while we are all still together," he added, looking at his sister with a smile. "Romance can wait." 

Kethra looked at Raylan and me who displayed a gleeful smile and sparkling eyes at her brother's words. She couldn't help but sigh in defeat because she knew deep down that nothing would come if she rushed things and insisted on her ideologies. "Well…I hope your future has romance in mind. I'll keep waiting for good news." 

Zachary sighed this time before looking at me. He shared his thoughts which made me chuckle to myself. [ There's no helping it. She's too neck-deep in romance.  ]


"I shall be waiting in the garden," Raylan muttered as he gave me a reassuring smile. "Have a lovely talk." 

"Thank you, Ray," I replied before entering the Empress' palace. Before disappearing behind the closed door, I glanced back at my companion and saw him getting escorted someplace else by the butler. 

I politely smiled at the servants who greeted me along our way to the Empress' drawing room, enjoying the decorations that we stumbled upon. The Empress' palace was filled with nothing but luxury and only the most noble of servants. Love and care are clearly given in every detail of the place and every food that is served. 

This is why, anyone invited by the Empress will feel overwhelming splendor even as they walk the golden-plated floor. 

"Lady Theresia Liechtenstein has arrived, Your Majesty." the butler of the palace announced before opening the golden doors separating me from the Empress. 

"By the light of the Sun, I greet the Great Aurore of the Sky," I muttered as I lowered myself down for a curtsy. "I, Theresia Liechtenstein von Volkerbirn, humbly present myself to your majesty, Empress Manoe Frona Liechtenstein-Hyperion." 

The empress of Phedora Theocracy is hailed for her beauty and elegance. Her most notable feature is her light blue hair that seems to glister like snow and her angular eyes of cerise shade which the other royal children inherited. 

One would mistake her as fragile at first glance. However, her fiery soul and intelligence reflect on her deceitful smile. 

A smile you'd mistake as of pure intentions, but internally bearing the fury of the phoenixes. 

"Take a seat, Therese." Empress Manoe ordered, her voice dripping in honey and her eyes adoring—bearing no sort of deceit. "I told you the last time that there is no need for you to perform such a long greeting." 

I slowly walked in front of the Empress and took a seat at my designated place. "I cannot do that. You're the empress." 

"And your aunt." she immediately cut off, wanting her family to continue treating her as family. "Brother would have glared at me if he were to hear your greeting." 

My father doing such a thing is a big disrespect, but not impossible. The empress was adored in her time as a Liechtenstein and thus, repays their love with the same amount of respect. 

Whatever atrocities and disrespect they may show to her now, she just lets it slide…which I still find hard to accept. 

"How have you been lately, your majesty?" I asked, worriedly glancing at her physique. "I heard from Zachary that you got sick just recently." 

The empress immediately sighed at the mention of this news. "That child is such a worrywart. It was nothing but a false alarm." 

"May I ask what happened?" 

She sighed once more, remembering the moment when she embarrassed herself in front of her children. "I was playing with the twins. My age simply hindered me from enjoying it." 

"Did you hurt your back?" I asked in concern. I know my Aunt. She would never want to display any form of weakness so even if she felt any pain, she'd endure it as much as possible. 

"I'm still as sturdy as I was before I took on the crown." Empress Manoe confidently muttered with a chuckle. "The twins ended in a brawl when I wasn't looking. There was blood involved and the scene caused me a near heart attack." 

"Are you okay?" I asked, surveying her face. Thankfully, her skin was flushed and vibrant. 

Now my next concern is my younger cousins. "Are they okay?" 

"The twins are fine. I, on the other hand, fainted. I only needed some rest but Zachary insisted that I was sick and needed intensive medical care." 

She saw that incident as unworthy of attention?  ] I questioned as I observed the Lady-in-waiting behind the Empress with a worried look. 

"I worry that he'd be too overreacting when he finds a woman to treasure," she added, finally taking a sip of the tea that was served. 

"Had I been there, I would have done the same. Fainting is serious, Your Majesty. You still have a long reign ahead of you. You need to treasure your body more." 

Despite how many years has it been since she gained the crown, Empress Manoe often times neglects her own health, thinking it as insignificant…when in fact, what happens to her may make or break the empire.

This attitude of hers must have been passed down to Zachary.

"You and Zachary are truly alike," I said while shaking my head. How many times had I already scolded Zachary for this, now even the Empress is making me worry too much.

Empress Manoe laughed loudly after hearing this for she was suddenly reminded of a certain redhead in her youth. "You and brother sound alike." 

Still not satisfied with her nonchalant answer, I decided to offer my aid. "I can help with the upcoming ball, Your Majesty. If you need to rest, there's a lot of us who can offer you help." 

"There's no need to worry about that. Things are going smoothly as I initially planned."

To take her mind off this matter, Empress Manoe motions one of her maids close. As though on cue, they came close bearing a basket covered in pink rose-patterned cloth. "You must be wondering why I invited you if I'm not going to ask for help," 

"I'm just honored you invited me, Your Majesty," I muttered with all honesty. My Aunt is a precious existence to me so I savor all the moments I'm given to be with her. "Even if you simply want to talk, I would have come in a heartbeat." 

The Empress smiled widely at my sincerity. "You will finally be entering your final year in the Academy and I heard you were chosen as the President of the Student Council. It's only right that I give you a gift." 

I was suddenly handed down the basket that the Empress prepared. "Congratulations, my lovely niece." 

Excited, I opened the cloth covering the gift. My eyes immediately shone in delight when they landed on a beautiful creature peacefully asleep in the comfort of soft futons. 

"This…oh my goodness!…your majesty…Auntie…this is amazing!" I exclaimed in between my gasp and giggles—overwhelmed by happiness.

Who wouldn't be excited? 

Inside the basket is a majestic red fox with a coat so shiny you'd never want to touch it for fear of dirtying such a precious thing. It had a white belly and black tips on its ear which I thought would look adorable if it wore clothes. 

The Empress chuckled in delight as I carefully observed the beast. "I'm glad you like her. She's beautiful isn't she?" 

I nodded my head vigorously in response. "This child, where did you find her, your majesty?"

"I asked the Elves for help. In exchange for my support in one of their projects, I was able to ask for a fox." Empress Manoe replied. If I remember, Father told me that the Elves would come to visit and pay tribute. 

"They were more than happy to offer this little child when they heard it was a gift for the young lady of Liechtenstein," she added and it was evident in her face how thankful she was that her family's influence was great enough for even the Elves to show respect.

The image our ancestors built and maintained paid off well. 

I slowly stroked the fox which caused it to move to its side to enjoy my warmth. As it did, I noticed more than one tail move in the other direction causing me to erupt in another series of gasps. "Wait…it's a six-tailed fox!" 

"A fire one at that," she proudly replied while reaching her hands at my red hair. "A special fox for a special lady like you, Therese. She's a child and she'll follow you if you care for her well. Your father wouldn't throw it out, I made sure of it." 

I had always loved animals but I was only allowed a horse as my father feared that other animals would hurt me. Right now, I'm delighted to hear I get to keep and care for it that my happiness radiated too much. "Thank you, Your Majesty! I could give you a hug right now." 

Empress Manoe chuckled as she slowly opened her arms at me who finally received what I had always wanted but was deprived of it. "Well, hug me then!" 

With this, I happily lunged myself in the warm embrace my one and only aunt had to offer. I came closer to her ears and whispered a sweet serenade. "Thank you for this, Auntie." 

"You deserve it, Therese," she mumbled back as she wrapped me tighter in her arms, offering me comfort, warmth, and affection only she could offer. "After all, you're handling a lot on your plates right now. I hope a companion like this child can help with your burden." 

"For this gift, I shall present to you something worthy of you as well, Your Majesty," I said with a smile as I parted embrace with the Empress. A beast with this beauty is worth more than just jewels and gold. 

"Oh my. Then I'll be looking forward to it." the Empress replied before looking at the fox she gifted, probably wondering for its name.

For a name could dictate one's future. "What shall you name this child?" 

My hands involuntarily moved while my eyes remained on the fox. I was admiring it and thinking of how I could raise it well. As my hands delicately stroked its fur, the fox stirred and slowly opened its eyes—revealing golden eyes that held a unique sparkle in them. 

It captured the sun in its eyes. 

A beautiful name immediately drifted into my mind as I saw how majestic it was and how I knew she'd be one of my guiding lights. "Like the sunrise we see in the morning…her name shall be Oriana." 

Satisfaction crossed the Empress' face. "Take good care of her, Therese."

I looked at her and nodded my head, a silent vow to take care of the beast forming in my head. With this, the Empress stood up from her seat, ready to leave for her next appointment. "And again, congratulations. May the celestials bless your day, Therese." 

I stood up immediately and curtsy in respect to the mother of our Empire. "May the celestials bless your day, your Majesty, the Empress."

Now that my appointment was done, it was time for me to return to my escort. I gently picked up the futon in the basket and carried the fox with it. 

As I walked down the stairs of the Empress Palace, I found myself surrounded by a holy presence. It was from the Popes of the Holy Palace.

As soon as I was in front of him, I instinctively bowed my head. The man in front of me is one of the six Popes and he is carrying with him a scepter with a crystal white jewel that matches his white robe. 

The third pope, Anicetus, has a scepter with 'Wisdom' inside it. Like all of the Popes, he had white hair, a symbol of their divinity. His eyes are Atlantic blue in color, with luster you'd mistake as the ocean itself. He was young compared to the other Popes as he had been recently ordained as the third Pope after the previous one passed away in old age.

"May the heavens bless the Moon of the Sky," I muttered, referring to one of the Celestials, Selene, who, although not present, still held great importance to everyone.

"May the heavens bless you, young lady of the phoenixes." Pope Anicetus greeted back, a smile adorning his face. Behind him are his personal Holy Knights who only listen to his orders. "How have you been faring, Lady Theresia?" 

"I have been well, Your Holiness," I replied as I took a careful glance at who was accompanying him. The Third Pope is known to be lax when it comes to his security and believes nothing can hurt him in the Imperial Palace. "Are you here to meet the Empress?" 

"Yes. We need to coordinate for the Emperor's birthday." 

I nodded my head in understanding. The Emperor's ball is something that the Holy Palace considers as a blessing from the Celestials. As such, one or two of the Popes personally handle the matter, especially as it involves a divine ritual to bless the Emperor and thank the Celestials for his existence. 

Pope Anicetus' eyes slowly drifted at the creature stirring for a good position in my arms. As soon as his eyes met the fox, I saw him shiver and disbelief momentarily settled on his face. 

"Your Holiness?" I asked worriedly. 

As the fox opened its eyes, relief immediately flushed his system. "The little lady seems to be in possession of a holy being." 

Bewilderment and excitement crossed my face as soon as such words were uttered. I glanced in awe at the fox I was cuddling whom I thought was merely a beautiful beast. "This child is a sacred beast?" 

Pope Anicetus glances at the fox carefully which is now eyeing him the same way. He could only smile so as to not provoke it. "Not yet." 

"Not yet?" 

"It's still but a child. How you will raise him will determine his future," he replied. "What is this child's name?" 


"A wonderful choice, Lady Theresia." he complimented, probably hoping the name it's given would serve its purpose instead of doing the opposite. "Would it be alright if I give you and this child my blessing?"

"It would be an honor, Your Holiness." I politely replied, carefully holding the fox in my hands and bowing my head to receive the blessing. A blessing from the Pope is the greatest thing we can ever receive. 

The Holy Knights backed away as the Pope gave his signal. As a Holy Sanctum will encircle us, only the one receiving the blessing needs to be close to the Pope or the ritual is void. 

Pope Anicetus gently placed his right hand above my head, careful enough not to touch me as it could cause Selene's Strain—an illness caused by too much holy power that strains the core. His left hand held his scepter that now glows with divine light as his holy power emerges from within him. 

"Sacred celestials," he began, causing holy power to burst out the scepter and envelope them both in an array of golden and divine light—indicating that the celestials were watching. His aquatic eyes turned to gold with swirling white shimmers. "The light of our lives, share my sentiments. Guide these children in your glorious path. Let their thoughts and hearts be one. May their excellence as they journey to happiness under your embrace." 

He slowly transferred his hands above the fox, whose eyes remained glued on him. His eyes glowed gold which deeply pleased the Pope. "Please bless Oriana's path." 

"Blessing to the celestials," I mumbled as I felt the warmth and overwhelming feeling of holy power slowly integrating with my core. A shiver ran down my spine before a comfortable and soft feeling dwelled and settled in. 

"Take care of yourself, Lady Theresia." Pope Anicetus muttered as he completed the blessing—his eyes returning to aquatic blue. "I expect great things from you." 

I placed my hand on my chest to bid him farewell when I saw the Empress' Aid walking in our direction. "May the heavens continue illuminating your path, Your Holiness." 

"May the heavens bless your path, Lady Therese." 

His Holy Knights immediately followed as soon as the Pope walked away, leaving me in a giddy mood. "Let's go home, shall we?" 

"Oriana~" I gently called out before nuzzling it in my neck. My father will be in for a surprise once I return with such a beautiful beast.


Behind The Scenes: (Zachary's POV)

"Enjoying the tea?" I inquired towards my dear friend who was left alone in the garden to fend for himself. 

Raylan looked at me with a smile. "Crown Prince," 

"Wipe off that smile, Raylan. My cousin isn't here so there's no need to put up a fake smile." I said as I took a seat beside him. Raylan is good, but I like him better when he's rude and honest with himself. 

"Why are you here?" 

I motioned my hands towards the servants for tea and shooed away the guards near us. There's no need to guard me when Raylan is around. "I'm here to accompany your lonely soul," 

"I was fine on my own, thank you very much." 

I chuckled at his answer. "Therese will be shocked once she sees this side of you." 

He immediately side-eyed me and smirked. "What side? You're the only one allowed to see this and you're much of a good man to reveal this to her." 

"You can't be too sure," I argued back, offended by how he sees me as soft. 

His smile darkened even more. "I took precaution."

Slowly, he leaned closer to me and I instantly surrendered to what he said next. "Wouldn't it surprise them even more if I reveal you have a woman you wish to pursue already?" 

"You're such a jerk when Theresia isn't around," I commented before sipping the tea that had been served. Gosh, hurry up dearest cousin. You need to find out how twisted your angel can be. 

I just noticed Bold and Italic function in Webnovel. Will be editing my previous chapters. See you soon for another update. <3

themilesaguantacreators' thoughts