
Villainess Becomes A Merchant Of Death

Cynthia was scorned by her family as an illegitimate child. She didn't care as she had her sick mother to worry about. Her half-brothers told her to stay away from the family business. She cared more about her mother's hospital bills. Cynthia fell in love with a man but her half-sister ended up with him instead. She did whatever she could to retain that man but failed. In the process, she gained deepened hatred from her siblings. She wiped her regrets and left the family after graduation with her now healthy mother and started her own successful business. Cynthia even found someone who she could call her true love. Unfortunately, her father gave her a large part of his company's shares as an inheritance. She was dead the next day. Fate wasn't having it with the poor girl not getting any breaks so it decides to let her be rebirthed 20 years in the past. Our story takes place on the Planet Gaia, alternate earth with superpowers and monsters pouring out from mysterious gates. -------- This is my first novel and I'm still learning. Give me a chance and feedback in the comments or reviews when we are well in will be appreciated.

Ashley_Dannes · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

What is a Heroine?

What is a Heroine? According to the internet, a woman is admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. She is the chief female character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize. (Just g*ogled it.)

According to the system, people like main characters do exist in real life across many of the star systems, galaxies, and dimensions.

Apparently, all planets have their own will, their own consciousness. This consciousness has both a personality and the goal to keep itself safe.

If it believes the existence of itself to be threatened, it will choose a person and bestow them with things that will be used to beat whatever puts in danger.

If the planet thinks it's not in trouble, then it supports someone of its living in either becoming a rich and powerful person or helping a girl be surrounded by countless suitors.

These heroes and heroines have lives that are seen in fiction stories, have infallible luck and nothing can take them down. They are either for saving the world or entertaining it.

The system has identified Lilly as the fated person chosen by the consciousness of our planet, Gaia.

"What is she fated to do?"

[Based on the user's memory and the current state of this planet's future, I believe she is a mix between a romance and action main character.

Not only will she be surrounded by handsome male leads but she will also become stronger with her efforts and their support.

She is most likely fated to save the world from an unidentified disaster.]

Cynthia fell into deep thought. She was only planning on taking some revenge against those that had harmed her but did not expect to be part of some plot to save the world.

She realized that even though she had read a lot of novels in the past, there was a need for more information so she could be prepared for whatever is to happen.

She sighed and let out a question that had started to bug her."Does the world know of your existence?"

[Gaia does not know of my existence. I am protected by the power of cheats.]

"Power of cheats? Why does that sound so fitting yet bland?"

[The creators of cheats don't have much of a talent for naming. The warning that the system wants to provide you is to stay out of the protagonist's path. You must try not to intervene in cliched plots.]

"It's too late for that. We are starting to get along pretty well and you can't make me turn away from her now." Cynthia has read many novels where the main female lead has a step or half-sister that she is estranged with.

This sister ends up becoming an obstacle in their path to either strength, love, or both. She clearly remembers being quite cold and spouting hurtful words at Lilly in the past timeline.

She was a naive teen who had just been rejected by her first crush because he liked her younger sister more. Since their relationship wasn't good, it was somewhat understandable that Cynthia did not treat her with kindness.

She now realizes that this was very much cliche, even though she never attempted to harm Lilly, she often did not say the nicest of comments. This was for sure to have gotten her labeled as a minor villainess and might have even been one of the factors to her sudden death.

[Indeed, it is too late for you to become a minor antagonist but you have become a supporting character and must stay that way.]

Cynthia understood very well what the system meant by a side character. In her view, a supporting character is one that occasionally provides support for the protagonist.

Whether it be emotional or through strength, the two helped each other.

The supporting character either sacrificed themselves to help the main character become emotionally empowered or they stayed by their sides through the entire ride.

Their job is to make sure the main character shines in comparison and side characters must never steal the limelight. They can only make sure the M.C. is the one that benefits most.

"So you want me to sit back, watch her grow, and help when necessary."

[That is the basic essence. I do not have much data yet. It will take plenty of time for me to analyze the situation and gather sufficient data. Until then, try to always be a spectator in cliche events like the one at the restaurant.]

"I get it okay. I've read enough. That's enough of that, get the daily roll going." It wasn't hard for her to recognize such events as they were too obvious.

She wanted to put this situation in the back of her head until she could be prepared enough to be proactive.

[Executing Random Spin...

Searching for a user within 10,000 galaxies...

User found...

Congratulations! You can now trade with the user Warfield's Fifteenth Champion.]

And with that, Cynthia had met her second trading partner.

"Hello. Is there anything you would like to trade for?" Cynthia took the initiative to ask if there was something particular that this client wanted. If she got lucky he might have needs that were easy for her to accommodate.

"I want guns." This time, it was a deep, feminine voice.

'GUNS? You want guns. How am I supposed to get my hands on that?' Cynthia was in a daze as there was no way she could just walk up to someone in this family and ask for guns.

The only people with guns here are the bodyguards and they only have small pistols.

The system didn't lie, that wasn't luck yesterday. the system was just being nice to a newbie. She needed to work very hard this time. She didn't mind though as she had done plenty of tougher deals.

"Anything else?" Nevertheless, she wouldn't show her frantic state and kept her voice cool and confident.

"Some grenades and other types of explosives. I need things that can topple a building with ease. Firepower, the more the better."

These were also things that she couldn't get. This request was impossible with the government's strict control over guns. Only companies that supply directly to governments had the legal credentials to manufacture them.

There was no way she could get military-grade equipment legally, it had to be from the black market.

"How much would you like? How fast do you need them?" Cynthia was sure that either this person partakes in terrorism or lives on a battlefield as her name suggests. These questions were going to decide if she would even attempt to do a trade.

"10 hours. I have an emergency to handle. I would be in an unwanted scenario after this time. As for how many I want, it depends on what you have to offer. I need to inspect the specs."

'10 hours...I can do it. Sure it will be very complicated and even has some elements of danger but I can get this done.' Cynthia does not have any of the connections she had made in the weapons industry in the future now that she's a teenager again.

This doesn't mean that she can't meet them once more. She knows so many secrets about numerous legal and illegal weapons manufacturers. She knows where they sell, how they sell, and where they get their products from.

In her mind is stored a complete archive of blackmail material on everyone from current and future CEO"s to some powerful politicians. Being in industry and competitive as arms dealing, she had to play dirty.

If you didn't play all the cards you can get, your competitors would chew you up like hyenas.

"Give about 5 hours. I will send you samples then but before that, what do you have to offer." Cynthia needed to know if the woman on the other side could provide something of use.

"A third of my world has become inhospitable because of mutant creatures. I hunt these mutant creatures to sell their body parts.

They can be used to create serums that boost certain human attributes such as speed, strength, intelligence, and stamina. I have just sent you the information."

There was a string of data with a 3D hologram that depicted an array of tubes in various colors.

[Grade 1 Strength Oriented Serum- Multiply attack force of user by x1.3, Effects are Stackable up to 3 times.

Grade 1 Speed Oriented Serum- Multiply overall speed of all movements by x1.2, Effects are stackable up to 3 times.

Grade 1 Intelligence Oriented Serum- Multiply overall memory and processing speed by x1.2, Effects are stackable up to 3 times.

Grade 1 Stamina Oriented Serum - Multiply Stamina by x1.35, Effects are stackable up to 5 times. ]

Cynthia was sure that there were higher grades but her client surely would not trade with them as if they might be too valuable.

She didn't mind this at all since there was a line that clearly stated that one cannot take higher-grade serums without completing full doses of the lower-grade ones.

This made sense as the human body can in no way adapt to incredible changes in the physicality of the body in a short amount of time.

It was no surprise that it took grueling effort and a lengthy amount of time for pro athletes to build up the parts of the body they use most. These serums were small cheats in a way that skipped all that hard work and time.

"Alrighty then, I will send the samples soon. Bye."Cynthia knew that she wanted these serums on her hands and she was going to do her best to do so.


The other side gave no response so she assumed that they didn't like wasting words and might be a busy person.

Cynthia had already sent data to her client about the weapons in her world from everything the system could gather online.

The Champion did not respond as she might be one of those people who like to feel the effectiveness of a weapon by hand.

"Time to get started." Cynthia stretched her arms and legs. She cracked her knuckles and then proceeded to open her smartphone.

"Hey, what's up." Natsumi's sweet voice was heard from the number she called.

"I need your help. Take me to the Martiana Black Market." Cynthia asked emotionlessly.

"CLACK!" The response she got was that of Natsumi's phone falling to the ground.

The chapter is weak because I just wanted to bury your faces with exposition. I didn't want the exposition to mess with the flow so all the juice is poured into the next chapter. Thanks for reading! :) :) :)

Ashley_Dannescreators' thoughts