
Villainess's Love: A Boon Or A Curse

Destiny plays the biggest role in one’s life! It could take you to heaven from hell or throw you down from heaven to hell, and when it comes to Love, It plays the biggest role in one’s life. If destiny is in your favor, then love will become a boon but… If it’s against you, the same love in the form of a boon would become the biggest curse in the form of a wound in one’s heart. The same thing happened to Neel Singh Rathore! He belongs to one of the richest families in the world and had everything he needed but he still felt empty in his heart until one day he saw a girl in the rain, trying to hold onto her umbrella! The moment he saw her, He lost his most precious thing to her: His heart! It was love at first sight and now all he wanted was to be with her and spend all his life with her till the last breath he had in his body. He loved her, she loved him back! “Saranya! If there is no you, there is no meaning of my existence in this universe!” “I know! It’s the same for me! I might become a walking dead without you!” Everything was going well but who would have thought that she would trample on his dignity to the point where he couldn’t understand if he should be with her like a loyal dog or save his dignity? But in the end, all he wanted was to be with her! Either she hates him or loves him, he would never leave her! Because he knew that, she could never leave him! If he was in pain then she must be in double the pain he was feeling at that moment! He decided to wait for her to come back and one day, she did come back with a little baby girl claiming to be her father and making him happy to the point where they fought against the cruel destiny, being one together once again and fighting with all the hurdles that might come between them! - - - - - - - - - “No! Don’t look at me! My body is full of scars, which might make you feel disgusted and you might end up hating me!” Saranya said while trying to hide her back which was full of wounded scars. “What are you saying?” Neel said as he kissed her back lightly, “You have nothing which I would hate! Even the ugliest scar is the most beautiful treasure for me!” He said and made her look at his face and wiped her tears away with his lips and then started kissing her softly, making her heart go all soft and full of fuzzy and warm feelings! ------ Disclaimer:- The story travels from present to past, so please don’t be confused! You will eventually understand!

ARU · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Do Whatever You Want!

"What are you doing Neel!?"

Saranya said as she tried to shake his hand away. But however powerful she was, When it came to him, she was as weak as a lamb!

Hearing her words, Neel got irritated and pushed her on the wall.

"Is that so? You really hate my touch so much?"

He said and let go of her as he said, "Look at me! See how rich I am! Now, am I worthy of sleeping with you!?"

Saranya kept her eyes closed and tried to look at him.

She couldn't see clearly but she could tell how good he must be looking at the moment.

He was wearing all black, with white shirt inside!

She knew that he never liked black as much as he did the lighter colors.

Neel said and looked at her but when he saw that she was not even looking at him, it made him angry!

He went to her and held onto her cheeks and made her look at him but she still had her eyes closed.

"What? Do you really hate me so much that you still don't want to see me!?"

He said as Saranya suppressed a lot of emotions that were going on in her.

In this world, He was the only man who could shake up all her emotions inside her, this bad!

"I… I want to go back!"

Hearing this, he smirked at her and said, "Really? Do you think that I want to stop you here? But seeing the way you don't want to open your eyes in front of me, makes me laugh!"

"Is that so? Or are you the same as your friend?"

"Wh… What?"

"What… What? Did you not just ask me if you are worthy enough to sleep with me!"

Saranya said while clenching her teeth.

"Why not! If you are ready to sleep with anyone then… I can offer you the same!"

Neel said as he too clench his fist and teeth.


She said and ripped her shirt off!

"Do whatever you want to! I am in a hurry"

Her this act left Neel rooted at his place!

He couldn't believe it!

She was standing in front of him with her ripped shirt!

"And Yes, Mr. Neel! I will not take a single cent from you!"

She said and went to him and started caressing his chest in a lewd way.

"It will be your exclusive benefit for being my husband once!"

All he wanted to see was her look of repentance but this girl, in front of him, was as cruel as ever!

"You! Do you really think that I would touch a girl as dirty as you!?"

Neel didn't want to say all those words but for some reason,  his heart was aching more than she would feel hurt.

"What are you saying? You were the one who said once that you love every part of my body!"

Saranya said in a seducing tone, that made him feel disgusted even more!

"Is that how you trap men?"

"Nope! They are just like you! Drowned in my blue eyes that I hate the most!"

As she said and for the first time she opened her eyes in front of him.

"Wha… What is this?"

He was stunned!

She was wearing blank lenses.

"You know what, Mr. Neel! I hate everything you like and to be honest, I hate myself more because of you!"

She said and closed her eyes, "Do whatever you want, soon! Since I am not charging you, I won't give you more than 15 minutes!"

She said tiptoed and kissed him on his lips.

Saranya started nibbling and sucking on his lips as one of her hands snaked around the back of his neck!

Neel couldn't tell if he wanted to continue with this or push her away and slap her!

In the end, he decided to push her away from him.

"What? Did you not want this? Now that I am giving you a free service, why are you not taking it?"

Saranya mocked him as Neel was in disbelief.

"You know what! No matter how big a beggar can become, He would always be a beggar! And beggars can't be choosers!"

Saying this, she pushed him away from him and walked away.


Neel said in a shaking voice, "Yes, I am a beggar and for these 3 years, I have begged God to make you come back to me! But you know what… I think He did the best thing for me!"

He said as he wiped the corner of his eyes.

Saranay couldn't see what he was doing but she could feel what he must be doing.

"I broke my promise for the first time to you and showed my face first! I will always regret it!"

Saying this he brushed past her but Saranya caught his hand and said, "No! Be thankful to God, You didn't break any promises!"

As soon as she said this, she was stunned!

She was about to tell him that she can't see anymore.

"What the hell are you saying!"

"It's simple, I didn't see your face! And remember one thing, I would never appear first, in front of you!"

Leaving his hand, she walked away from there and called Sam, "Dude! I want to be alone for a while! Tell Ritz that I will go there after 2 hours! As I want to filter my soul from some stupid thing that just happened to me!

She said and hung up the call before waiting for him to say anything but Neel heard it all as he saw her walk away further from him.

The further away she was, the more he hated her and the more pain he was feeling in his heart.

After this meeting, the little bit of hope he had in his heart seemed to be shattering right in front of his eyes!

"I waited so long for your explanation, but I am still a beggar in your eyes, even after doing all this!